A/N: Hey all! This one came to me and wouldn't leave me alone for a while, so I figured while I have free time, I might has well write it down. This will be a three chapter fic. Chapter 2 is already completed, I'm just not sure where exactly to go for chapter 3. And I'm still working on the sequel to Of Courage and Strength. Enter in shameless plug for my own stories. Go read it!

Disclaimer: Still don't own anything. But it needs to be Tuesday and I need to see this season finale. Slightly dying right now, and I keep watching the preview on YouTube. Ugh NCIS is too good for me to own!!!


It was a slow morning at NCIS. Gibbs and his team members were investigating a Petty Officer who was extremely in debt and owned loan sharks money. To earn this money, he involved himself with drugs and prostitution, and was now under investigation. Gibbs, along with Ziva, had left to talk to the Petty Officer's mother.

McGee had gone down to visit Abby since there was not much to do upstairs. Tony was supposedly checking to see if he could pull up anymore information on the Petty Officer's background, but instead, he was tossing paper balls into the McGee's trashcan. Although, it was not nearly as much fun if the Probie wasn't there for target practice.

Tony leaned back and stretched in his seat, when he noticed a young girl standing at the head of the bullpen, looking around nervously. She had light, curly brown hair; dark, worried eyes, and could not be older than twenty-five.

"Can I help you?" Tony asked her. Her head snapped towards him, and Tony felt a sudden sense of de-ja-vu, although he couldn't place why.

"Ziva David," She stated. Tony raised his eyebrows. Was she asking if he was Ziva? Surely, Ziva is not a common name in America, but it still sounds like a girl's name. The girl chuckled. "I apologize; my English is not great," She said with a thick accent that Tony couldn't quite place. "I am looking for Ziva David."

"Oh," Tony said, sitting up. "Uh, she just stepped out with my boss for a bit. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Do you know when she will return?" The girl asked, ignoring his question.

"No, like I said, she just left. They're following a lead for a case; it could be minutes or hours before she returns. Uh, do you mind telling me who you are?"

The girl smiled gently, but there was sadness in her eyes. "I am an old family friend," Was all she said. She looked around. "Is this her desk?" She asked, walking towards Ziva's desk.

"Yes… I wouldn't touch anything if I were you. Ziva gets a little angry when people touch her stuff," He warned. The girl only chuckled again and ran her hands along the top of the desk.

Tony pulled out his phone, snapped a quick photo of her, and sent it to his email. Within minutes, he found her passport information and her records.

"Sophie Rhefeldt?" The girl looked up, and Tony smiled. Ha, he thought. Good ol' fashion police work wins again! "German citizen. Graduated from University of Pisa in Italy last year. Danced with the German ballet for eight months." He glanced up at her again. "That's funny, you don't look German or Italian."

"Looks can be deceiving, yes, Agent DiNozzo?" She smirked back, surprising Tony. Before Tony could open his mouth and say anything, McGee walked back into the bullpen. He stopped and looked at Sophie, who was now sitting at Ziva's desk.

"Hi…" He said, glancing at Tony, who shrugged his shoulders in return. Sophie stood up and offered her hand.

"Sophie Rhefeldt," She introduced herself. McGee shook it and introduced himself as well, while Tony looked on incredulously.

"What, you introduce yourself to him, and make me look you up?"

She shrugged and smiled again. "You would only tell him who I was. No use in beating around the tree, yes?"

"Bush," Tony and McGee said automatically, then shared surprised looks. Sophie rolled her eyes and muttered something in what sounded like German.

"So, Ms. Rhefeldt," Tony says, leaning forward on his desk. "How do you know our Officer David?"

She looked back up at him and smiled, although again, joy did not fully reach her eyes. "Like I said, old family friends."

"Oh, come on. How long have you known her? Did you know her before she joined Mossad? Where you the one who got her into Mossad? No, don't tell me," Tony paused, looking sideways at Sophie's expectant face. "Are you the lesbian lover?"

Sophie laughed. "Lesbian lover? No, I do not think so. We were… close, however." She looked longingly back down at Ziva's pristine desk. "How is she doing in America?"

"Ziva? Oh, she's kicking ass of course. Using her crazy ninja-Mossad moves to bring down bad guys…" Tony trailed off, looking at Sophie with a harsher face now. "How do we know you're not here to try and hurt Ziva or something?"

She looked into Tony's eyes, her face nearly expressionless. She gave a big sigh and looked down. "I have not seen Ziva in half of a decade. I am hoping our reunion will be a… happy one. I would never do anything to hurt her." She chuckled again, and looked back up at Tony. "Does she still carry four guns with her at all times?"

"No… I think she cut back to two…" Tony said, unsure of both his answer.

"Oh, she always carried two in plain sight, but always had two hidden someplace as well. Not to mention her knives, lockpick, various other weapons as well…"

Suddenly, the elevator dinged, and both Tony and Sophie looked expectantly at whoever walked out. Gibbs came first, followed by Ziva. They were still in discussion about their interview with the Petty Officer's mother.

Sophie jumped up and stood in the hall facing the elevator, where Gibbs and Ziva both stopped and looked at her. Gibbs face had confusion written all over it, and he glanced at Tony for answers. Tony, however, was watching Ziva's face go from horror to shock, and finally, her eyes filled with tears.

"Shalom, Ziva," the young girl muttered.
