Ok so here is the next chapter! Review! I feed off of reviews, well that and my friend Aaron innocense, it's friggin hilarious... I have corrupted him so much this year! But if u don't review I have to feed more off of his innocence and I'm not sure how much the poor guy can take before he goes crazy.. oh well... so REVIEW... (says in small voice) please?

I Love You

Lily wasn't surprised to find a howler from mum and da at with the morning post the next day, but her brothers looked at her questioningly when they saw it. It was well worth the howler to kiss Scorp like that though, so she couldn't say she minded at all, she just hoped he didn't get into too much trouble. casting a silence bubble that she had learned how to do in charms last year in one of her more advanced classes she opened it.

Lily Nymphadora Potter! How could you! Your father and I are so disappointed, we thought we raised you better then that... blah blah blah

She winced slightly at the noise but otherwise tuned out the howler, it was what she had expected and she knew they would be over it by thanksgiving, she was surprised they didn't say anything about who she was snogging, oh well. Once the howler had shredded itself she removed her silence bubble and saw a lot of people in the great hall looking at her oddly.

"How did you do that?" asked Skyler, her amazement clear in her eyes.

"How did I do what?" she asked, confused.

"That charm, we don't learn that until seventh year! and even then only if we take NEWT level charms!" she exclaimed.

"Oh, we learned it in travelling school last year, I didn't know, but it does come in handy," Lily replied, not at all perturbed, she noticed Scorpeous had done the same with his and was smiling at her approvingly, he didn't seem at all surprised.

"What was that about?" James asked her on the way back to their dorms to fetch teir brooms, it was finally saturday and quidditch tryouts were in a couple of hours.

"Oh nothing really, Hagrid caught me snogging Scorp and sent owls to our parents about it," she replied, shrugging it off nonchalantly.

"You were snogging Scorpeous?!" Al shouted, loud enough to wake the dead.

"Oh come on, you can't act like you weren't expecting it," said James, surprising them both.

"I still don't ike that my little sis is snogging a Malfoy! bloody hell have you lost your mind?" he asked Lily, eyes wide.

"Oh come on he's not like his father Al," said James, surprising them both once more.

"Great! he's gotten to you too!" said Al, shaking his head and racing ahead of them.

"What got his knickers in a knot?" asked James.

"Sense when do you defend Scorpeous?" asked Lily, amazed.

"Sense we got to talking and I realised he wasn't such a bad chap after all, you two just need to learn a little discretion, seriously you probably gave mum a heart attack!" he said chuckleing.

"AH, she worries too much, da too, they need too get over the fact that we're not ickle firsties anymore."

"Yeah, but unless you want to spend the rest of your days in detention I suggest you keep the snogging a little more private okay?" James asked.

Lily noded a little, smiling as she remembered the tree out by the lake, her back hurt a little from being rubbed up against the tree but she didn't even notice that until later that night, she had been to caught up in Scorpeous at the time.

She grabbed her broom, it was the latest firebolt, same as her brothers, they had gotten them for a back to school gift and couldn't wait to put them to good use. She planned on trying out for the open seeker position and headed off to stand with the others trying out for it, Hugo was one of them and he greeted her with a warm smile. "Hey Lily."

"Hey Hugo, sorry buddy but your going down!" she said, letting all of her confidence leak into her voice, Hugo was one of her favorite cousins but he knew he didn't stand a chance against her as seeker, but he decided to give it a go anyway, she had to give him his props for that, he had courage. When it was her turn she caught every ball Rose, Hugo's older sister and team captain, threw at her. Rose was a seventh year and a bloody good keeper, they would be missing an amazing player when she graduated in the spring, she planned on playing for the harpies like Lily's mum, Genny.

"I can still make sub, and besides, I'm a fourth year, I might get to be seeker after you graduate," he said optimistically, that was what she liked about Hugo, he always looked at the bright side of every situation. She smiled when she landed after performing every stunt she knew to catch the snitch in a record five minutes and saw Scorpeous waving at her on the far side of the pitch. Kicking off again and speeding to greet him he swung up behind her on her broom and she laughed, not even waiting to hear the results she pointed her broom at the lake and landed once they had reached what she now considered 'their spot,' under the old tree by the lake.

"That was bloody brilliant," he complimented, pulling her closer to him.

"It was wasn't it," she teased, smirking.

"You need to be taught some manners young lady," he said, lips just centimeters from hers.

"Oh? and who's going to teach me?" she whipered deviously, he couldn't over how sexy she looked when she challenged him.

"Maybe I don't want yout to have manners," he said, crushing her against the tree once more and licking her bottom lip at the same time. She hungrily granted him access as she wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him back, breaking off in order to kiss along his jaw and nip at his ear.

"You gave me a hickey you know, your lucky I know how to hide it or else you might have had to answer to my brothers."

"I wouldn't have minded all that much, your mine," she grunted against her lips, he didn't mean to say that last part out loud, but he meant it, he was glad he had marked her in some way, even if it wasn't quite the way he wanted.

"Possessive much..... that's alright," she said when she saw him look away, abashed,"I find it a HUGE turn on," she added before pulling his lips back to hers and kissing him passionately.

