Disclaimer: Standard disclaimers apply. I WISH I could have come up with these lovelies. Instead I abuse them. For my own enjoyment. No profit. Of course. /ramble

AN: Collab. work with Izanagi84

Smut ahead. Just sayin'. Enjoy!

Where I Belong - Chapter One

To anyone else, she would have seemed the typical, bright college girl.

Sousuke knew better though, and he watched her from the corner of his eye tensely, very aware of her presence beside him for a multitude of reasons. Her vibrant aqua hair sashayed with her hips, the sunlight creating a bright, almost milky reflection. Without his conscious permission his head was turning so that he could face her more directly, taking in the sight that she was, unknowingly bringing himself to stare at her.

She smiled faintly, her eyes facing forward; acting as though she hadn't noticed his bashful glances and, now, obvious staring. Catching himself, he swallowed thickly and slowly turned his face forward again, eyes darting around nervously as he realized he had been so focused on her that he had not been paying attention to his surroundings as he dutifully should be.

Kaname's lips formed a subconscious pout as he turned away. Did it... hurt, that she hadn't warranted his attention for more than a few short moments?

Satisfied that there were no suspicious people about, he gripped his satchel tightly and spared another glance to the woman beside him - a guilty pleasure he found himself indulging in more and more. His eyes locked instantly onto her plump, soft lips. The glistening skin sent a strange tingling sensation through the depths of his gut. He was certain he'd never felt anything quite like this before.

His heart pounded painfully against his chest. She just had to have been able to hear the sharp increase in speed as her eyes met his, even if it were only for the briefest of moments. Her eyes fell to the pavement while her fingers shifted uncomfortably against the rough handle of her bag, and his features softened against his will as a faint blush colored her flawless cheeks.

There was a small flash of white against pink as Kaname began to nervously bite her lower lip, focusing her attention on her bag as she willed herself not to look up at him again, not understanding the intense look he wore. Had she done something to upset him? It was always hard to tell when something was bothering him, and he had certainly been acting strange as of late...

Meager words passed his lips in a mumbled slurry. He didn't understand these feelings. She had always been so forthright and blunt with her words. Why did she look so... nervous? Her eyes lifted to meet his once again, only this time, it wasn't a mere passing glance.

Her brow was furrowed in irritation as she brought her gaze to meet his, opening her mouth to shout at him for mumbling. Any amount of worry over the idiot always quickly turned to anger as she could never accept just why it was that Sousuke affected her so. Still, though, when their eyes met her anger burned away quickly to leave her shocked and, well, singed by its heated intensity.

The roar of passing cars and motorcycles fell on deaf ears. At some point during their heated and silent exchange, they had come to a standstill. He gazed deeply into her bright, amber eyes, feelings of subservience drifting away. The gentle arc of her eyebrows indicated that she was... confused? Shocked? Surprised? He wasn't sure. But then again, when was he ever sure about anything around her?

Slowly coming to herself, bit by bit and hardly completely with that steel gaze fixated on her, Kaname closed her mouth and relaxed her stance, her face beginning to soften as her cheeks stained a delicate pink. She shifted her bag behind her with both arms, her shoulders pulling back and pushing her chest forward as she smiled coyly up at him, determined to keep herself in charge of her emotions.

The solid lump in his throat began to drop as he swallowed thickly. "Is everything alright, Kaname?" he queried, concerned.

Her face began to fall before she caught herself and kept the smile, turning forwards again and bringing the bag in front of her modestly. Why did everything have to be a matter of physical wellness with Sousuke? Just when she thought that maybe, just maybe, they were having some kind of a moment, he went and asked that question. She strode forward, "Fine. Now let's get home before the sun sets."

He blinked in confusion. Perhaps she had misinterpreted the question? It wasn't uncommon for Kaname to confuse his words with their true meanings. Unfortunately, he wasn't schooled in the way of words. He just said what was needed to be said, in the most direct way possible. Blinking once again, his eyes widened as he noticed that the spot she had been standing in was now vacant.

He tensed and shifted his gaze frontwards to see her walking determinedly and quickly away. He made a swift turn on his heel and marched up to her side, not wishing to leave her unaccompanied for any amount of time, especially not when she was in one of her moods. He looked at her with concern, "Kaname?"

She wanted to turn back to him, gaze deeply into his eyes and smile. But she wondered if there would be any point in such an action. He was concerned for her well-being, that was all. It hurt. It hurt so much. There had been so many times that she had tried to show him her feelings. Sousuke may be slow on the uptake, but there was only so much a person could do. "Yes, Sousuke?"

Her words had the same effect a basin of ice water in the face would have. He froze in place and stared at her, wondering at the traces of – what was it? – hurt, anger, he could not tell. All he knew was that the sound seemed to tear at him and he was at a complete loss for an explanation. He kept his eyes fixated on her back as he struggled to collect himself and find a response.

Kaname made her way up the few short steps to the apartment's main doors. Her body felt as though she had been walking for mile upon tiring mile and his lack of any form of response only served to fuel her mental exhaustion. She froze as she reached out to the door's handle, her eyes splitting open so quickly she was certain she heard them snap. Her hand hung in the air.

Supported by Sousuke's.

She sharply turned her head to look at him, their eyes once again meeting. She cursed herself for the blush that heated her face at the feel of his large rough hand enveloping hers and his eyes staring intensely and searchingly into her own, leaving her with the distinct feeling that he was somehow seeing right into her very soul.

His mind trailed behind his body, suspended in limbo. A shudder coursed through his form as her fingers twitched in his hand, yet made no effort to escape. His head tilted ever so slightly as he tried to read her emotions, peering into her eyes with a purpose, rather than mindlessly swimming in her deep amber pools. "Kaname..." he stuttered, his voice noticeably higher than his usual monotone.

She slowly blinked up at him, using the time it took for the action to attempt to collect her scattered thoughts. Her eyes peered curiously into his as she wondered just what exactly was going on. "Sousuke...?" she spared a quick glance at their intertwined fingers, the color on her face darkening, before returning to her search for an answer on his face. And he knew that she wanted some kind of an explanation for his actions. The problem was, he did too. Several moments passed as he racked his brain, searching for the right words, the right statements. It was fruitless. He could think of nothing. His only option would be to try to explain these odd, pleasurable sensations he felt whenever he was graced with her presence.

His mouth opened and closed with several false starts before he finally closed his eyes, drew in a deep breath, and then stared deeply into her questing gaze while tightening his grip on her hand and barely resisting the urge to pull her forward. "I don't understand it. Maybe you can tell me. When I'm with you, I often feel strange. My mind and body act in ways I do not expect. You...," he searched for the right word.

Kaname's lips parted, twinkling in the waning sunlight. A rush of warmth spread throughout her whole body. Tightening her hold on his hand to maintain her balance as her legs threatened to buckle. "Sousuke...," she trailed off; her eyes unblinking as she sucked in a deep breath. "Finish what you were going to say." She'd be damned if she would help him right now. She NEEDED these words from his lips, and his lips only.

"You...," he started again, dropped his rigid stance awkwardly and glancing away with a blush coloring his cheeks. "...captivate me. It's difficult for me to concentrate on anything else when I am with you," his voice was hoarse as the words slipped past his lips. This was difficult, and he fumbled around for the right things to say, some way to somehow make her understand the things she did to him.

