Hello! Welcome to my first transformers fan fiction! This is an original story that will take place in a reality separate from the movie and all cartoons. I receive inspiration from many of the shows and mainly the movie. Please R&R!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything Transformers or Maximum Ride (I'll be referencing that book every now and then).

Chapter 1


Trees became more spars as our van came closer to my new home; Bell Wood. Mom was tapping away at her 3G phone, telling people about how excited she was about this promising new town. Dad was driving and lecturing me about how my old school wasted my natural talents and how my new one was going to enrich me. While all this was happening I was simply trying to drown all of this out with my nose dug deep into the latest "Maximum Ride" book.

My name is Sora Veil. I'm mostly an average girl. Not gorgeous, not an Olympic athlete, but I'm about as open minded as they get, and according to my family and some kids from my home town, I have a strange natural ability to memorize information, solve problems using logic, and doing math in my head. But as I stated earlier, my parents find that I'm wasting my talent, and that my old school assisted in this. Then they started to advertise on goggle, and we got really big business in this place called Mission City. But my parents don't like developed areas too much. But thankfully, there was a suburb less than 20 minutes away! So now we have had all our belongings move, and we're on our way to the house.

We had gotten to town and I was at the scene where the lead Maximum is soaring above Mexico City. Looking up, I fantasized about the feeling of flying above a city. I gritted my teeth. Why? I asked my self. Why can't I have excitement and adventure like Max does? I don't have to have bird DNA grafted into me; I just want to make a difference, and to make memories…

"Sweetheart! We're here!"

(20 minutes later…)

It was night time and I was in my bed room, on my stomach, on my lap top surfing the web. "Sora." My mom said as she knocked on my door.

"Come in." I answered. "Your dad and I are going to the Grocery store; will you be OK on your own for a while?"

"I'll be fine."

"Keep the phone with you." There were footsteps and I heard the garage door open, soon after I heard a car engine move away.

I was watching an episode of Gundam SEED (I DON'T OWN THAT) when my jealousy of Kira's chance at adventure kicked in. The desire to be able to make a difference, and a mark swelled with in me. Looking out at one bright star in the sky, the words ran in my mind with out my say.

Please, I don't want to just blow through life, I want to show what I really can do! Just let me use my true potential!

Flashes of blue and silver began to fly across the sky.

(5 minutes later…)

The back yard was even lit up by the light show that was going on. I stared up at the sky and saw flashes of blue/silver light flying across the sky. That's when there was a big flash of blue/silver light. And then… nothing.

I want you guys to tell me what you think happened to Sora, and if you reading this and this is the only chapter, refresh the page or come back in 10 minutes, the second one will be up and it'll be allot longer.