True light
chapter 1 not necessary

XxX AN hey ya'll this is my first Gravi and yaoi fic i hope you like review if you go review if you don't

Disclaimer-If you think I own gravitation you probably can't operate a seat belt either way you shouldn't be out in public unsupervised if you think either of these are true

I stood outside the school not knowing why I was here, I didn't have any powers I already knew, understood and accepted it. I was actually kind of grateful as well. But still I was dragged here waiting for my uncle to register me into this school for people with powers, which I didn't have. You see my uncle and two other people founded this school 4 years ago for people with abilities, powers outside the norm. A lot of my friends have already been transferred here because of their abilities, even my own sister, leaving me alone. My uncle appeared from the door seemingly out of nowhere.

"Shuichi I see you made it here fine." he smiled coming closer putting his hand on my shoulder. "I'm so proud that my nephew is finally getting into this school," He continued "Now lets introduce you to everyone, and get you enrolled."

I smiled at least I'll get to see my friends again. He is already half way to the door, I have to run to catch up with him. I brush my pink hair from my face, something taps my shoulder. I jump shocked, I here Elizabeths familiar laughter, and she appears, her power of invisibility will give me a heart attack one day. She gives me a hug, I smile brightly. "Hey Elle, I see you still love scaring me." I laugh,

"Hey! Shu-chan miss me?" she smiles even brighter I knew she has had a crush on me for forever but I never felt anything stronger than friendship about her.

"Of course why wouldn't I miss my favourite ghost." I hug her tighter glad for the familiar face.

My Uncle chimed in "If you'll excuse us Elizabeth we have to enroll Shu here in school or you won't see him for some time." She nods humming as she disappears towards her room, I guess. We pass a lot of students on the way to the main office, most of which bow when they see my uncle. We pass the dorms when we make our way to the office.

I sigh as he leads me to a door, Third in a row, I guess the three founders because my uncles name is the middle door Makato Kiyoshi, labeled Kumiko Yutori I could hear
two voices from behind the door. Makato smiled and opened the door not knocking. "Bickering again you two, am I the only one working here? I brought my nephew, here too."
I looked at my uncle he nudged me I took it as a cue to introduce myself "I'm Shindo Shuichi. Pleased to meet you." I nodded. The blond man looked at my uncle than me. From the corner of my eye I saw Makato shake his head.

The blond man with the teal eyes introduced himself. "Seguchi Tohma, I've heard Makato talk about you." Something about the smile plastered on his face scared me.
The woman with soft brown hair stood from her desk "Yutori Kumiko sorry you had to witness that." she smiled.

I decided now would be a good a time as any to tell them the mistake my uncle made "I'm sorry but someone somewhere must have made a mistake, because I don't have any powers." I laughed I knew I would rather leave now then be kicked out later.

To my surprise they all laughed my uncle was the first to recover "Shuichi listen to me you have powers. They probably haven't awakened yet, or are you going to tell me I have made a mistake?"

I was confused to say the least I wondered what my face looked like. Kumiko answered my confusion "Your uncle has the ability to sense if someone has powers and apparently he senses something strong from you." I sighed how stranger could this day get?...

Remember this is my first gravi fic R&R please