
Nunnally turned around when she saw a black masked figure standing behind her in the mirror. Her violet eyes were wide and full of anticipation.

She did not truly know the identity of her mysterious guardian and the hero who brought about the death of her beloved older brother a few months ago. Though he was escorting her everywhere and assisting her in her royal duties and though she could see again, she didn't know how to ask for his name or identity.

"Nunnally," the masked Zero said softly. "Aren't you scared of me?"

"Why should I be scared of you?" she answered with a smile. Her wheelchair glided forward and she embraced him. She was shorter than him; she reached up to his waist. He stiffened. "I will know your voice anywhere, Suzaku-kun."

The man pretending to be the legendary Zero smoothed back her hair. She hugged him tighter. His voice was slow and sad. "How did you know?"

"I just do," she said quietly. Then she released him. "I know your voice and your identity but I promise that I won't say a word. That's my promise. Can you give me something in return?"

"What would that be?" the older boy asked, curious.

"Let me see your face."

Nunally vi Britannia watched as he removed his mask and knelt down in front of her. Violet eyes misted over and she reached out a trembling hand that he met halfway. Her tears spilled when he kissed her little fingers.

For the first time in her life, she was looking at Kurunugi Suzaku who sheltered them when they went to Japan and was a friend to her. The warm and strong hands had held hers when she was scared; they also thrust the sword that killed her brother. His warm green eyes contained his broken and battered soul. She cupped his cheek tenderly.

"We didn't want you to see," he said very gently "what a murderer looks like."

"Stupid," she admonished softly "because Euphie-neesan said that you looked like the most handsome hero before. I agree."

Suzaku smiled sadly. He covered her hand and pressed it to his cheek. "We both lost someone very close to our hearts. I hope you'll forgive me for trying to fill in for..."

She nodded to acknowledge their shared pain. They couldn't even say his name and declare that Lelouch vi Britannia was the greatest hero of all. "I am not Euphemia," she reminded him in a soft voice.

"We'll manage," he said as he leaned forward to kiss her cheek. "When you're ready, I'll make my promise come true."

Nunnally tilted her head, confused. "What promise?"

His smile was charming when he tapped her lips gently. "You wanted me to give you a kiss when we were children. I'll give that when you're ready."

Her blush made him laugh.

"Yes, I think we'll manage," Nunnally beamed. "We'll keep our promises to each other."


A/N: Written for snowdevil_crow in LJ. Suzaku and Nunnally are so cute together.