She fought with the urge to throw herself against him, opting instead to steady herself by taking a long, slow breath and offering him an appreciative smile. His hand trembled slightly in hers... or was it her hand trembling in his? "Sousuke, do you know what it is that you're feeling?"

He brought his head up to meet her gaze once more, trying to ease the storm of emotions inside of him and find an answer. Slowly, he shook his head, feeling defeated by his inability to answer in the affirmative. "I...am afraid I do not. I don't understand... any of this," he swallowed past the lump that formed in his throat and the painful feeling that he had let her down, disappointed her.

She took a small, tentative step forward. Her eyes drifted to their conjoined hands, her fingers stroking along palm before gently clasping the back of his hand and drawing it towards her chest. Her eyes fluttered shut as his palm came to rest upon her thundering heart.

"Can you feel that?"

Another lump found its way lodged in his throat for an entirely different reason. His hand was much too close to a rather prominent and soft looking part of her anatomy that had haunted his dreams. He swallowed again and forcibly pushed away at his nervousness, trying to clear his mind so he could focus on finding the answer to her new question. Finally, he nodded, murmuring a 'yes' and leaving his hand in its new resting place.

Her eyes lifted to meet his. "This is how I feel around you," Kaname whispered. "I don't know when it happened, Sousuke... I don't even know how it happened." She smiled softly as his shoulders relaxed. Taking another step forward, she felt the cotton of his jacket against her hand while still gently clasping his hand to her chest.

She smoothed her palm against his jacket and leaned into him, slowly resting her forehead against his chest and letting her wayward hair tickle at his face. Still though, was that as far as her courage would let her go? Their hands pressed against each other's hearts, her face to his chest, but their bodies still apart. It was hard to take that one step forward into an embrace.

Sousuke was unsure of how to continue. What should he do now? Kaname had expressed her need for physical contact but what was his next step? His left hand dangled at his side with fingers loose and arm tense. As he turned his nose brushed several wayward strands of inky blue hair, emitting a strong burst of Kaname's wonderful scent. His eyes fluttered shut as his head nodded forwards; his cheek coming to rest on her temple.

It seemed to be a stalemate of sorts. Neither could take that last step forward. He, because he did not fully understand what was going on, what might be expected of him in such a situation, or how he should proceed. She, because of her stubborn pride, her wish for it to be him that made the move, and the difficulty she had letting herself be vulnerable to anyone.

A bitter-sweet situation they found themselves in.

"Do..." She nibbled her bottom lip and gathered her courage. He would be the one to make the first move, but that didn't stop her from creating the means to an end. "Would you like to come upstairs?"

Her voice broke through the spell he seemed to be under, and he drew up, reluctantly shifting his face away from her soft hair. He seemed to contemplate for a moment, and then he nodded, "That... would be nice," his voice was still hoarse and terse as he tried to sort through his intense thoughts and emotions.

Her cheeks heated further. Nodding against his chest, she reluctantly turned to the door. As she reached for the handle, Sousuke's hand caught hers once more. She turned, looking up at him with brows furrowed in confusion.

The hand holding hers twitched as he fought against himself for words and courage. Why was it the only time he ever faced fear or indecision was when he was with the person most important to him? He met her puzzled gaze and tried not to lose himself in her amber eyes as he sorted through his muddled thoughts to find someway to express himself.

"Sousuke?" she spoke softly, her worried tone barely carrying through a sudden burst of wind. Her hair fluttered around despite her attempts to hold it in place. The moment was... no. No, it wasn't going anywhere. "Let's go upstairs Sousuke, it's getting cold."

He nodded in agreement, releasing her hand to reach past her and grab the handle, opening the door to the building for her. She smiled shyly to him for the unexpected and rare gesture, the action being so... normal and, well, civilian that it was odd coming from him. Slowly she started up the stairs to her floor, folding her hands in front of her and fiddling with her fingers anxiously.

Following closely behind her, his eyes were unwillingly drawn to her legs. He forced yet another harsh swallow as he watched the lithe muscles tense and relax on each step. He clamped his eyes shut and shook his head, trying to rid himself of these... thoughts. Wearily opening them once again, his eyes shot open. Her butt sat no more than a foot from his face, swaying from side to side. He ground his teeth together. He had other, more pressing thoughts to tend to.

While slowly marching up the stairs, completely oblivious of his plight, Kaname began to fumble in her bag for her keys as a distraction from her scattered thoughts. Not paying attention to her surroundings, single-mindedly shoving books out of the way in her search, she mis-stepped. She fell forward awkwardly and stumbled for her footing with a surprised shout.

Sousuke's heart jumped as he heard her yell. Time was of the essence, she was headed face first towards the floor. Instincts took over and with a deft kick on his toes, he propelled himself upwards. Twisting in the air, his arms latched around her waist before dropping them both to the steps with a resounding thud. He winced, biting down on the corner of his lips to prevent groaning with pain.

Blinking her eyes rapidly as she tried to figure out just what happened, she realized she had landed on something soft rather than hard and unforgiving. She slowly lifted herself up to stare down wonderingly at Sousuke, her face flushed from both the excitement of the fall and embarrassment at her unusual clumsiness. She bit her lower lip as she stared down at Sousuke's pained expression, lifting her hand to cup his cheek with worry. "Are... you okay?"

Several moments passed. He allowed himself several guilty moments of enjoying the feel of her skin on his. What he saw when he opened his eyes sent a violent cascade of emotions though his form. Catching himself, he turned his eyes to her hand, blushing. "It's not a problem," he ground out. The pain was incredible. Already, he could feel a focused heat on the back of his head. He was bleeding, albeit only a little. Though... he wouldn't tell her that.

She stared at him unmoving for a few moments more before reluctantly nodding her head. She didn't believe him for a moment but she would let him think she did for now. Better to get him into her apartment and then assault him and subdue him so she could take care of him than to give him the chance to run away and do things on his own like he would probably insist. "Well, okay," Kaname grabbed her bag and took a few steps up. If he was going to be stubborn and insist he was all right then he could help himself up! "Come on and I'll give you some aspirin and make you dinner," she blushed at the last, grateful her back was turned to him at that moment.

He let out a breath of relief. It was rare for Kaname to let things slide if she was suspicious. As he began to lift himself up, he blinked. Twice. She's going to make dinner? Dinner for me, or dinner for... us? His brow furrowed. Surely this wasn't what he thought it was. It was a normal occurrence for friends to cook dinner for each other... Wasn't it? Regardless, as he took a step forward, he felt himself waver. Gripping the handrail for support, he made his way up the last few steps, coming to an abrupt stop directly behind the azure haired woman.

She stood on the landing of her floor, listening to Sousuke move while once more chewing on her lip, this time guiltily. It was hard to leave him alone when he got hurt for her sake, but she felt she just had to do it. She turned in the direction of her unit and resolutely marched forward while lifting her free hand to twitch two fingers at him over her shoulder in an almost rude 'come here' gesture.

He tilted his head slightly, reaching to the nape of his neck to check his injury. Bringing his hand back, he silently cursed at the amount of blood. He wouldn't be able to hide this for long, if at all. Looking up once more, he noticed Kaname stood at her door, beckoning him over. He did as he was told, wiping his hand clean on his thankfully black pant legs.

