Htf +FanFic's / = :(


or Cub will kill himself!

"So, Sniffles says people from a different dimension write about our mishaps and adventures here!?" Flippy questions skeptically.

"Yes, He calls it ! It was this wonderful website, but he said not to read some of the stories." Flaky responds.

"What stories?" Cuddles chimes in. "Well, I don't remember, but he'll show us later." She said.

"What will who show you later?" Nutty, Petunia, and Handy ask simultaeneously.

"Its Hard to explain..." hollers Toothy.

Later that evening...

Flippy and Flaky hurriedly finish their dinner, eager to explore the so-called infinite collections of fanfiction material. They drove to the library quickly. Handy came up behind, with a bike tire around his neck and oil stains, burn marks,and cuts riddled across his body. It was obvious how he had got to the library. Petunia came a minute or two later , in her car, carrying a spray on hand sanitizer. Toothy, Cuddles, and Giggles where already at the library. Nutty followed the ice cream truck there.

"So is every body here?" Flaky asks shyly. Every body either nods or says yes in response.

The group enters the library and gather around a large computer screen. Flaky types the website in and goes to the Happy Tree Friends FanFic Archive. Everyone gazes in wonder. A whole bunch of random out bursts begin.

"Hey Flippy, that is obvoiusly your acount!"

"Hey I was Soldier, I'm Not any more!" "Isn't that the dude from the band!"

"Yeah it is!"

"That name isnt a Happy Tree Friend Author name I'd pick!"

"Deadliving, that kid must be like some screwed up zombie fan in HTFFF!"

"I bet that dude is... OMG! What are cross overs!?"

"Don't know? Lets see for our selves!"

The group read the 2 HTF this time, Lumpy, Mime, Russell, and Splendid were reading as well.

"That one with Grimmsville was interesting, but I like the one with Resident Evil better!"

They pulled up Cro-Marmot's FF smoochie. They all began laughing as Cro-Marmot, Mole, and Shifty and Lifty had joined the ever expanding group. Some stories made them laugh, cry, snicker at one of the people, or make a few of them mad. A new story popped up.

It read; This is a cute little story about possible slash couples for every character. Warning; Contains slash - /
Flaky's curiousity got the better of her.

-Nutty looked blindly upon Sniffles, he couldn't geta better chance than this. He leaned in for a kiss...-

Pop clamped his hands over Cub's ears, Mole fainted, Most stared in shock. Russell blushed when he read RussellxHandy and RussellxMime. Toothy seemed perfectly ok with ToothyxSplendid and ToothyxCuddles, although Splendid and Cuddles were fuming. Flippy was angry at the FlippyxSplendid and FlippyxCuddles pairings. It finally came to blushed, threw up, and passed out.

When she woke up, she lay in her bed, sighing as she began thinking it was only a dream.

Meanwhile, in a room just doown the hallway, Flippy closed the door. He turned on the laptop, and typed in FlippyxFlaky lemon...

No I'm not saying Flippys a pervert!

the Idea pooped into my head the same time as the story.