Zane: Finally, the end!

DMG808: Well, possibly not…

Zane: WHAT?!

Syrus: Um, DMG808… Maybe you should just end it now…

DMG808: This story does end now! But I will be writing a one-shot or two that have to do with this story…

Zane: Do you have a death wish?

DMG808: No! Leave me alone!

Syrus: I think you should start the chapter now…

DMG808: Good idea. Okay, enjoy! Oh, and please understand that the extent of my knowledge of trials and sentences is from the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney games and the TV show Eli Stone. Needless to say, this is more likely than not accurate to what would happen, but I will try and make it as accurate as possible.


The next day came quickly. Because I have nothing better, I am wearing my Duel Academy uniform, a deep blue jacket, over a black t-shirt, and faded jeans. I had met with the prosecutor, Mr. Andrew Clover, and he told me he would get my mother a guilty verdict.

The court room is overwhelming, with a good amount of men in suits and women in skirt suits. I sit in the audience with the same police officer that had picked me up on the docks only yesterday. The jury is sitting in the jury box, and I shiver slightly. They have such a big say in what will happen, and that frightens me. Sy's and my future is in these strangers hands.

But I am testifying. I will tell the court everything that she had done to me.

In the front of the room, my mom is sitting with her defense attorney, a woman by the name of Tina Ashfield. I don't know whether my mother hired her or if she was appointed by the state, but what I do know is that she will try everything to make my mother innocent.

"Please rise for the honorable Judge Hours." A court bailiff calls to us all, and I rise along with everyone else in the room. The judge, a middle aged man in about his forties if I had to guess, enters and sits at the judges stand.

"You may all be seated." He calls out and everyone sits in unison. "Is the prosecution ready?"

"The prosecution is ready, Your Honor." Mr. Clover claims.

"The defense is ready as well, Your Honor." Mrs. Ashfield claims the same, though she doesn't seem to confident in her client, my mother. Gee, I wonder why…

"Prosecution, please state your case." Judge Hours asks of Mr. Clover.

"We are gathered here today for the trial of a Miss Ann Truesdale for the abuse of her two sons, Zane and Syrus Truesdale." Mr. Clover starts, pulling out documents and placing them on his desk. "On Thursday afternoon, the police got a call from a neighbor of the Truesdale's saying she heard a screaming coming from the house. When police arrived on the scene, Syrus Truesdale was found lying face down, unconscious on a couch, his back covered in blood. Mrs. Truesdale was found in another room and was arrested on the spot."

"Thank you, prosecution. Please call your first witness." The judge directs.

"I would like to call the defendant, Mrs. Truesdale, to the stand." He says, looking over to her as she gets up and makes her way to the stand.

The same court bailiff from before goes over to her and holds up a bible to her and she places her hand on it. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

"I do." She states calmly. She finds me in the crowd and looks a little shocked, but recovers before anyone else notices. I guess no one told her I was home.

"Please state your name and occupation." Mr. Clover asks her.

"Ann Truesdale, and I am in between jobs right now." She says. She's constantly between jobs for one reason or another.

"Please give us your testimony." Mr. Clover asks.

"I would never hurt my children. I love them too much to do so! I don't know what happened to Syrus that day. He had a bit of an issue with bullies, and I bet that's what happened." She claims like the lying bitch she is. Bullies? No one would hurt Sy because I am his older brother. Except for her.

"You may cross-examine the witness, defense." The judge allows.

"I have nothing to ask of the witness, Your Honor." She states, probably knowing any evidence she presented would prove she was guilty. I do feel a bit bad for her having such a definite case against her client.

"Alright, prosecution, do you have anything to say to the witness?" Judge Hours asks Mr. Clover.

"Mrs. Truesdale, did you know that there was a belt found in your house that had your finger prints on one end of it and blood from both of your sons on the other end? The some of the finger prints and blood were defiantly left there the day you were arrested." He asks and states, pulling out the piece of evidence in a bag. I instinctively flinch from it, though I feel stupid for doing so after. What's it going to do to me all by itself?

"You okay, son?" The officer asks me quietly, obviously having noticed my discomfort, if it could be called that.

"Y-yes." I stammer out, going back to silently watching the trial.

Her face had gone hard. "I have never seen that belt in my life." She states, and it would have convinced even me if there hadn't been hard evidence right there.

"That is impossible. It was thoroughly examined and I have it written right here. And it was found in your house in the room with your son." Mr. Clover growls, obviously annoyed by her stupid claim. She couldn't come up with anything better?

She glares at him but says nothing else. I know that glare all to well and am frightened by it, but I stop myself from flinching this time.

"Well, I don't think I or the jury need anymore proof to make a verdict, unless someone has an objection…" The judge trails off and something in me changes. I want to talk. I want everyone here to know what I have been going through almost everyday for as long as I can remember. I want the world to know.

I stand up and shout, "I object, Your Honor."

The room is filled with murmurs, and I can hear some people asking, "Who is that boy?", "Why do you think he objected", and "Is he one of the two sons?".

