Everyone turned to the loud blond haired girl in the middle of the room. A paper in her hand. She turned to the teacher with a sour face. As if she had just sucked on a lemon but was mad at the same time.

"What is it now, Ino?"

"A play?! Were having a stupid school play?!"

The teacher put his head in his hand and rubbed his temples. Ino always made a big deal out of everything. He rolled his eyes and raised his voice so the whole class could hear his next statement.

"Kohona High School is having a school play and everyone MUST try out. Everyone will get a part and your part size will depend on your acting skills. Ninja have to act like other people on mission and this is a project grade. If you fail this you fail this whole year."

The class mumble picked up and everyone was now talking about the play and how stupid or cool they thought it was. That was until the door to the classroom opened just a bit and having all ninja in a classroom every head turned to the door. It got dead quiet in the room and everyone waited to see who was at the door. The door then slid open the rest of the way and a girl walked in. A few boys gasped and girls just stared at the beautiful women. She looked to be the age of 18 and had long beautiful hot pink hair. Her eyes were a perfect shade of light green and her body was so perfect a model would kill for it. She walked to the desk of the teacher. Her red high heals made a clacking sound with each step she took. The blue jean short showed off her wonderful legs. Her belly shirt was red and had her clan symbol of a white circle on the back. Every head in the room was glued to her.

"Heyy, your Kakashi right?"

Even the teacher was brought back by her voice. It was beautiful but tuff. She looked strong. She looked REALLY strong. He handed her a paper.

"Pick any seat you want Miss. Sakura Haruno."

She smiled at him and turned around to see guys pushing people out of the chairs next to them and waving at her. As she walked past one boy pushed a girl out of the seat next to him and she hit the ground hard. Sakura walked up to the purple haired girl on the ground and put out her hand to help her up.

"Are you okay?"

The girl just looked at her and blushed as she took her hand. When she was on her feet she answered her.

"ummmm y-yes. T-thank you v-very much."

She bowed to the beautiful women. Sakura thought it was funny and giggled.

"What is your name?"


"That's a pretty name. Lets sit down."

Hinata looked around the room. First thing she saw was that no one was gonna let Sakura sit next to her cuz they all wanted to sit by her. Next she noticed all the eyes on her and Sakura. She turned to ask where they were gonna sit but Sakura was already working on that problem. She had walked up to the boy that so rudely pushed Hinata out of her seat.


With that one word the boy was out of his seat and across the room. Not wanting Sakura to be angry at him for any reason. Hinata took the seat next to her as the teacher started the lesson. It was not long into the class before Hinata was slipped at note by Sakura. The paper was folded into a small squire shape with her name wrote on the front. Sakura's hand writing was almost as beautiful as she was. She looked up at Sakura who was playing with her gum and winking at some hot boy across the room. Hinata turned her attention back to the note and opened it. It read….

This class is so boring!

What are you doing after school?

Hinata graved her pen and wrote back at neatly as she could. It was no where neat as good as Sakura's head writing.

I was gonna hang out with my friend Naruto. He is not in this class but I'm shore you would love to meet him.

Hinata slid the note back and Sakura quickly scanned the paper and writing something down in the next second. Three seconds after she gave her the note it was back in her lap. Hinata's eyes rolled over the page.

Is he hott?

Does he have any hot friends?

Let's start from the beginning!

Is there anyone I should look out for?

Like someone everyone hates and I don't wanna make friends with?

Her mind wondered through ever face in the whole school and only one came to mind. She scribbled down the girls name and some info on her.

Only one I can think of!

Her name is Kirin!

She is a total bitch! Everyone hates her!

Her boyfriend is really nice though.

I'm friends with him!

I don't know how he puts up with her!

She handed the letter to Sakura and turned to look at the clock. WOW 3 minutes till lunch! Time flies when you're passing notes with maybe the hottest girl in the world. Before she could even think another though the letter was back in front of her. She opened it and did not bother to write back she just turned to Sakura and told her.

"This period is over any minute now and I will show you everyone in lunch next period."

Sakura nodded her head and pulled the note from Hinata's hand and ripped it up and through it in the air. Hinata turned to the teacher to see if he was angry at Sakura's action but all he did was look at her. Not a word fell from his mouth. Then the bell rang and Hinata graved her books and lead Sakura out of the room and into the hallway. They stopped at Hinata's locker and Naruto ran up to her.

"Heyy Hinata!!!!"

He hugged her and kissed her as Sakura just stood there. She did not wanna interrupt but before she knew it someone through a pencil at the back of the blond boys head. And then He walked over to her. Sakura's eyes got big and she backed herself into the lockers at the sight of the black haired boy. Just looking at him made her as wet as a fish. The burning in-between her legs belt up and she almost moaned but her bit her lip to hold it down.

"What The Hell Was That For Sasuke-Teme?!?!?!"

Inner Sakura - 'NOOOOOO! The bitch's boyfriend! Sasuke! I want him! No Wait, I NEED him in me like right fucking now or I think I might die! I have to get rid of this Karin girl and fast!'

Sakura walked up to the dark haired boy and greeted him with a sexy smile. She put the tip of her finger in her mouth and bit it all sexy like and spoke to him.

"So you're Sasuke?"

He turned his head to face her and his eyes got big. And he had the same reaction to her as she had to him. He NEEDED her as much as she NEEDED him. He was about to just push her into the lockers and take her right then and there but then her felt something rap its was around his neck and warm and ruff lips on his check.

"Heyy Sasuke-Baby!"

Karin's voice was more annoying than her face and that's saying something. Sasuke had to get rid of her and fast!