Nightmares of Memories Forgotten...

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, i just like it a lot

Author: I thought this up while listening to the song 'Surrender' by the Jonas Brothers (I think) I dont think it has anything to do with the song, but i like it lol


The first Female Hokage downed her -what seemed like- One hundreth cup of sake as her eyes pooled over in a range of emotions she was too intoxicated to name.

Why had she let that happen?

How could she have been so stupid?

It was one year ago exactly that that incident occured...She'd had nightmares about it every night since then, always different and yet the same. She would try to warn him, to protect him but it always ended up the same...He was dead...and not even in her dreams could she bring him back.
Her dreams would start off peaceful and happy, He sent her that goofy grin and called out to her without a voice, but she could see he was bursting with joy, he'd finally passed the Chuunin exams that day and was showing off his new vest when.
Her dream turned to unspeakable horror, The previously quiet and calm village was thrown into turmoil as explosions went off around them, She found herself running toward the Hokage tower, where she knew Shizune would be, She had to get everything back under control or they would all be anhialated (SP?) She remembered so clearly that a few moments after that the Hokage tower exploded, leaving a gaping hole in the roof, Tsunade saw everyone was okay. But before she could react, an enemy ninja pounced at her from no where. Tsunade turned around just in time to see the goofy grin replaced with a look of pain as blood splattered to his feet and ran down his chin, he quickly killed the surprised enemy nin. He looked back to Tsunade, the grin coming back but in his eyes lurked sadness, pain and determination.
His lips moved but Tsunade's dreams would never hear them, she wouldn't need to..she just desperately wanted to... To hear his voice again...But she couldn't...

She remembered what he'd said though...Oh yes, she remembered them very well...

'If i cant Protect this village as Hokage...I will protect the person who can...'

Then he turned to her, showing her the damage of his wound...It had gone through a major artery, blood was still dripping from him as his body colapsed to his knees first, Before the rest of his body could hit the floor, Tsunade's young Apprentice caught him, screaming his name and trying to bring him back...It was too late...he was gone.
Every night she woke up crying, sometimes silently and sometimes loudly.
She blamed herself of course...The necklace she gave him was a killer...It had killed her little brother, her lover and now the closest thing she had to a son...It was all her fault, if she had been a little quicker, if she had gotten him medical attention as soon as the enemy was dead...He would still be here...

But he wasn't...and never will be again...

As all these thoughts rotated in her mind, making more tears pool and spill down her cheeks she tried to remember him again, His excited and determined look when she told him he had a new mission, His grumbling about not having ramen and his complete fixation with his goals...Now he could not acheive either of them...

He would never be Hokage...He would never bring his best friend back...And Tsunade blamed it all on herself.

In the sound village there was a call for him just as Sasuke finished practising his Chidori-sword, he didnt need to practise though, he just did it out of boredem.
Kabuto entered without knocking and stated that Orochimaru wanted to see him.
Sasuke said nothing and followed the medic nin to the Snake Ninja's chamber.
Orochimaru had the same sadistic smirk as always.
"Ah Sasuke-ku~n I have a present for you" he hissed smugly as he stood from his chair.
Orochimaru led the two out and down to the lower levels of the hideout.
The creepy snake looked back to Sasuke a couple of times to make sure he was following before he stopped infront of a prison cell.
Sasuke's eyes narrowed in a glare at who was behing the bars, he went to take his sword out when Orochimaru stopped him.
"Its not the real one, just a puppet made to look like him, he has the same power as the original but he has no memories" The snake told him.
Sasuke stayed quiet, waiting for Orochimaru to continue.
"I want you to take him out on missions with you from now on, he could be handy" he smirked.
Sasuke knew this was a trick, to see if Sasuke could handle working with him so closely, even if it was a clone.
"What is the point of that?" Sasuke asked, glaring at his teacher.
"He is a valuable weapon, but has practically no mind of his own so I'm giving you your own subbordinate" Orochimaru told him.
Sasuke glared at the puppet, then his teacher before nodding slightly.
"Good! Your first mission is to steal a special scroll from Konohagakure" Orochimaru said, signalling for Kabuto, who unlocked the prison cell and ordered the puppet to come out. The puppet didn't move, just stared lifelessly at the floor infront of it.
"It only reacts to Sasuke's orders Kabuto" Orochimaru told him, then turned to Sasuke "Care to test it?"
Sasuke would have frowned if he didn't have to keep his emotionless mask up, so he stepped toward the puppet.
"Hey, Get up" he said harshly.
The puppet moved its head to look at its new master before its body rose from the floor.
Sasuke raised an eyebrow slightly before putting it back down and talking again "Lets go"
Sasuke then walked out of the prison, noticing that Orochimaru and Kabuto had already left.
He didn't even look back to check if the puppet was following him, he could hear its footsteps.

So, Someone has died and Sasuke has a new puppet! But why did he glare at it? Who did it look like? Who died protecting Tsunade? Find out Next time!