Disclaimer : I don't own the characters. =3

They had just had one of the best days together in his opinion. Rosto had managed to convince Beka that it was in her best interest to go on a walk through the gardens with him. How he managed this was amazing in its self but he was still patting himself on the back even as he was planning his most devious of plans to date.

"I wonder what the name of this flower is, it's very pretty." She held the bud in her hands without picking it. She wanted to preserve it's beauty. "Look how beautiful it's color is." It was a pinky grey hue that was very delicate looking.

"I believe those are called roses."

"Aren't those suppose to have thorns? This has none at all."

"Not all of them have thorns, I don't think."

She sighed at the flower as she moved on, "They may just be my favorite now."

Rosto walked into the flower shop a was hit with a wave of flower scents. He wrinkled his nose. The smell was nice but it was very overwhelming. A clerk rushed up to him.

"How may I help you, sir?" She said in a soft voice.

"I'm looking for a certain flower…"

Beka sat in her room writing in her journal when I knock came at the door. She frowned and rose to answer it. At her door step stood a young man, may nine. In his hands he held the biggest bouquet of flowers she had ever seen. Not only that but they were the flowers she had adored early that week.

Taking them she muttered her thanks. She had a pretty good idea from whom they had come form and she had to admit that it was pretty sweet.

Rosto stood in front of yet another flower shop, his face set.

"I don't care if it'll clean you out, how many people buy them anyway. Besides, you'll be getting your money any way."

"But sir," the flustered clerk said, "Every hour?"

"Yes, every hour."

Beka was getting tired of this. She opened the door to one of the town delivery boys who were taking shifts delivering her the stupid flowers. Taking them she turned back to her room that was now covered with the beautiful flowers.

Where was she supposed to put them? There was a surface clear in her room! This had to stop! Setting the flowers on the flower she turned to open her door. In the hall she spotted the sneaky mister who was cluttering her room with flowers.

"Rosto the Piper!" She barked with her hands on her hips.

He turned and looked at her, the picture of innocence, "What's up?"

"Oh you know what's up!" She threw her hands in the air above her head. "How am I supposed to live around all of those flowers?"

He pondered how best to respond to her question. Since he could find no better answer he smiled and said, "You could stay with me until they all die."

Beka simply turned back into her room and slammed the door shut.

How dare he?

Then she looked up at her flowers and smiled. They all must have cost him a fortune. Plus it was really sweet that he remembered her favorite flowers.

That still didn't mean though, that she would canoodle with him.

Sighing she went back to the hall. Rosto was still standing where she had left him, looking quite put out. Walking up to him, she kissed him square on the mouth, a fast soft peck, then retreated to her room.