Harry Potter and Lord Of the Rings crossover

I don't own Harry Potter or Lord Of the Rings.

Warnings Yoai

"Where am I?" Harry asked a cloaked figure.

"That is not important. I'm called Destiny of everybodies' future. You're here because you have fulfilled your destiny. You can still live in your world but your life will be fill fame. Or you could go live in another world where nobody knows about your past." said Destiny.

"If I go to this other world what would it be like? Will I still be a wizard?" asked Harry.

"The world has it have war for the longest time. Just recently there has been attacks and soon there war but it won't last long. This world is mostly peaceful. You will still be a wizard. In this world, there are other wizards. You will know about the important events that has happen throughout the years. You will also know how to use a bow and arrows and a sword and you will have visions of what can happen. Any other questions?" asked Destiny.

"No." said Harry.

"So what world do you what to live in Middle Earth which is what the other world is called or your world. Then he heard a noise behind and turned around to see someone standing there.

Please review. You can vote who you what Harry with. Also you vote who you want Legolas with.