The Clock Strikes at Midnight
Yoshiro carefully walked across the sandy beach, mindful of the way too large jacket in one arm, and his shoes and socks in the other. He mused about the Zen of walking on the sand. The more you rush, the further you sink into the sand, the slower you get to where you want to go. He came up to the man sitting on the rock looking out to the ocean. "Ren, it's getting dark," said Yashiro, "and, I believe Kyoko-chan will start fussing, if you don't come back soon."
Ren breaking out of trance, and said "Oh, I didn't realize it was starting to be so late." He turned around and slipped on his shoes, before he jumped down from the rock. "So, what were you thinking about," asked Yashiro. Ren make a half smile, and chuckled. "Oh, just about how my life has been so blessed, with Kyoko and the babies," said Ren. Yashiro, slapped Ren's back as they walked back towards the house. "You are definitely blessed when Kyoko gave birth to the twins."
Ren smiled at the mention of the boy and the girl that Kyoko gave birth to nearly a year ago. Ren dated, and then, after Kyoko graduated, courted her for another four years, before she said yes. The wedding was private, or as private as a famous author could possibly have after the publisher Takarada got wind of the news that there was to be a wedding. Many of Ren's avid fans were heartbroken with the news of the marriage, but they, too, came to love Kyoko and as protective of her as with Ren.
Around one thousand people showed up, all close friends, along with Kuu, Ren's father and Julie, Ren's mother, and Maria, the publisher's niece. After the wedding, a pretty normal life settled upon the newlyweds, public appearances, lectures, signings, conventions, and even a couple of movies that were made from the books. There were good times and bad times, fights and disagreements, and then reconciliations. Ren really love the reconciliation part, especially, if Kyoko was holding on to a grudge. He knows that little spot on the back of her neck, that makes her melt into his arm and he love doing that to her.
Ren smiled even wider, with the memories of many, many reconciliations. "Yashiro, don't be a slowpoke. Catch up!" he said to his manager, who had started trailing behind. "I don't think that Uncle Yashiro would want to disappoint Julietta and Takashiro."