"Who are you?" The judge asks me, and I notice my mother glaring at me with intense hatred out of the corner of my eye. But this time I know she can't hurt me. That is a feeling I hadn't felt ever.

"Zane Truesdale, Your Honor. The defendant's son." I state, and I hear small gasps and more whispers. "I… would like to testify against my mother. Please." I look down, avoiding the look I know she is giving me. I have to do this for Syrus, but even more so for myself.

"Alright, witness, please come to the stand." The judge says, and I make my way up there, all eyes on me. I got to the witness stand and the bailiff comes over to me with a bible.

"Please place your hand on the bible." He says and I obey. "Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

"I do." For once, I have no reason to lie. I don't have to lie for her anymore, because I realize now why I never said anything. I didn't want to be taken from Sy, but a part of me subconsciously thought she would change.

"Please testify to the court about what your mother did to you." Mr. Clover instructs.

"I was three the first time. Syrus had been born only a couple days before. She was in a bad mood for some reason. We fought and she ended up beating me with the belt shown earlier. My father left us that same day, but he never knew. Everyday since then she beat me, until I went away for a weekend with a couple friends. She… beat Sy. And for that I can never forgive her." I state, and send my own glare back at her, the boldest action I had ever taken against her. When I look out to the crowd of people, I see many have tears either in their eyes or streaming down their cheeks.

"Sy?" Mr. Clover asks, and I realize I should have said Syrus.

"My little brother, Syrus. He's in the hospital because of her. I never want her to be able to hurt him again." I say, looking to the ground as tears threaten to fall from my eyes. He was hurt so badly, and yet felt like he failed me. But I am finally doing what I should have done a long time ago.

"Defense, you may cross-examine the witness, but do remember he is but a child." Judge Hours tells Mrs. Ashfield. Normally I would have fought that statement because of all she's put me through, but for once I want to be just that. A kid.

She stands up, walking over to me calmly. "You stated that your mother beat you from the age of three until now, correct?"

"I did." I reply suspiciously, not knowing how this can help her case.

"If you were so young when she started, you wouldn't have really thought to not tell anyone. So why is it that now is the first time this woman has ever been caught?" She asks me, looking like she is unsure this will get her what she wants.

Again, I feel pained by bringing up these terrible memories, but I did have a reason. "She told me she would hurt Syrus if I said anything to anyone. As I grew older, I knew that wasn't why she didn't want me to tell, but at that point I just didn't want to be separated from Syrus. I was scared more so of losing the only family I have left than of her."

Then I break down into tears, right there at the witness stand, in front of all these people, I cry silent tears. Am I really so weak now that I can never keep my cool?

"That is enough, defense. Bailiff, please escort Zane outside please." Judge Hours demands. Mrs. Ashfield sits back down and the bailiff takes me out of the room.

I sit in the lobby alone for a little while, when finally the doors open for a short recess so the jury can make their decision. I see the officer coming over to me with another man. The man looks completely heart broken and the officer looks generally happy.

"You did well, Zane." The officer says when he gets to me, putting a slightly comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Zane, I'm so sorry. Had I known what your mother had been doing to you and your brother…" He trails off, and I wonder what he's talking about.

"Who are you?" I ask him, confusion I know is obvious on my face.

He looks even sad that I don't know. "I guess you wouldn't recognize me… Zane, I'm… your father." He says, looking way as if he's ashamed to admit so.

My eyes widen considerably. Is he for real? Is he really my father? "Your… my father?" I ask tentatively, as if treading on thin ice.

"I'm so sorry, my son. I never would have left you and Syrus with her had I known. Is your brother okay?" He asks.

"He's going to be. He's still pretty weak though." And then I stand up and hug him, hoping its okay. I haven't been hugged by an adult since I was three years old.

He puts his arms around me, holding me tightly. "You and Syrus can come stay with me and my wife and our daughter, if you'd like." He offers to me, still hugging me.

"I'm sure Syrus would like that very much." I state, letting go of him finally.

"What about you, Zane? Will you come too?" He asks me.

I shake my head. "No, I'm going to be going back to Duel Academy after Sy is better. I have school to worry about. But… I'd like very much to be able to come home to you on vacations." I reply, and he looks happy and sad.

"You're a student at Duel Academy?" He asks, but the recess is over and the verdict is about to be announced.

"We can go to the hospital after this and we'll figure everything out there, okay… Dad?"

Zane: Wow… that wasn't what I expected from you…

DMG808: I know! XD That is my favorite chapter as of now! And my longest!

Syrus: Daddy comes back and takes us in? Yay!

Zane: I have to admit… that wasn't bad…

DMG808: Can we be friends now, Zane? Please?

Zane: … Fine…

DMG808: Yay! Thanks, Zane! *hugs*

Zane: … Whatever… *hugs back slightly*

Syrus: Aw, happy ending here too! Please review the last chapter so DMG808 knows if its any good or not! And don't forget to keep an eye out for the one-shots!

DMG808: Thank you, everyone, for supporting me the whole way through, it means so much to me! Bye for now!