She unlocked and opened the door, stepping to remove her shoes before walking into the main room. "Make sure you lock the door," she called over her shoulder to him as she made her way towards where she kept the first aid kit. "And go sit in the kitchen, I'll start dinner soon," she shouted as she had turned into a room at the back of her apartment since she wasn't sure that he could hear her any more.

Sousuke did as instructed, carefully leaning down to pull off his own shoes before stepping into the large room. He looked around. The apartment seemed... different. Not dangerous or tampered with, just different. He made his way across the room and leaned his way around the kitchen counter top. Lowering himself rigidly into a seat, he perked an eyebrow at what sounded like Kaname arguing with herself.

Kit in hand, she held it behind her back and walked into the kitchen, immediately looking at Sousuke and keeping an eye on him, fixing a glare on him that she hoped by now he would recognize as a 'don't you dare move' expression. Reaching him, she placed the kit on the table and then took her now-free hand to place two fingers under his chin and tilt his head up. "Truth. Now. How bad are you hurt?" Her voice left no room for argument.

He hesitated for a split second. Lying would mean more pain, the truth would mean less. "I'm bleeding. It's not severe," he kept his voice as even as possible. Gulping as her lips began to curl, he was left in a state of shock as her glare dissolved, reforming into a worried and slightly guilty expression. He acted on instinct, and took a deep breath as he reached up with his hand to cup her cheek, as she had done to him. It had made him feel at ease, so he hoped it would work both ways.

Kaname froze when his hand touched her face, eyes widening in shock. Quick enough though, that shock faded and she relaxed, leaning her face into his hand with a tender smile and soft look. Against her better judgment, she all-too-soon lifted her own hand to gently pull his away, setting it on the table with a gentle pat before opening up the kit and grabbing a swab and some ointment.

His breath hitched in his throat as she leaned into his hand. The softness of her skin was uniform. He fought back a frown as she prodded around his neck. "Where?" she asked, simply.

He turned in the chair, leaning his chest against the backrest as he dipped his head. "It's not a problem, Kaname. As I stated previously, it's a simple cut, there's no need fo-" his words were cut off by a sharp, searing pain.

Frowning at his insistence that it was 'not a problem,' she muttered "Idiot," under her breath as she wiped at the cut, cleaning away blood and dirt with a none-too-gentle hand. "You know, this would go a lot easier for you if you would just cooperate," she continued on her rambling. Nevermind that he was cooperating, just being somewhat noisy about it, and she was guilty of far worse in the past.

For once, the irony of their situation wasn't missed by Sousuke. And, for once, he decided not to speak his mind. Instead, his lips curled into a knowing smile. This was short-lived, however, as Kaname leaned forward to allow closer inspection of his wound. She saw, he gulped. He was in for it, he was certain.

"Sousuke...," the hissed name blew air onto his exposed injury. When he flinched, she sighed heavily, fighting back against her irritation. She leaned over him to grab more supplies from the kit. "A cut this bad... You idiot. Do you have a concussion too that you aren't telling me about?" Despite her anger and furious shaking, she was much more gentle as she finished dressing the cut, muttering curses and insults the whole while.

His training came to his rescue. "That is not likely. A concussion would prevent me from sitting so-" his words were cut short once again, only this time for a completely different reason. Her fingers gently stroked the hairs from around the cut, her fingertips running trails of pleasure along his skin, while her fingernails separated clumped strands of his mane. His body responded with an unstoppable, deep, shuddering sigh.

At first, when he stopped talking, she had wondered if something was wrong. When he sighed, she felt a smile creep across her face in spite of herself. Perhaps she should be gentle with him more often if it elicited such a positive response... Not that she would ever let him in on that. It was much too much fun to watch him squirm when he thought punishment was about to come. Finished with her work, she let her fingers sift through his hair more, massaging his scalp while justifying it by telling herself it was just to check for anymore bumps or scrapes.

He should have fumbled an apology. He should have been trying to make an excuse for his emphatic response to her ministrations. But, all he could do was sit still and enjoy these unknown, yet welcomed, feelings. His tense muscles began to loosen under her touch. Her work was to close the wound, yet her gentle movements were wrenching open a floodgate. "Kaname...," he grunted, his voice rumbling deep within his chest.

"Hmm?" she paused, then slowly stopped, pulling her hands away. "What is it, Sousuke?" she asked breathlessly, as dozens of possibilities ran through her head. Was he uncomfortable? Had she hurt him? Was he enjoying it? Did her want her to continue? Did he want her to stop? Did he even like it when she touched him? Tensing, she busied herself with cleaning up the mess she had made on the table, cursing her insecurities.

His eyes shot open as she spoke, stopped and moved away. The sense of loss was astounding. It... hurt him. With slow, cautious movements, he stood and turned to her. He watched with lidded eyes as she fumbled with her supplies. His heart rammed into his ribcage relentlessly. He wanted more. He needed more. Reaching out, he paused. Taking a slow, deep breath, his hands came to rest upon her waist.

At the feel of his touch she dropped the small bottle of antiseptic she was about to put away. She felt as though lightening had shot through her entire body and she shook, trembling in his hands as she ducked her head and risked a peek over her shoulder to look at him with wide eyes hidden by bangs. "Sousu....ke," she whispered, his name catching in her throat and a blush spreading across her cheeks.

Blood raged through his veins as she spoke. He gulped once more as his fingers refused to gently squeeze her soft skin. He was tired. Tired of fumbling with his feelings, tired of hiding from them, tired of everything. Sucking in a sharp breath, he made a decision. "Kaname...," he turned her in his hands, spinning her to face him. He stepped up to her, walking them a half-step into the counter's edge. His hands felt as though they would burn on her skin, his heart threatened to burst, his arms trembled.

Kaname's eyes widened impossibly further at the action, finding herself pinned against the counter. She opened her mouth to speak but no words would come as she stared into his eyes which could only be described as 'stormy' at that moment. 'Stormy' in color was a given, but now they seemed to reflect a war raging inside of him, and she shivered again, trying to swallow past the knot in her throat and futilely attempted to regain her thoughts.

She didn't try to move, she didn't scream, she didn't hit him. However, these were the last things on his mind right now. His right hand tightened slightly on her waist before traversing cautiously along the gentle curve of her spine. She gasped and shivered under his touch, their eyes locked together. A quiet whimper passed her lips as his hand came to rest upon the nape of her neck. Sousuke attempted to even out his breathing while his fingers began to stroke and massage the same area she had done earlier for him. He drew close, dangerously close. His eyelids fluttered shut as his forehead came to rest against hers.

Her eyes closed and her breathing quickened. She was torn between leaning her head back into his hand or forward towards his face. Taking in a steadying breath, she opted to tilt to the side, neither towards nor away from either point of contact. She arched her hips away from the counter, stopping just shy of pressing against him, and her lips parted slightly and expectantly while inwardly she begged him to close that distance.

Her every movement seemed audible. His senses had only ever been this alive in direct conflict, and even then, they paled in comparison to what he felt now. Her body radiated an intense heat, her skin felt as though it burned him with each touch. He swallowed thickly as her eyes fluttered shut and her rapid breath poured over his cheek, sparking a blaze within him. Her lips beckoned for his touch, her burning skin ached to be soothed, her trembling form begged to be suppressed. He tilted his head, placing his eyes directly before hers. "Kaname...," he whispered.

