Epilogue: End of the Story

Flippy woke up the following day and he saw General Alexi was sitting there, asleep.

"General?" Flippy called and General Alexi stumbled out from his sleep.

"Flippy, you are awake." General Alexi said.

"What happened?"

General Alexi paused and replied, "You were found at the paddy field, you were shot a few times in the leg and we had a hard time to take you to treatment."

Flippy soon knew that he was been shot by a communist guerrilla, he asked General Alexi if he will lose his legs, but General Alexi shook his signalling he will be alright.

Flippy stayed in the hospital for the next 2 weeks before he continued to fight the war. After the war, Flippy was promoted as a veteran soldier for his courage during the war. He retired afterwards and went to Happy Tree Town for the next 12 years, but inside his heart and his traumatic mind, his evil was waiting for a trigger to kill…..

(The End)


Well, this capture is very short, but you might get the main idea. I wish for your continuing support of my fan-fiction.

A new Happy Tree Friends Fan-Fiction: Angels and Demon will show up in at 8 June 2009