Ramen tales

By: Hentai Y. Slave

Genre: PG-13, shonen-ai, fluff, humor, AU

Pairing: Kaname+Zero

Summary: A starting series of one-shots, drabbles etc revolving Kaname, Zero and ramen XD Each will be a different AU setting.

A/N: This is the last of my drafts!!! I have no more ideas, and I dun think I can generate any more for a while, since real life is catching up. Damn. I reallllllllllllllllly want to put Zero in a cheongsam (high slit China dress) XD *barely misses gunshot*

Warning: ...Cross-dressing Zero XD And not much dialogue aka not a lot of Zero and Kaname blather...well not as much as I would like.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, but this fic is mine!


No. 7: The Waiter 2

(In the streets)

On this particular day, the people that walked pass the street opposite Cross Maid Cafe came across a curious sight; two figures crunched low in a bush, one of them sighing in embarrassment, while the other giggling to himself and occasionally taking photos of the cafe.

Kain Akatsuki knew it was going to happen sooner or later; his date had been slowly leading them to this area for the last hour of their date, and finally coyly suggested that they round the corner and see how Zero was doing.

Well Zero IS my brother after all, of course I should come and take a look! Just to make sure he is fine. It is a just *coincidence* that I have my camera with me. Kiryuu Ichiru had argued then as he happily snapped up photos of his twin working.

Ichiru took another shot just when his twin came to Kaname-senpai's table with a drink. They both paused and watched in confusion as Zero stalked off when Kaname said something, and then came back with another straw. Kain raised his eyebrows when Zero sank down into the seat next to Kaname and shared the drink with his friend. Ichiru on the other hand, merely smirked and snapped a shot of their close faces, Zero's neutral expression and Kaname's happy one, as they shared the drink in a 'loving' manner.

When Yuuki came over to serve Kaname's ramen, Kain's jaw dropped when Zero picked up the utensils and started feeding Kaname. After nonchalantly snapped a few of those shots, Ichiru frowned worriedly. Though personally it was perfectly fine for Ichiru had Kaname-senpai made these requests of him, it was uncertain how much embarrassment Zero can take...especially since his twin cannot possibly tell that Kaname was just teasing him.

But... Ichiru pondered...is Kaname ONLY teasing him? Or...


(In the cafe)

Cross Maid Cafe was a maid cafe like most typical maid cafes. Normally, exclusive service from the maids was protested upon, but most of the people today were regular customers who were well aware of who Kaname was. No one usually protested much against it, not just because Kaname co-owned the place but also because Kaname tend to give a feeling of superiority, whether in his looks or in his mannerism, that deserved the undivided attention of any maid he wished. Besides, it was a common sight for 'Ichiru' to pay more attention to his favorite Kaname-senpai when he dropped by.

"Ah." The reluctant 'maid' deadpanned as he offered a spoonful of ramen.

"Hmm? I didn't hear you Zero-chan~" The 'master' blinked in pretence of not hearing.

"Kaname-sama~ Ah~~" Zero repeated, mentally puking at the embarrassing act-cut tone that came out of his mouth. Satisfied, Kaname leaned forward and accepted it happily.

Zero tried to look uninterested when Kaname kept his steady gaze on him as he chewed on his ramen thoughtfully. Being forced to sit next to the man gave him a chance to take a closer look at the man (not that he wanted to). Kuran Kaname is a handsome man, that much he could admit; he was the pretty Yuuki's brother after all. But more than that, Zero found his eyes drawn curiously to the natural grace that the man possessed. The way Kaname sits in a leisurely yet poised manner and the elegant way he picks up and sips on the extra glass of water on the table all screamed well bred and high class to him. To someone like Zero who lost his parents at a young age and took odd jobs for a living, it was something he knew he could never imitate. His observations led him to start feeling a certain amount of envy as well as admiration for the man, something that surprising he did not feel for Yuuki.

Zero looked away, fighting down an embarrassing blush when Kaname caught him staring. Kaname merely smiled back.

"I didn't think you could do this so well." Kaname finally commented, gesturing to the ramen.

Zero smirked. "I fed Ichiru when he was young." Even though they were twins, Ichiru always seemed to act five years younger, doing things like picking on his food that required Zero to coax him into eating. Never in a million years would Zero predict that the baby voice he had used when feeding a young Ichiru could be used like this.

"Oh? Then I'm treated like a child then?"

"Of course." Zero replied defiantly.

"How interesting."

"..." Insulting maybe... Interesting??? This guy is nuts!

"Ne, Zero? Listen carefully~" Kaname insisted, leaning over conspiratorially.

"...Wha- What is Kaname-sama?" Something bad. Definitely something bad.

"Let's go on a date."

Everyone looked up when they heard a resounding slap. Yuuki gasped and hurriedly step back when Zero stomped pass her into the kitchen.


Outside the cafe Kain had gave a gasp, but Ichiru merely blinked, then smiled. The reaction was so like his brother, yet so unlike him as well.

Zero slapped him...but at least he didn't punch him! Ichiru tapped a finger on his chin thoughtfully; Zero was probably just surprised by the statement, but not really grossed out by the idea.

And judging from the satisfied smile on Kaname's face as his hand nursed his cheek, Ichiru was sure Kaname knew that as well.


A/N: Gosh Kaname is so M. Who thinks Ichiru should conspire with Kaname? ME! Pls review!!!