Feeling his breath on her skin just caused her to shake even more fiercely. Her hands reached for something to grab, latching awkwardly onto the counter behind her in a white-knuckled grip as her mind simultaneously seemed to race with thoughts of what could happen, what she wanted to happen, and yet emptied as she found it impossible to hold any idea for more than a few milliseconds. "Sousuke...," she breathed his name.

His skin prickled as she spoke his name. The urge to cover the short, pitiful distance between the two was overwhelming. He knew. He knew all too well that this was his chance. He was ninety-nine percent sure that she wouldn't turn him away, but any mission could fail at the last moment. What if Kaname wanted someone else? What if Kaname only saw him as a soldier? What if... if... His heart wrenched. No. No... NO! He jolted forwards, his lips pressing firmly against hers.

Her hold on the counter tightened as she felt her knees threaten to give way, her arm strength quickly giving out as well and so she pushed herself off of it and into him, reaching up to fist his shirt and deepen the contact. She sighed happily. Despite everything, she was unbelieving that the moment she had waited years for had finally come. And hell if she would let him ruin it and so she loosed one arm to wrap around the back of his neck, gripping just above his injury to hold him into place. He wouldn't be running anywhere, she determined.

His world spun. As he shut his eyes to block out the dizziness, he tightened his hold on her body. He had kissed, or rather, was kissing Kaname. A groan passed his lips as she tilted her head slightly to the side, allowing her to lean further into his hold. A brief pass of nervousness ran through him. What was he supposed to do now? He stood, statuesque, as Kaname moaned into his mouth.

She pressed against him, but when she felt him stiffen she pulled back in confusion, blinking her eyes rapidly. She looked at him, trying to find an answer. Everything had been going so well. Why, then, did he stop? She bit the inside of her cheek to quell her warring emotions before murmuring, "Sousuke? What's wrong...?"

"Uhh..." he mumbled, his brows furrowing. Embarrassed by his own cluelessness, he turned away. "I'm uncertain... of how to proceed," he murmured. Cheeks flushing, he renewed his waning hold on the woman before him.

"Uncer...," she started, surprised at first, before she giggled, feeling relieved that that was all it was. "Oh, Sousuke," she reached up to stroke his cheek while keeping her eyes locked on his. "Just... keep doing what you were doing, and... whatever feels right," she flashed him a bright and encouraging smile while wrapping both of her arms around his neck. "It's all new to me too," she whispered against his lips.

Her statement sent a spiral of warmth through his body. Breathing deep, Sousuke tried to allow his feelings to guide his actions. His hands snaked around her waist, pulling her slender frame gently against his. He blushed as her lips pressed against his once more, along with other, rather soft parts of her anatomy. She smiled against his lips, sighing as he parted them.

Kaname tightened her hold around his neck, grateful for the strong arms around her waist as she might have fallen if they hadn't been there to support her. She teasingly nipped at his lower lip as he pressed forward, smoothing the bite with a swipe of her tongue before more forcefully pressing her mouth to his, lifting one leg up along his. Her knee reached his waist before she turned it to wrap around the back of his leg and tug him in even closer.

His mind buzzed with these new, exciting sensations. The feel of her soft lips, her sharp teeth, her firm leg... Her leg... He muffled a primal grunt as it tightened around his thigh. His hands began to work on their own, laving attention along her smooth back through her shirt, his body sparking with passion as she moaned into his lips. His mind began to unravel, passion spurring desires he didn't realize he had.

She groaned his name into his mouth, tangling the fingers of one hand into his hair and dropping her other hand to run along his firm chest. She grabbed his shirt and tugged, pulling him as she stepped backward to press into the counter again, shifting and jumping slightly to sit on in, wrapping her legs around his waist and tugging him close while wondering at her own boldness.

His hand fondled its way along her spine, massaging each muscle on their journey. He sucked in a sharp breath as she hopped up and wrapped her legs around him. When she pulled him close, he cringed. His pants strained at the zipper, his zipper flush against her... her... He groaned as she forcefully insisted on his closeness, grinding herself firmly against him she earned them both a gratuitous groan from the other.

"Sousuke," she moaned, everything he was doing felt amazing, her skin seemed to be super-sensitive and he was hitting all of the best spots with his hands, his body, and she was losing herself amongst the sensations. She tilted her head back, gripping the hair on top of his head tightly and forcing his face down to her neck while arching into him with a growl.

He gazed at her slim neck through half-lidded eyes. Leaning forward, he placed a tentative kiss against the taut muscles. Her sigh of appreciation goaded him forward. Opening his mouth, he flicked his tongue over her soft skin. His eyes rolled back into his head from the sweet, sweet taste. He slowly closed his mouth over the skin, his teeth gently scraping along the surface before planting a wet, open kiss underneath her jaw.

Any control she had was lost when he began his ministrations on her neck, and with what could only be described as a snarl, she dropped her legs and shoved him backwards towards the abandoned chair, leaping off the counter and kissing him fiercely as she pushed him down to it and straddled him, hooking her feet around the chair's legs and wrapping her arms around his neck as she bit his lip once more, sharply this time.

His eyelids threatened to tear at her display of lustful power. Stumbling into the chair, he winced as his wound cracked the top of the wooden structure. He wasn't given the time to survey the damage, however – she had already claimed his lips. His feral growl echoed throughout the room, the tantalizing mix of pain and pleasure re-doubled his ardor. Grasping her waist firmly, his hands slid up and under her tight cotton shirt, fingers kneading the supple flesh. The throbbing in his groin intensified ten-fold as Kaname began to grind firmly against the solid mass.

She pulled back just enough to hook her fingers under the hem of her shirt and toss it to the side before grabbing his own and working to tear it off with his help, paying no mind to his injury. She leaned in again for another kiss, shoving her tongue past his lips as she rubbed the lacy cotton of her bra-clad breasts along his chest with a long and low satisfied moan into his mouth.

He would look back at this day as a pivotal point in his life.

The sight of her bare skin, her unrestrained hunger for him, and her glazed eyes sent Sousuke over his mental barrier. With a swift and rough movement he stood from his seat, knocking it over as his hands slid down to grasp her thighs. His tongue met hers, performing a sensual dance. Turning towards her bedroom, his heavy footsteps echoed through the silent apartment. Kaname moaned helplessly against him as he kicked the door open and proceeded to drop them both onto the bed.

The wind got knocked out of her as she landed on the mattress, but it was hard to care or even to notice. She reached her arms up to regain her hold on him, wrapping her legs around his waist and arching into him. She traced her nails along his back and nipped at his lip before ducking her head to give the same treatment to his jawline, tracing the prominent feature with bite after bite.

He roared with a feral aggression. His elbows supported his weight above her, hands cupping the back of her neck. He allowed her to continue her ministrations for all but a few seconds before reaching to her shoulders and pushing her back down on the bed. His mouth immediately fell to her neck, nipping the smooth flesh before laving it with his tongue.

