This is my first fanfiction. It takes place after Sophomore Year, and before Junior year. Hope its okay! I may continue the story if anybody likes it. R&R please! - K.L.G.

Disclaimer- If anybody thinks that my Name is Ally Carter, and I write amazing books, then they are clearly mistaken.

Chapter Uno Summertime

It was way too hot. Anybody else would be excited to go to Florida for the summer. I mean beaches, theme parks, and sunshine. But I wasn't so thrilled about being on a surprise vacation this summer, instead of being home with my grandparents on their nice, quiet and peaceful farm in Nebraska.

Okay, so maybe that doesn't sound too exciting. But this was not a very happy vacation, for two reasons. One, my grandpa had brain cancer! And his doctor told him that one of the best oncologists for brain cancer was located in Miami. Florida. Like the hottest place in the World. Well, the United States.

And while I wasn't in the hospital with him and Grandma Morgan, I was out, at the pool or the beach, trying to pass the time. And it was getting annoying. You might think that beaches are fun, sandy places filled with tons of hot boys with their shirts off. But that was exactly my problem. Even with Bex and Macey's pep talks, I just couldn't get myself to hang out with said hot guys. Because I kept comparing them to Blackthorne Boy. Oh, he can't be nearly as strong as Zach, Zach's smirk is soooo much hotter, Zach could kick his butt. Reason Number two why I hated this summer.


After a depressing visit with Grandpa, I tried to use my Chameleon skills to get out of the same room as Grandma, who was sobbing, her face streaked with tears. There was still hope for Grandpa, and still some time, but very little was left by now. We had been in Florida for exactly 24 days, 14 hours, 7 minutes, and 23 seconds. It was Mid July, and summer was almost over. And Grandpa's body was slowly deteriorating.

The question now was whether he would make it or not, and if he would pass before or after I left for school. I love my grandpa, and if I lost him, it would almost be like losing my Dad. All over again. And, my Grandma would be a mess if she was left alone after his death. She will need some one to help her to cope with the pain (because it REALLY helps). But I was leaving soon. Mom was expecting me back at Gallagher in two weeks, and school started two weeks after that. If Grandpa died, and Grandma was left alone by herself, in her house with no one but herself (well, besides me in the summertime) I think she would be driven mad. And I would do anything to keep that from happening.

But I had to leave now, because the aura around my Grandpas room was just too depressing for me to stand anymore. I made it a point to not spend too long at the hospital, mostly because the nurses and doctors got mad at me if I was hanging around all the time, in the way. (And sometimes telling them what they're doing wrong. I mean seriously, that is not how you perform a lumbar puncture!) So I spent the majority of my time on the beach (but I avoided it for the above reason), exploring the hotel we were staying at, and swimming in the pool.

So, I went to my hotel room, using my passage way to circumvent the always crowded elevator (and 30 flights of stairs). I put on my yellow bikini and massaged my feet before slipping on my flip flops. Not feeling like crawling (well, more like sliding) down a very dusty air shaft in my almost bear skin, so I opted for the elevator, no matter how crowded it was.

But I forgot two things. My amazingly toned and tanned body, and the power of testosterone.


Lucky for me, the elevator was almost empty. Almost. Because standing in the back in a dark blue shirt was a boy. A boy with short blond hair, and bright blue eyes. Eyes that were staring, at me.

Now, I know I've seen lots of boys before, but this one was especially cute. Just not as cute as HIM, if you catch my drift. And he was almost definitely not a spy, an ultimate downer on the hotness/availability scale. But it was fun to watch his eyes bug out at my *cough*cough* beautiful body, even if it did make me self conscious. Because I was totally wearing only my Bikini!

His eyes were looking me over, watching as I stepped into the elevator, scanning my body, pausing when he reached my abs, and then again at my face. He looked, well, stunned, a reaction that I, the not as beautiful as the amazing Macey McHenry, almost invisible Chameleon, was unused to getting. It was entertaining.

"The Ground Floor, please," I said, because he was closest to the button pad. A slight smile was forming on my face, watching him draw his gaze away from me, and to the buttons, hitting one, and then turning back to me.

"Going to the pool?" He struggled to get out, but his voice was firm and, let's just say, amazing. He made me miss Zach. He smiled Sheepishly.

"Um… yeah. Just to get out of the heat," I said, and my smile had now become a Smirk. Which reminded me of Zach. Again!

"That's cool. I'm Daniel. And you are….?"

Oh no. He wanted information about me. I didn't really have a cover right now, but I couldn't let my true identity be revealed. I know that there was an 8374 to 1 chance that he was an evil mastermind trying to take over the CIA, but knowing my luck, it could happen. Or he could be just a normal, cute boy, who wanted to know the name of some hot chick in bikini. So it should be okay if I told him my first name. And this took me all of 12 seconds to think through.

"Hi, I'm Ca…" I tried to say, but was interrupted by a ding, and the doors of the elevator sliding open. But we weren't at the bottom floor yet. Did I mention the elevator was often VERY crowded?

And, just my luck, a mob of teenage boys came piling into the elevator, but most of them stopped when they saw me in the back corner. I was so wishing I was wearing more clothes right now!

The guys were all totally checking me out, and I noticed Daniel squished in the other corner, glancing at everyone uneasily. My thoughts exactly.

I looked more closely at the boys, who were almost on top of me now. They all looked around the ages of 16 and 17, and I watched as some stood, open mouthed, staring at me. Again, I was so not used to this type of thing. I had mostly avoided guys all summer, because of my said problem of thinking of a certain Blackthorne Boy. At all times.

So I was stuck, speechless, surrounded by like, a billion guys. And some of them were pretty cute. I so wished Bex and Macey were here.

When some of the boys finished staring at me, they started to close in on me. Getting closer.

Chants of "Hey sweetie," "Why hello, Beautiful," and whistles were coming from the crowd. Dang, how many people could fit in here?

An apparently over ambitious red head was approaching me, and I tried to back away, but my back felt the cold metal wall behind me, and there was no where left for me to go. Unless I wanted to walk into a mob of boys (even if I could totally take them, but I didn't want to blow my cover). So all I could do was wait until the elevator reached the bottom, which, according to the light, wouldn't be for another 12 floors.

"Hey there, Cutie. Want to go out tonight?" The red head asked, still coming towards me.

"Um…" But I didn't know what to say. Because I was stuck in an enclosed area, backed up to a wall, and surrounded by a bunch of hormone filled guys, one who was now so close that I could feel his hot breath on my very exposed skin. And I could kick all of there butts and quickly exit the elevator (using rappel-a-cords, of course), but that would blow my cover.

"Crap," I muttered, under my breath.

Sometimes, I hate being a spy.