They broke apart a few minutes later and flew back to the castle, they both had essays due Monday. They worked side by side in the library , every once in a while he would graze her lower back as he reached for another book and she would run her hand up his thigh subtly before returning to her parchment. Eventually they finished their homework and James and Al invited them to play a small game of quidditch with the rest of the family and some friends. he happily agreed and they made their way down to the pitch.

Weeks went by and soon they were all packing their things for the thanksgiving holidays. Lily and Scorpeous were out under their tree enjoying what little time they had left together before they were separated, his hands were buried in the back pockets of her jeans and her hands were massaging his abs, he had a six pack an she smiled, that hadn't been there at the start of term, he had been working out a lot now that he started playing quidditch with her and her family, he was a fairly decent chaser and he had only gotten better as time went on.

"I'm going to miss you," he said mournfully against her lips.

"You have no idea," she agreed, laying her head on his chest.

"I love you," he said it so softly she almost didn't hear it. Here eyes went wide and she hugged him tighter, it was the first time either of them had said it out loud, although they had both been thinking it for a while.

"I love you too, more than should be physically possible, especially this early on, and it scares the shite out of me." she replied, whispering against his chest.

"I know, it scares me too, but I'm glad I do, I wouldn't have it any other way," he replied, kissing her forehead and then her lips, tenderly, lovingly, longingly.

"You'll owl me right?" she asked uncertainly.

"Every day," he assured her, his words vibrating her mouth as he continued to kiss her, " but unfortunately we have to go now."

"I know," she replied sadly.

They walked back to the castle in silence, just enjoying each others company. He had his arm wrapped around her shoulders, hers were wrapped tightly around his waist, her head buried in his chest as she shivered slightly from the cold.

The train ride was spent in silence as well. They spent the time memorizing each others faces, gently caressing each angle and curve, he hugged her on his lap and she curled into his chest, neither felt the need to speak, there was nothing that needed to be said.

All too soon the train ride was over and he helped her get her trunk down before grabbing his own and passing her off to her broothers in the hall. "Have a good holiday Scorp," James and Al said in unison, it was kind of scary how they could do that, they weren't even twins.

"You too," he said, knowing his would be shite, "See you in a week."

Lilys mum and da were waiting for them when they got off the train and James side alonged Lily as they all dissaperated to their house in Godrics Hollow. James banished he trunk and owl to her room upstairs and they all went into the kitchen. "Welcome home Lils, hows it feel to be back at Hogwarts?" Genny asked as her children sat around the table.

"Oh she's absolutely loving it, who wouldn't when their dating. Her and Scorpeous are inseparable," Al said, making kissing faces ate her.

"You mean to tell me your actually seeing him!" Harry snarled, fire in his eyes.

"He's not like his father da, seriously you need to stop jumping to conclusions," Lily said calmly, she had been expecting as much.

"Yea, I like him, he's a pretty decent guy, real quiet though," added James. Lily laughed when he said quiet, but luckily no one noticed.

"He better stay that way or I'll make sure he never again sees the light of day," her father added, she could have sworn she heard him mumble something suspiciously like 'she's my little girl' but she couldn't be sure.

Genny squeezed his knee below the table and he relaxed some but he was still tense. The doorbell rang and in walked Teddy and Victoire, who was starting to show, everyone was so happy for them. "Hey, we were just starting dinner, would you like to join us?" Genny asked her godchild and his wife, he had gotten so big, all of her children had, hell James would be moving out in just a few months, it made her feel old, and sad, all her babies were leaving her, even Lily had a boyfriend now, they were going to need to have 'the talk.'

"We would love to," Teddy said, rubbing his stomach appreciatively and taking his usual seat after pulling out a chair for Victoire.

Dinner was otherwise uneventful, her family never had been much of one for talking when they could be eating, but after dinner Teddy pulled Lily aside and gave her a big hug. "I missed you squirt."

"I missed you too Teddy," she replied, giggling, she loved Teddy like a brother and vice versa.

"So what's this about a boyfriend I hear?" he asked winking at her.

"Oh bloody.."

"Language Lily."

"Whatever I'm almost sixteen for christs sakes, anyway... news travels fast in this family."

"Yes it does, so what's he like?" asked Teddey, that was one of the reasons she liked him so much, he always knew exactly what to say, he didn't once say anything about him being a Malfoy.

"Well, he has blond hair and blue eyes, he is one of the smartest people I know, he hates his father but would never say that out right because he refuses to admit hating anyone, he plays decently at catcher but he doesn't want to join his house team, he wants to be an auror, his favorite class is DADA, he is an amazing kis...."

"Woa, stop right there Lil's, I did not need to hear that..."

"Ooops, sorry, guess I got a little carried away," she replied, her cheeks getting red.

"Just a little, but I'm glad you like him so much, he seems like a great guy, just answer me this, do you love him?"

"Yes," she whispered, looking at the floor.

"Does he love you?"


"Then he has my approval," Teddy said firmly, "even if he is a Malfoy..... who would have thought eh?"

"Thanks Teddey," she said, huging him.

"Just don't do anything stupid okay?"

"Okay," she agreed laughing.