"Sousuke," she growled and tangled her fingers in his hair, alternating between trying to tug him away and keep him from going anywhere. She finally opted to bring her arms down, hands resting on his shoulders, and then she angled her hips and pushed, rolling them over so that she was the one on top. She bent her head, her long hair hanging loose and spilling over his chest with a silky coolness that greatly contrasted his heated skin.

He moved to kiss her once again, but found himself spun, then on his back. Blinking, he stared at her incredulously. She simply offered him a sultry smile before dropping her head to his neck. The lack of bodily contact felt like an itch he couldn't scratch. Reaching up, he attempted to clasp her slender shoulders. Blinking at the softness of the flesh, his eyes dropped down. His blood boiled at the sight of his fingers over flesh, his palms over cotton. He knew he should move his hands, but the limbs wouldn't respond to his orders and instead they gently kneaded the large, firm mounds.

She bit down on taut muscle, groaning at the feel of what his hands were doing, the sound vibrating along his throat before she brought herself to pull her teeth away, teasing the bite marks with the tip of her tongue. She sat up on him and smiled wickedly as her hands shifted awkwardly behind her. There was a sharp movement and then she brought her arms in front again, the straps of her bra slipping teasingly down along them.

He froze, the tiniest part of his self-control resurfacing. Or… was it self control? He didn't care. The sight of her... her... teasing him with her flesh sent sharp pangs of excitement through his gut. He couldn't remember ever feeling excited about anything before, but now... with Kaname, with her body...

He couldn't wait.

Reaching up, he slid fingers along each of her biceps and under the sheer fabric, hooking each side. She smiled teasingly at him, biting her lip as she closed her eyes and ground her hips roughly against his while pressing her arms tight to her sides, barely keeping the cups in place. Taunting him. It was fun, and she tossed her head back to hide her wicked grin, her hair tickling at his chest as it pulled away from her movement.

Sousuke groaned at the heated friction, his chest pounding in anticipation. She was playing with fire, and she knew it. With a deft movement, he sat up, wrapped one arm around her bare waist and fisted his hand around the center of her bra. She blinked at his speed, barely registering where his hand was before the cotton garment was cast into the shadows. His eyes fell to her plump mounds; salivating at the sight of their full roundness. His mouth connected with her collarbone, nibbling his way down to the dip of her throat.

She hissed in pleasure, swaying unsteadily in his lap and leaning forward in his hold. She lightly trailed her fingertips down his spine and whimpered. It was getting hard to think about anything, even remaining in control, because of his ministrations. In a last ditch effort she grabbed at his hair once more, yanking back roughly and pushing on his shoulders to knock him back onto the bed, falling on top of him and kissing him soundly while one hand snaked its way down between them to the hardness in his pants, stroking him boldly.

His nerves tingled as her bare, hardened nipples stroked his chest. He gasped at her hand's discovery, prompting a nervous grin from her. He stared deeply into her lucid eyes, his own fluttered as her hand massaged his solid member. Deciding to fight fire with fire, he snaked a hand along her silken belly, before coming to a stop at the button of her jeans. His finger popped it open, prompting a slight gasp from the woman above him. He nodded his head slightly, a small smile curling his lips as his other hand reached up to cup her neck and to pull her back down to him.

Kaname closed her eyes as her lips met his once more, her hand hovering now just above him, frozen in place as she contemplated her next move. Not that it was that difficult a decision, not with all of these sensations rolling over her. The answer really was simple.

She needed more.

Awkwardly, she fumbled with the button of his pants with one hand, struggling to get the rough material to move the way she wanted it to. He flicked the rest of the buttons open with a feverish desire, his thumbs slipping under the waistband to her hips before gently easing them down. His heart thundered in his chest as the sight of her underwear came into view. Before he had a chance to act on it, however, he noticed Kaname's quiet cursing. Releasing her half-removed pants, he reached down to his own and flicked open a number of buttons. "They are military grade," he stated breathlessly.

"Idiot," she muttered, pulling them down when he finished unfastening them. She crawled down his body towards the foot of the bed, taking his pants with her. When she finally pulled the waistband over his feet, she tossed them to the side and then made her way back up, keeping her eyes locked on his as she stalked inch by inch, her hair tickling and trailing along his now-bare legs on her journey.

He took in slow, shaky breaths as her breasts swayed with her actions, the curvature of her butt appearing behind her head with each movement. Rising on his hands, he met her halfway. She rested on her knees before slowly sitting back down. The two both released synchronized moans as their crotches met with nothing but two thin layers of cotton between them. He gulped nervously as she leaned forward to kiss him. Her breasts spread against his chest as his hands reached to her naked thighs, then along to her cotton clad butt.

Kaname bounced on him slowly, curiously, her breasts moving ever-so-slightly along his chest. She gasped and pulled back, squeezing her eyes shut and biting her lip at the flood of sensations as she dragged herself along him. The thin material separating them dampened from her pleasure and she had to fight not to shout, trembling once again in his arms as she tried unsteadily to continue her motions.

Grasping her ass, Sousuke shuddered as she ground against him. The combined feel of her silky smooth skin, her solid nipples and soaking, burning crotch sent a wave of pleasure deep into every fiber of his being. His eyes wearily surveyed her face. The way her cheeks were flushed, her lip swelling under her teeth and her tightly shut eyes compelled him to guide her in her movements. His breathing seized as her musky scents invaded his nostrils. Gripping her firm ass, he pulled her body towards him, then released as she slid herself back down his length. Another chorus of groans filled the room as her head fell into the crook of his neck.

"Sousuke," she whispered, her voice sounding almost pleading now as she shook with every action. She gripped his shoulders tightly, her nails sinking into the soft flesh without her realizing. Breathless, she placed kisses along his neck feverishly, one right after another, desperate for some kind of increased contact to make everything feel even better, but not knowing how to get it.

The speed of her caresses increased, his hyper-sensitive skin tingling with each movement. Grunting into her neck, he removed his hands from the firm flesh of her ass, stroking her skin rhythmically. His heart rose in his chest at the feel of her curved waist before threatening to seize as his thumbs came into contact with the weighted fullness of her breasts. Teeth sank into her neck, provoking a lustful groan from the azure-haired woman.

"Yesss," the word was barely a hiss of air as the sound hitched in her throat and turned into a long moan. She shuddered, the vibration from the sound creating more friction between her sensitized skin and his teeth, eliciting further pleasure. Her head tossed back, her hair tickling on their thighs, and her nails scraping along his back desperately as she continued to grind her hips against him.

He felt his hips flex with instinct against her grinding movements. Her groan fell upon deaf ears. His attention focused solely on the swollen mounds before him. Before, he'd been stolen the pleasure due to her bra and swift movements to pin him down. But now... the hardened nubs were clearly visible even in the distinct shadow of the room. His hands boldly slid up, snaking his fingers around their tantalizingly firm mass. He sucked in a shuddering breath, his body craving the taste of her firm buds.

Kaname sighed happily at the feel of his hands on her, slipping her own away from his back to slip her palms over the back of his hands. She tightened her hold, encouraging him to play with them more before lifting her hands to slide her nails teasingly down his chest and across his belly, stopping at the waistband of his underwear and then, slowly, carefully, snaking nimble fingers under, biting her lip shyly despite her bold actions.

