Me: Ahhh...i'm so eviiillll....


And now im a big fat procastinator, not to mention liar...liar..liar...!!!!

Nagihiko: -No comment whatsoever-

Rima: -rolls eyes-

Amu: She doesn't own anything, cause if she did...

Ikuto: ...we would have never existed...

Utau: ... cause shes an effin procastinator

Kukai: AND LIAR.

Yaya: You lied to yaya-chan! You promised to post it the day right after you posted the last chapter more than 2 weeks ago!!! Waaaa!!!

Me: Okay, okay! I have an! Okay, so I had a social studies project thing due in a day and I had to finish, and then I also have to finish like 3 bithday videos for my friends on youtube, and I have to finish like 3 MEP parts, and I started my 65h ( in sixty-fifth) rimahiko video, and I have to finish my stupid end of the year algebra, social studies, english, and science homework, and I have to go to karate, cheerleading, and talent show practice, and I gotta go to band rehearsal for an upcoming performance, and I have to eat food, and I have to eat food, and did I mention I have to eat FOOD?! Oh and I gotta design and sow my own graduation dress, and I gotta prepare for high school, and I gotta picture edit, and I gotta make myself a new binder cover, and I gotta come up with more ideas b4 I get writer's block, and I gotta get my room ready for a total rimahiko obsession makeover, and I gotta...

Miyuka-chan/NekoBerryKisses/Nagi-kun34325: -impatient-

Utau: Before she continues to keep on making excuses...

Rima: Just start already....

Me: ...get more pictures of nagi in my wallet, and get myself a new printer, and watch more anime, and, and, wait...ARE YOU GUYS EVEN LISTENING TO M-

Beep beep. Ring.

"'Blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-a-a-alcohol, bl-'"

I swung my arm over to the left side of the bed and made the alarm clock shut up.


Since I was still sleepy, I turned onto my left side in an attempt to keep on sleeping. However, the sun had begun to shine brighter than I could ever recall, and that stopped my wonderful desires to remain in dreamland.

I stretched out comfortably as I looked outside the window upon the sunny Saturday morning. I grabbed onto my left shoulder and, "OWW!"

I looked down instinctively and I saw a tiny cut was there. Huh? I felt sudden realization flow through me. Something had happened yesterday night, it hadn't been a dream!

I brought my hands up to my mouth and gasped. I began feeling queasy again so I ducked under the covers and pulled them over my head. I closed my eyes and tried my best to recall the last night's events.

After 3 minutes of nothingness, I was able to recall the following: A drunken man, two bags of groceries, pain, and a boy...with the sweet voice and hair that reflected a dark shade of blue in the moonlight. Thats right....i also recalled the moonlight...

"Grrrr....!" I growled loudly and angrily to myself as I threw over the cover and brought my hair along with them. was a tangled mess after I put the covers down. All the commotion had waken up KusuKusu and she flew over to me.

"What's wrong Rima-chan?" she asked stifling a yawn.

I looked at her. "KusuKusu, do you have any idea what happened last night?"

"No, Rima-Chan. What happened?"

"I don't know. That's why I asked," I replied to my chara.

She then suddenly opened her eyes wide and gasped.

"Rima-Chan, what are you wearing!?"

"Hm?" I realized that through all this time I hadn't noticed what I was wearing. I looked down and I gasped once more. "Why am I wearing my favorite pajamas? That doesn't happen until every other Friday!" I thought.

"Oh, never mind yesterday was Friday. Ha ha, my bad." KusuKusu still didn't look convinced though,

"Rima, didn't you wear that last Friday?" Oh darn. She was right.

"Then why...? I don't even remember putting these on! Remember how I freak about anyone seeing me in them!" (A/N: oh gawd, haha!)

KusuKusu looked nervous.

"Theres too many things going on at once," I told her.

She nodded.

I sighed and stood up.

"Well, I better change, no use fretting over this anymore," I said as I put on my fluffy bunny slippers. I then turned my attention for the first time that morning to my clock. It read 8:08 am. So it wasn't too late or to early to be up, I guess. I began to turn and walk towards my closet when something else caught my attention. It looked like a rose. Doubting my own mind, I walked over to my small drawer to make sure I wasn't seeing things. But sure enough, a beautiful peach colored rose was there lying on its side almost as if it were smiling at me. I picked up the rose and smelled it. It smelled so wonderful.

"Could it be...?" I questioned out loud. KusuKusu flew to my side. I looked down at the drawer and saw that something had been being indeed down by the rose. It was a tiny sheet of white paper. I took it in my hands but stopped myself as I was about to read it.

"What's wrong Rima?" My chara questioned. My right hand, the one holding the note, began shaking furiously.

"What if...what if...what it sa-...." I said not finishing a complete sentence.

KusuKusu then went over to me and took the note from my hands.

"Rima-Chan, open it."

She beamed as she waved the letter in front of my face.

I smiled and took it from her and opened it.

My gaze followed every word on the page and then re-read it again and again. Every time my eyes grew larger at the words that I read.

Don't you ever go scaring me like that again, Rima-chan.

I'm glad that you're safe.

Don't miss me too much. I'll be back whenever you want me.

Just know, that I'll always be there to protect you.

Take care.

(your clothes are by the closet)

After some moments of shock, I returned to the real world and began hyperventilating. I turned to look toward my closet and I saw the clothes I had been wearing the previous night sitting right there, folded neatly. I put the note down on top of my drawer once again and threw myself backwards onto my bed. I sighed.

"So it was real, then."

KusuKusu was then by my side once more. "What should I do from here?"

I closed my eyes and tried to think of something reasonable a girl like me could do. But nothing came.

After a while I decided to change into something I could wear on a Saturday morning and act like nothing happened. I had made up my mind not to tell my parents about anything, because it would just cause more fights and more problems.

I walked over to the left side of my room and opened the window. I felt the fresh air on my face and my mind suddenly cleared up.

After I had dressed in my yellow dress for today, I went over to my drawer again. I picked up the note in my right hand and read it once more.

I smiled as I stashed into one of the drawers.

I turned my gaze over to the rose

"This needs water, or it'll dry out." I said. I looked over at KusuKusu who smiled happily and headed towards the bathroom. I went to help her and we brought a cup of water from the upstairs bathroom (there's no way I'm going to use the downstairs one just in case my parents....ehhh...) and brought it into my room. I set it down on my drawer next to my alarm clock and smelled it once more for my own pleasure. I then picked up my phone and my book and began my decent down the stairs when my phone began to vibrate.

"'Cause the problem is I'm so, in, love, wi-'"


"Rima! Are you okay?!"

"huh? Y-yea...why do you ask?"

"I found this note addressed to me outside my window today and it said you were almost...." she trailed off.

"You found what?!"

Okies! So ima try not to be so mean anymore and try (keep in mind I said TRY) to not get so lazy and update twice a week or more if I feel like it. Cause I gotz lots of ideas that i'll probably forget soon. So I gotta get goinGGGG!!!!! As soon as I finish my like a thousand MEP parts on youtube due in a couple of days, I shall continue to write mooooooreeeeee!!!.....i hope...

Before the shugo characters start hating me.


And I luckily found out what "A/N" meant without asking anybody yay! Author's Note.
