Who's Seen Jezebel?

Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes or anything related. I'm just playing with them for a while. I do however own the character of Jezebel.

Pairings: Sylar/OC

This story plays around with Sylar's storyline, and veers off in a slightly different universe than what's playing for us on the television.

Now I can't remember where Sylar grew up, but for my story's sake, he grew up in an apartment in NYC.

Input is most welcome!

The titles are from the Iron & Wine song "Jezebel"

Part 1 – She was born to be the Woman I would know

She loved the boy next door. Skinny little Gabriel Gray who lived with the crazy mother who didn't like her. According to the Almighty Virginia, there was something to be said for her name. She did not want any son of hers cavorting with a Jezebel. So their friendship was more of a secretive thing. Because little Jezebel did not want to live without the dark haired boy, and she liked to think he didn't want to live without her. She was, after all, the only one he'd let call him Gabe.

Almost everyday was spent together, until high school. Jezebel hit puberty and instantly became more popular, especially with the male population, and Gabriel placed himself in her shadow. He fit better there anyway. She was the girl who could talk to everybody, and usually did. Gabriel learned jealousy and want in sophomore year. He wanted Jezzie all to himself, and he was instantly jealous of anyone who held her attention for more than a minute. Yet she always came back to him, and he'd feel foolish for feeling this way. She was his first everything; first friend, first love, first kiss. It was a rainy summer day. They liked to spend these days sitting on the fire escape watching the rain. Gabriel was telling Jezebel about his science project, and she was listening with all the interest he needed.

"And then when I flip the switch," his words were cut off by Jezebel's lips pressing themselves onto his. A jolt of electricity shot its way from his lips straight down to his groin. She was kissing him. His Jezebel was kissing him, on the lips. He was too shocked to even move, so her lips became more insistent, moving against his with a little more force. Instinctively Gabriel pressed his lips up and into hers, his eyes drifting closed. She ran her tongue against his bottom lip and slipped it into his mouth, and he thought he might die. He touched his tongue tentatively to hers and another shot rocketed through him. He deftly felt her placing her hand on his cheek to bring him even closer, so he clumsily put his hand on her waist. Jezebel slowly pulled away, smiling at the small sound of protest Gabriel didn't even know he made. She enjoyed the look on his face. She waited for him to open his eyes.

"I've been wanting to do that all day." She revealed. "What do you think?" she chewed on her bottom lip. His eyes couldn't leave her small white teeth as they moved against the swollen pink flesh of her lip.

"Can, uh… Can we do it again?" his voice was deeper and gravelly. It almost didn't sound like him. Jezebel felt a thrill run through her at the fact that she could have this effect on him. Before she could tell him yes, he pulled her to him again and smashed their lips together.

"Gabriel!!" Virginia's voice was shrill and shocked them so much they both jumped away as if they'd been burned.

"I guess you better go before she comes out here looking for you." Jezebel cleared her throat. Her voice seemed to have gotten husky as well.

"Uh yeah," Gabriel sat for a moment, thinking about his 65-year-old science teacher Mrs. Witten. He needed the tightness in his pants to go away fast. It took him approximately 30 seconds before he calmed down enough to stand up without embarrassment. He waved at Jezebel before ducking in through his window. Neither could contain the smile on their faces all night.