His mind went blank as she massaged his hands into her breasts. He had no idea that what he was doing actually felt so good to her. His hands kneaded her flushed chest, the joints of his knuckles gently tugging at her hardened nubs with each movement. His mouth salivated at the sight. With no plan but to taste her sweet, sweet flesh he leaned forward. His lips sank into her supple skin, his teeth lightly grazing the hardened tips. His stomach twitched as her hands explored his body. He wouldn't have admitted it, but having her explore his body in much the same way as he was to her, made him believe that all of his hard work had pai--.

His body froze.

Sharp, almost painful pangs of pleasure shot through his abdomen as he felt her fingers stroke over the head of his solid member. Kaname lifted her hips, grateful for her strong legs as she held herself up awkwardly, not wanting to pull away from the wonderful feelings Sousuke was giving her while she single-mindedly worked to free him from the confines of cotton. She bent her head to nuzzle his hair, kissing the back of his head. Satisfied that her task was complete, she slowly ran the tips of her fingers along his length as she set herself back on his thighs, giggling as he twitched from the soft touch.

Sousuke fell back to the bed, his arms dropping limply to his sides. Groaning under her touch, he lifted his hips, pushing his throbbing member towards her. Growling, he realized that lifting his hips not only lifted himself, but also her, therefore closing no distance. Dropping back to the bed, he gazed up at her bright, smiling eyes. She knew exactly what she was doing to him, feeling how much he enjoyed it... Not that he'd admit that to her either.

Smiling wickedly, she slid down him again, this time taking his underwear down and off, tossing it to the side and sliding back up along his body. Blushing slightly, she mischievously blew on him, grinning when it seemed to jump, and then experimentally slid her tongue up along the length. His reactions were fascinating to her, as he groaned and arched his hips she drew away. With one hand gripping at his hip and the other curling around the base she leaned back down, swiping her tongue across the tip to lap at the precum there, curious.

Eyes glazing over, his body helplessly fell subject to her tests. So many feelings flooded his senses that his body could only learn to adapt to her touches. A strangled groan tore through his throat as she laved her tongue over the head. His legs fell rigid as she tentatively lifted her hand up, then fell limp as she drew her hand down. Digging his fingers into the bed sheets, he fought to grasp the thin material. Not good enough... Not cotton... Her... I need her.

Unaware of his plight, far too focused on the object in hand, she slowly wrapped her lips around the head, skimming her tongue along the tip. Her hand caressed, alternating between light teasing touches, grasping it and running her hand along, sliding just her thumb down... She carefully bobbed her head up and down, going just a bit further each time as she adjusted to the unfamiliar action that she found to be enjoyable – oddly enough, she thought.

Sousuke's hands buried themselves in her wild, blue tresses. She lifted curious eyes to meet his. He gulped. Her mouth wrapped loosely around his length, her full breasts visible thanks to a thin strip of light through the bedroom curtains. Shakily, he applied gentle pressure on the back of her head, silently begging her to continue. She grinned. He croaked. She sat, watching his reaction as she lifted her head against his hands. He blanched as she came to sit up again, eyes locked firmly on her smug face, not noticing as her fingers came down to hook the edge of her panties, easing the sodden material down her thighs.

She bent over him, sliding her breasts along his chest before leaning against him, kissing him, sliding her tongue insistently past his lips. She squirmed on top of him as she fought to finish removing the article, finally tossing it to the side and with a happy sigh she pressed herself down against him. Her head pulled back and her eyelids fluttered as she let out a satisfied sound from the feel of her slickness rubbing along him.

Seizing his opportunity, his hands clapped against her hips. She groaned at the bittersweet pleasure. Sliding along her lower back, his fingers dug into the plump roundness of her ass once more. His eyes slammed shut as her juices spread thickly over his length. Pulling her against his body, he reveled in the feel of her searing, silken lips parting around the width of his member.

"Sousuke," she whispered against his lips before closing the small space once more. She slid her fingers across his chest and along his sides, rubbed against him; grinded her hips down against him sharply and bit down on his lip as she groaned. She spread her hands wide, palms flat, running her hands along his body, exploring him, tracing every scar her slender digits came across and whimpered at the need for even more contact.

The musky scent of her arousal filled the room, spurring his already inordinate desire for her. Stealing one more kiss, he threw her to the bed. Swooping over her prone, naked body, he grasped her wrists and slammed them roughly into the sheets, rooting her in place. His chest rose and fell with renewed vigor as he ducked to her neck. Biting at the flesh, he drew his teeth along her throat and down to the slick valley between her breasts. The warmth of her skin, saltiness of her light sweat and natural sweetness mixed in a potent cocktail. Allowing himself a brief suckle on a plump, red nipple, he continued his journey downwards. The ever-increasing scent of her drawing him in.

Kaname panted and groaned, tossing her head from side to side as the onslaught overwhelmed her senses. She threw her head back, arched her back, and then fell back to the bed again, breathless. Her hands fisted in the sheets and she dug her heels into the mattress, raising her body up towards him, mindlessly pleading with him for more as she peered at him from heavy lidded eyes darkened with lust. She wanted to reach out and touch him but it was all she could do to grip onto the blankets beneath her for dear life.

Laving her flat stomach, the noises of his travels stung in his ears. His eyes lifted to meet hers. The sight of her heavily flushed skin and practically shut eyes caused his member to throb painfully. Enduring, he slipped one hand between her legs. Propping the limp appendage of his shoulder, his fingers traced to the back of her thighs. Her lustful moan of anticipation sent a rush of excitement through his entire being. Being able to evoke these kinds of reactions from the fiery-tempered girl before him caused him to grin wryly. He slid down several more, slow, wet, inches.

"Sousuke," she breathed, daring to reach one hand away from her anchor and tangle in his hair, pushing him down. "Sousukeee," she growled, fiercely demanding for more as best she could at that moment. Her eyes were open only barely, she could hardly see through her thick lashes as she attempted to glare at him for teasing her. She ground her hips against his touch, desperate to increase the pressure, the friction, the delicious electricity coursing through her body.

He allowed her to force him down, his lips passing through a small patch of light curls. Swallowing heavily, he pressed a firm kiss against the cleft of her crotch. Her raw, amplified groan urged him to continue onwards. He ran his lips over the curvature of her groin. Pressing his tongue against the parting of her lips, a small sample of arousal met his tongue. He lingered on the taste – her taste. His fingers dug firmly into her thigh and his tongue slid lower, running a burning trail over her exposed nub.

She shouted his name, bucking into him, her other hand shooting off the bed to join in the now-mess of his hair. Her fingers flexed, tugging on his locks as she whimpered and mewled, squirming underneath him. Eyes squeezed tightly shut against the sensory overload, she fervently whispered encouragement, his name, begging for more and twisting her hips in an attempt to get whatever it was that she just knew she needed from him, that only he could give her.

His scalp stung with agonizing pleasure. His free hand reached up to cup a full breast, firmly squeezing the mound while his tongue dipped further into her liquid desire. Lapping gently at her lips, he marveled as her thick juices clung to his lips. Tilting his head, he approached side-wards, his lips clasping her solid clit. He wondered, for a split second, if Kaname's advice to do what he felt he should had been taken too literally. But as she bucked against his mouth, her lips grinding against his chin, her voice echoing throughout the small room, all logic flew from his mind. Giving in to temptation, he slipped his mouth around a swollen pink lip, gently sucking the flesh before moving to the other and repeating the gesture.

