(A/N: Hey! I really wanted to try a challenge do I'm gonna try HoLlIwOoDbOuNd13's 100 Word Challenge! Tell me what you think! I wanna know if I should continue! Thanks!)


Sonny Monroe didn't hate many things. She was a naturally bubbly person.

She loved people, places, things (pretty much all nouns),

Feelings, emotions, ideas…

Adverbs, pronouns, adjectives…

Pretty. Much. Everything.

Well, everything except blue.

She didn't really hate it, albeit she didn't love it either.

A stupid, stupid color! It was an adjective-

but she still didn't know what to think of it.

Blue was the color of the sky on a warm summer day.

Blue was the color of the community swimming pool's water

(Sonny used to love to go there…)

Blue is the color of her favorite scarf, her mom's old teapot,

her Honor Roll Certificate, her computer's background,

Tawni's new skinny jeans, (which she only wore once-then gave to Sonny)

Her phone's backlight, her old school's P.E. uniform,

(she really missed that stupid, stupid place)

Her new eye shadow,

and even her very first report card

(which had straight A's by the way…)

She didn't have a problem with these hues of blue.

They were material things and she didn't mind this kind of blue.

But there were worse ways she saw blue.

Blue was the color of an intentional bruise.

Blue was the color of a heartbroken girl.

Blue was the color of a homeless boy's tears,

sadness, the endless sea,

(which scared her more than anything else in the world)

Sadness, loneliness, and fear.

Blue was the color of an ex-best friend,

An unrequited love

(Sonny had experienced that before…)

someone who forgot you when they moved away,


(Chad Dylan Cooper *cough cough)

Mean and cruel words and her rival show's poster.

Blue was the color of her crush's eyes.

They were icy, and clear

(like the depths of a dream)

And sarcastic and sad.

They screamed for attention while shying away.

They knew you saw through them,

but kept going anyway.

They were piercing and scary,

but soft, calm and sweet.

It all depended on which side of the boy that you saw.

And Sonny Monroe didn't know what to do about this either.

She couldn't just love him, and she couldn't just hate him…

He was Chad Dylan Cooper.

(the poser of course)

And it was hard to just love or hate him.

He was the color that confused her the most.

The very same thing that she couldn't decide

To love or to hate.

But, wow! They were both just so confusing!!

Sonny Monroe didn't hate many things. She was a naturally bubbly person.

(A/N: I'm sorry if this is kinda confusing-it's supposed to be! Haha=] Please Review! I love reviews! Thanks. Most of my stories will be Channy because they are just so awesome!! If you put the bold letters together, it will spell a secret message! Haha thanks!)