"There's a First in Everything"

By: Miyo-chan02

Disclaimer: If I owned P.O.T. I should have said so

Sakuno's an ordinary girl whose dream is to reach USA. She never made room for romance. With her first kiss stolen by Ryoma, she enters the world of rivalry, threat and possibly romance

Chapter III: First Love

The girl's alarm clock rang loudly. It was enough to wake her up. Her eyes opened as she got up. She stood before her window pane, and stretched her arms upward. A busy land greeted her gaze. The buildings were high. Lots of people and vehicles occupied the said place. Her impression from the first day was still the same. She felt fascinated, for it sure was different from her own.

Right, she was here in America, in search of her parents.

She washed her face and got her hair done. Of course she didn't forget her floral clip. She kicked her pajamas off and wore a new pair of clothes. "Yosh!" and she's ready for another day.

Soon, a knock was heard on the door at the corner of the room she stayed in. "Ma'am, this is room service."

"Ah… hai I mean yes." She said and got the door.

As the staff member ended the preparations, he asked her. "Is there anything else you need ma'am?"

Sakuno was certain that she didn't need anything. "D-do you have Ponta here?" she asked, with her mind disagreeing with it. "Mou… why did I say that?"

The staff member's eye brow rose a bit but he smiled. "Of course ma'am. Let me get it in the vending machines." And he left the room.

The twin-braided girl wondered. Why did she say that?

After a few more thoughts, the drink she asked for has arrived. "Enjoy your meal ma'am." And once again, he left.

While eating the prepared meal for her, Sakuno didn't even touch or glanced at the said can. She unknowingly asked for it and yet, she won't even touch it. Just before she was about to leave, she grabbed it and stared at it.

A small flashback came to her as she read the label. She remembered that guy. That guy who had those gold eyes and green hair. That guy named Ryoma. A small blush filled her cheeks.

She shrugged it off. She placed it in her bag and took off. For some odd reason, she had a feeling. A positive feeling that they'll meet again.

o o o

The cat-eyed prodigy hit a tennis ball with ease, as the wind blew his hair. This was unlike him. He went out for tennis, but he wore a blue shirt, pants, and rubber shoes. And he even forgot his favorite white cap. Its like he went out to hang out or something, which is very unlike him.

He ignored his current condition and tried to enjoy what he had.

His hair blowing like that is disturbing his practice. He soon got bored, and found a bench to sit on. This was really nothing like him. The day was perfect for tennis, and yet, he stayed on that bench to slack off? He'd have to check if he ate something unusual that morning.

He leaned his back comfortably and observed his surroundings. It was great that in this urban city, nature still existed. He closed his eyes for a short nap.

It felt really great. As a tennis player, he rarely had time for peace. A perfect example was the other day, when his fangirls were chasing him. Good thing that no fangirls were around this time. Well he was pretty lucky. There was one time that even fanboys were chasing him.

His cat eyes snapped open, as his palm made its way to his face. He shouldn't have thought of it. "…disturbing." He muttered. Now he felt his head ache. "Damn fanboys…" he continued.

Honestly, he really hadn't felt peace that much. And that made him remember. That girl. The one in braids. For some reason he never grew to know, he felt at peace with her. Maybe it's because she was different from all the other girls he had met before.

In other words, his eardrums didn't fall when he first met her and the same with their second meeting. And… there was that amusing fact, that she had no idea who he is.

"I-ittai!!" he heard. The voice was familiar. And it seemed to be rare for that kind of voice for shouting as usage. He straightened up on his seat and took a look around.

She was on the floor wearing a face of distress as she rubbed a part of her back.

o o o

She was up for a break and wandered on the park. It was her third day, and she still had the determination for her parents, yet she seemed to be dazed out and she can't keep focus. "You need focus." She reminded herself.

She's been out for three hours and there's no progress. She keeps on thinking about that Ryoma-guy. "A-am I falling for him…?" she asked herself as she burnt her own cheeks. How could she possibly think that? She met this guy for just two times. She can't possibly fall for him! There's no such thing as love at second sight.

Sakuno seemed desperate. She recalled her best friend back from Japan. They used to do something whenever they can't decide on one certain thing.

"Okay, remember. All we'll do is to bet on it. Just give conditions and such." That was her friend's words.

She closed her eyes. A bet. A condition. She knew this was silly, but this is the only thing she knew to calm down. If she sees him after opening her eyes that would mean that she had fallen for him.

The girl took a deep breathe. Inhale. Exhale. She opened her eyes and cleared her throat.

She was about to smile for no sign of him but her smile dropped. He was there. A few meters away from the spot where she stood. He was on a bench and was on a nap.

She slowly backed away and accidentally stepped on a pebble that unconsciously lay on the ground. In a matter of seconds, she was on the floor. "I-ittai!!" she cried in pain.

Clumsiness has really been a part of her. Being nervous didn't help either.

Sakuno saw a shadow cast on her. She looked up. She swore that she would never freak out. "Need a hand?" he asked but was said like a statement.


Echizen Ryoma's ear drums fell on the ground that time.

o o o

"G-gomenasai." The twin-braided girl apologized to the tennis prince.

"Aa." Was his reply. "I never knew you were loud." He said as his lips formed a smirk.

Sakuno blushed and looked down. "I-I was just shocked. That's all." She admitted. She never wanted to get attention. Especially, if her clumsiness was being portrayed. "Mou… this is so embarrassing…"

The lad saw how much discomfort she felt, as he stopped. He easily gets bored anyway. He looked up at the wide blue sky and once again, he let his eyelids cover his vision. The girl who stayed beside him looked around.

"This… this is a nice place…" she said.

"Hn." Was his reply.

"You know… I… I never thought that America would be this amazing." She said. "In this huge place, my parents stayed for many years." As she started to talk about herself, the lad listened.

A teardrop soon fell. "A-ah… g-gomenasai…" she wiped the teardrop. "I-I'm talking too much. Y-you might think I'm weird." A few tears continued to stream down.

Ryoma continued to watch the clouds dance. "I always thought you were." He spoke nonchalantly.

"E-Eh? M-mou how rude!" she pouted and forgot all about the tears she shed.

"Heh. Mada mada dane."

Sakuno's pouting lips curved onto a small smile. "Arigatou… Ryoma-kun." The soft greeting escaped it.

Ryoma once again straightened on his seat. "For what?" his eyebrow rose.

The girl didn't give a reply but she stood. "Here." She handed him a can from her bag. The green-haired boy got it from her delicate hands. "I'll go for searching again. Ja!" she said with a bright smile and left.

"Weird girl." He said and opened the can.

As she continued to run, she felt her heart rise. No it wasn't because of running. Love. Yes. She was in love. In love with that guy.

Author's notes: I haven't updated this for so long! Gomenasai! I'm too caught up with my fanfic "Reminiscense" I enjoy writing it too much haha. And also blame hell. Er.. I mean school XD

What do you think of this? Is it crappy or cheesy? hehehe. I'll just edit it. IDK.

Gomenasai for any typos and incorrect usage of the language. Criticisms, comments and suggestions would be very appreciated!

Arigatou: SaKuRa-cHaN41, anonymousgirl, Echizen Ryoma-sama, mikan03anime, poems2songs, Nicklaus mak wei xuan, Ao Kudo, TheMaskedGirl, LilR3dH34d, oxXxoNIKKIoxXxo, Alera08, , Ice-creamy-life, a can or ponta, and yarra