It was impossible to think, it was almost impossible to breathe, all she could do at that moment was feel and if she could have heard herself she probably would have hated herself. Sousuke was winning the battle, all she could do anymore was just give in to him completely, her mind closed off from all reason. She pleaded with him for more, her voice strained against the tightness of her throat. She tugged at his head, though what she hoped to accomplish when his face was already smashed against her, she did not know. At that moment, she knew nothing - nothing except for the intense pleasure he was giving her - and it felt wonderful.

Unable to revel in his power, he focused solely on her pleasure, and her pleasure alone. Releasing her burning breast, he slipped his hand under her to cup her trembling ass. His other hand traced its way down to her sodden opening. Cautiously, his tongue stroking her clit firmly on the upstroke, softly on the down, he moistened a finger against her. A mumbled spatter of pleads passed her lips as his finger came to rest at her entry. As he sucked her clit into his mouth, his finger slowly eased its way in. He felt his legs fall limp as the sensations spread throughout his body. He then gulped as the realization this was only his finger hit him.

Her head tossed back, her grip in his hair tightened, and she let out an inarticulate shout. She pushed down on that one finger desperately, in her haze it somehow seemed as though if she tried hard enough, that finger would magically grow and fill her more completely. "More," she whispered feverishly, not even knowing what it was she was asking, "more," she groaned before biting her lip sharply against the fire that coursed through her veins.

"What is it that you want, Kaname?" he teased between long, thick laps of her clit. He knew this opportunity may not arise again, so for now, just this once, he was going to enjoy his power. "Tell me, Kaname...," his mouth clasped over her clit once again, his tongue tracing circles around the aroused tip while his finger slowly eased in and out of her vice-like pussy.

She shouted at the sensations, each time he put pressure on that sensitive nub she shook violently, more and more, and her fingers threatened to tear hair from his scalp. "Sousuke," she whimpered pleadingly, not even capable of mustering up annoyance at that moment. "You...," she whispered, "I need you." That was as far as she knew, it was all she knew, and she hoped and prayed he would know where to go from there, because at that moment she would certainly be no help. "Please," the small sound could barely be heard, barely even be understood through her desperate panting for air.

He grinned against her lips, planting one last kiss upon her solid nub before easing his body up and crawling over her, claiming hers once again. An arm snaked around his neck while another slid down his stomach to stroke his rigid member. He gazed deeply into her lidded eyes briefly before glancing down to her neck. "I don't... want to hurt you, Kaname..."

She blinked slowly at him, regaining some of her wits, then leaned forward and kissed the corner of his mouth. "Idiot," she murmured against his lips, "someone's going to have to some day." Grinning wickedly at him, she continued, "Do you really want it to be someone else? Or...," she kissed him again, "the only person I trust?"

Her words stung him. Lifting his gaze, he turned so his lips could meet hers. Pressing her back into the bed, he groaned into her lips as her bold hand firmly stroked the full length of his member. His hips flexed as she guided him to her entrance, their lips grinding together with a fierce passion as she ground his head up and down between her lips, smearing him with her arousal.

Kaname pulled back, gasping for air between fervent kisses, "Okay," she nipped his lip, "just do it," she teased the bite with the tip of her tongue, "get it over with," she tugged his head down by the hair for another long and fierce kiss. She drew her knees up and wrapped her legs around his waist, and, satisfied with the positioning, she drew her hand from between him to wrap around his shoulders, gripping tightly in anticipation of the pain.

He couldn't help but tremble. Part due to anxious anticipation and part due to the pain he would cause her, but, as she breathed gentle encouragement, her lips nipping his, he gathered himself. Dropping from his hands to his elbows, pressed his body to hers. A shudder enveloped his form at the feel of her burning tightness. His cracked careful eyes open, assessing her features through a foggy haze as his member eased further into her embrace.

His head fell to the crook of her neck, panting breathlessly as his member pressed further into her heated depths. Sensations that flew through his body were other-worldly. Her vice-like hold, her radiating heat and slick suction made his arms tremble. He groaned into her collar; breasts spreading under his chest and her legs stroking his hips. "This is...," his breath hitched as she tightened around his length. "Shit..." He cursed freely, uncaring of the consequences, his member throbbing painfully within her before being soothed by her sweet caress.

Her hold on Sousuke tightened; she hid her face against his neck as another pained sound escaped her throat. She blinked rapidly against the sensation, against the feel of tears stinging her eyes, her eyelashes fluttering against his skin teasingly before she let out a great sigh. She fell limply back onto the bed, her legs still around his waist but her arms dropping so that she held his shoulders lightly, occasionally flexing her fingers. In spite of the pain she smiled encouragingly up at him, squeezing with her legs to urge him on further.

Her cry shocked him back into reality. He froze in place, stomach churning with guilt as he considered pulling away. Gazing down at her smiling face, her legs renewed their hold. Both released short, throated moans as she pulled him against her, the sweet friction sucking his member deeper into her. Biting his tongue to prevent a groan while Kaname let hers fill his ears, he pressed forward, the last few inches sheathing inside her as their loins crashed together.

Hissing at the feel of being filled to the breaking point she tossed her head back and arched into him, biting her lip at the pain but moaning at the pleasure. She was torn between two extremes and she cried out his name once more. She pulled his face down to hers and kissed him forcefully, rolling her hips up against his, determined to draw out more of the sweet pleasure-pain she just knew was waiting for her.

He slid his hands under her back, palms floating over the curve of her spine as he remained nestled within her, reveling in the static pleasure. His mind began to wander, buzzing with all the repressed feelings, thoughts and words he'd wanted to say to her. Now, with her beneath him, sharing their feelings in the most intimate way possible, he felt as though he should say those few words that always caught in his throat

Kaname sighed happily at his soothing touch and rubbed her face into the crook of his neck once more, kissing and nipping at the spot just for the sake of having some extra contact. Her fingers trailed down his chest, nails occasionally scraping along his skin as she turned her hands this way and that, reaching his stomach and sliding them over his hips before making their way up along his back. "Sousuke," she breathed against his throat endearingly.

He tilted his head slightly, nudging her forwards into his view "Kaname," he muttered forcefully.

She looked up at him, her eyes blinking slowly and she tilted her head to the side curiously. "Hm?" she bit her lip nervously, "Sousuke? What...?"

"I have... wanted to say this for quite some time now. Unfortunately, my own cowardice prevented me from doing so," he smiled gently down at her, sensing her worry.

"Huh?" she blinked her eyes rapidly now, trying to adjust her thoughts from what she was feeling to what he was saying. She shook her head slightly to clear it then looked up at him with wide and bright eyes. "What... did you want to tell me?"

"I uhh...," he cursed silently. "I really... enjoy your company, Kaname..." He cleared his throat, and blushed as he realized that his movements ground directly against her groin. "I... I can't find the right words..."

"You... enjoy my...," she laughed as she realized what his problem was, leaning up to kiss him tenderly. "It's okay," she whispered into his ear, "I know. I wouldn't be here like this with you if I didn't." She shifted her face to slide her lips across his cheek then placed another gentle kiss under his ear. "I can wait to hear it when you're ready to say it," she pulled back, placing her hands on either side of his face and smiling brightly up at him with her eyes shining.

