Hey there everyone! Don't hate me because I have not abandoned you! This is just a warm up! Hopefully I'll have more for you in the immediate future :) I hope you enjoy, so R&R!


Fred Weasley smiled at his twin who was standing next to him at the hottest event of the year, the Weasley-Granger wedding.

Fred broke his smile and gazed down the aisle at the bride who was slowly making her way up the aisle. He smiled at thoughts of their past together and about what a spitfire she was.

One memory in particular stuck out to him on this day, how she got set up with his brother in the first place.

"Ronald is a right prat," the curly-haired brunette huffed as she sat down on the loveseat next to Fred.

He wrapped his arm over her shoulder comfortingly and said, "Don't worry Mione, he'll come around."

She huffed and slumped down a bit, "That's the point, I'm not sure I want him too."

"What do you mean? I thought you might have fancied him," Fred said cautiously.

"I think you might have been wrong. Any man – no boy – who tries to grab my attention by attaching himself to a slag like Lavendar Brown has lost all my respect."

"Hermione Granger? Cussing?" Fred looked up as his second eldest brother walked into the room with a smile on his face.

Fred felt Hermione sit up a little straighter as a small blush spread across her cheeks.

He watched as they began to argue about some small meaningless detail about life and tuned back into their conversation as Hermione stood up to leave, seething about being able to do whatever the hell she damn well wanted to.

Fred surveyed Charlie as he sat down across from him. He had a glint in his eyes and a smile on his face even though he had just finished arguing with the brightest witch of their age.

Finally Charlie spoke and said, "She's quite the spitfire."

Fred contemplated his reply and as Charlie stood up to leave he said, "She's not just a spitfire, she's vibrant."

Charlie nodded his head and left Fred sitting there thinking about the two of them.

Sure enough that conversation had led Fred to take more drastic measures to ensure that the two of them had gotten at least a date in (if being forced to remain in the same room together for a night counts as a date) and they had been together ever since.

He looked at Hermione in her strapless ivory gown and decided that she was radiating a sense of vibrancy. He decided by the lit up look on Charlie's face that together they were more vibrant and perfect together than almost anyone he knew.

Afterwards during the reception Fred danced with many of Hermione's cousins and guests but found himself dancing more than a few times with a Charlotte Granger.

It wasn't until after the wedding he realized that she was like Hermione, vibrant. He made a vow to himself right there and then to talk Hermione into helping him send Charlotte an owl after she and Charlie returned from their honeymoon.