Sousuke nodded gratefully as she leaned back. Her bright eyes and smiling lips filled him with an unbridled confidence. Utilizing his calmed state of mind, he slowly drew his hips back as he leaned down to place a soft kiss on her forehead. He sighed lustfully as he slid back into her embrace. He could feel every movement, every twitch of her body while he rested his forehead against hers.

Her eyes fluttered closed and she let out a puff of air that hit the heated skin of his throat as she pushed her head back into the mattress with a content smile on her face. She groaned at his movements and trailed her fingers in lazy circles on the backs of his shoulders before cracking her eyes open to look up into his lovingly.

Accustoming himself to these pleasurable, intense feelings, he increased his pace while attempting to maintain eye contact with the azure-haired goddess beneath him. His breath passed his lips in sharp, wavering torrents. The sensation of her hips lifting to meet his with each stroke sent a rush of adrenaline through his veins. His hands sought out locks of her hair to clasp to, any part of her to increase the bodily contact.

Her head tossed back as he increased the pace and the tugging on her hair sent a jolt through her system that had her shouting his name. Once more her arms found themselves wrapped tightly around his shoulders and she let out a long deep moan as she pulled his head down for a desperate, breathless kiss before tilting her head back again and giving him access to her throat. Her eyes opened and closed as she tried fervently to watch him but found her body being racked with pleasurable sensations too great to keep her eyes open throughout.

He dove for her skin, his chest massaging her breasts as he began to feast on her flesh. His hips moved of their own accord, pulling outwards and upwards before sliding firmly back in. The pace continued to increase, his breathing sped up, and sweat built on his brow. He bit down as her heels dug into his lower back. Drawing his teeth along the tortured skin, he kissed his way up to the center of her jaw.

"Yesss," she hissed, urging him on, twisting her hips up and matching his pace as best she could, mewling at the intensity, at the sparks being shot along her veins with every motion, with every breath, with every heartbeat. She clawed at his back, clinging to him, dragging him down, and trying to wrench from him the same wild and primal sounds he wrung from her with every kiss, with every scrape of his teeth against her skin, with every thrust of his hips. Mindlessly she pleaded for more, nails dragging along his back, unforgiving, head pulling impossibly further back as she begged him for more and more.

"Ohhhh shit!" The words roared through his throat as her nails cut into his skin, her pussy tightening around his aching member. Dropping down onto her, he held her waist tightly as he rolled over. Sousuke smirked as the surprised look on her face disappeared. Her eyes rolling back into her head as he slammed his full length deep inside her. He had no idea why he was behaving in such an... instinctual way. But judging from Kaname's reactions and his own feelings of release in the bold movements and sounds, he was more than willing to allow these feelings to take control. sliding his hands down to her legs, he pulled her knees up, allowing her to sit back on her feet as his hands kneaded the supple flesh of her curvy thighs.

Kaname shouted something inarticulate as everything she was feeling increased a hundred-fold. She clung to him for dear life, ducked her head down, sinking teeth into his shoulder roughly as she fought to hold back the scream that threatened to tear itself from her throat. She tried desperately to get herself under some semblance of control, rocking her hips against his and sitting up, running her nails cruelly down his chest and tossing her head back wantonly. Grinding herself against him she bit down on her lip as wave after wave of pleasure crashed relentlessly over her.

He grasped her hands and pulled himself up, immediately burying his face in a large, firm breast. His lips assaulted the darkened nipple while his hands worked their way back down to cup her gyrating ass. He could feel it, he knew it was coming, the pressure had been building and he was rapidly approaching his limit. "Kaname... I'm almost..." he ground into her breast, refusing to give up the delicious mound even to speak.

Her fingers tangled in his hair to keep him in place and she groaned as his teeth teased at her taut nipple. "Me too," the words came out as part of a pleasured noise, and her breath hitched as she nearly shouted. Her blood was pounding in her veins, making it hard to breathe, hard to hear, hard to see, all she was aware of was the feel of strong fingers digging deliciously into her ass, of lips, tongue, and teeth teasing at her breast, of the blindingly wonderful feel of him filling her again and again, and it all became too much. She screamed his name as her body shook, every part of her being tightening on him as her orgasm washed over like an earthquake, trembling with aftershocks and her breath hitching as electricity danced across her nerves.

His fingers kneaded each of her full cheeks, his breath pouring out in a vast torrent of burning air. His abdomen tensed at his impending release. "Kaname...!" he whimpered as her hands fisted his hair, pulling him into her. He responded in kind, burying himself inside her, pulling her ass down onto him with all the strength he could muster as spasms wracked his entire body. His eyes flashed a blinding white as he filled her with stream after stream of his juices. He roared into her chest once more; gently gyrating her ass around on his still twitching member.

She fell completely against him, unable to hold herself up, her body vibrating as pleasure coursed through her system in slowly depleting pulses. Her breath came in short quick bursts as she worked to fill her lungs, her arms fell limply to their sides and she weakly ran her fingers along his stomach. She tilted her head on his shoulder to smile up at him, barely able to keep her eyes open as she softly whispered "I love you," against his sweat-slicked neck. Suddenly it didn't matter that he hadn't said it first, she knew voicing his feelings was hard for him, but for her… she at least had a family to say those words to before. It wasn't strange for her to say such a thing, and didn't he deserve to know? She pressed a soft and lingering kiss to the flesh she had just whispered sweet words into.

Sousuke had never known pleasure or feelings like this. For something so foreign to him to be so fulfilling... His body twitched with warmth and a sense of belonging that he had never felt before, let alone share with anyone else. His head fell back, eyes closing while taking a deep breath as a wide smile set itself upon his features. When she whispered those three, short words to him, he felt as though he were invincible. She loved him. His arms shook with fatigue as he lifted them to surround her waist, holding her limp body in place. He turned to her, his eyes lit with a spark of emotion she'd only seen on a few, very rare, occasions. "I... love you, too." His body gave in, lowering them both to the softness of the sheets. His arms somehow managed to tighten their hold on her as she lifted a leg to rest over his waist.

Sighing happily, Kaname snuggled against him, tucking her head under his chin and reveling in the warmth and protection his hold gave her. Over the years since her mother died she had grown used to being alone, always having been distant with her father, and when he and her sister had moved away that loneliness had only increased. Since meeting Sousuke it had seemed to begin to melt away, not being as crushing as it was before, but now it was gone completely. With the feeling of true contentment and happiness flooding her veins she giggled and wiggled, pressing herself flush against him, "Thank you." It sounded odd, but she meant it, and at that moment she could sacrifice a small shred of her pride to let him into her mind, heart, and soul.

He sported a smarting, playful grin as he turned to her, her beaming face stretching his lips to their fullest. "Kaname?" he leaned his head down to her, placing his forehead against hers once again. His world had been one of desolation, emptiness and survival. While he was still adapting to a modern and civilized society, he had learned a lot from those around him. Failing was deemed as okay, now and again. Life wouldn't end if you made a mistake, forgiveness and compassion came from every angle. Yet, none nearly as strong, nor as bright, as Kaname.

He placed a soft, chaste kiss on her lips. "It's not a problem."