
Prince Raimundo and Princess Kimiko are enjoying the breakfast brought to them by some servants. Kimiko is still getting used to be at this end of the master/servant relationship. Her only comfort is that none of the servants is being mistreated like it happened to her. "Kimi, what about we go for a ride?"

"Great idea, Raimundo." Kimiko replies.

They pick their horses and ride around the town. Their first stop is Clay's ranch.

"Hi, Clay." Prince Raimundo greets.

"Howdy, Your Highness." Clay replies.

"Hi, Keiko." Kimiko says.

"Hi, Kimiko." Keiko replies. The four of them enter and have a chat.

"I heard your mother was released from prison." Kimiko comments.

"It's true." Keiko replies.

"Is she here?" Kimiko angrily asks.

"Not actually." Keiko replies. "When she was told everyone here does some kind of work, she refused to stay here. She then picked up what remained of her own money after compensating the use of your father's and bought some cottage. After learning what they did to you, nobody wants either Ashley or Dreyfus so they now work at Mom's cottage. Things are so messy they don't need to tell me they have no idea of how to do the job."

"And what were your sisters doing until Wuya was freed?" Kimiko asks.

"They were working with me at the ranch." Keiko explains. "They were so surprised that everyone here, including Clay and myself, actually did some work here."

"They didn't last a long time here." Clay comments. "Not used to work."

"Keiko, did you also get an invitation from my Dad?" Kimiko asks.

"Yes." Keiko answers. "I can't believe he's remarrying again."

"Well, it's not like he has the same worries from before since his only daughter is well married and the same can be said about the only other girl he'd consider as such." Kimiko comments.

"Point taken." Keiko replies. "Do you already know your new stepmother?"

"Well, she doesn't give the hostile aura I used to feel from..."

"It's okay, Kimiko." Keiko replies.

A few days later, they attend Toshiro's new marriage, which was briefly interrupted when Keiko's sisters and they mother crashed into it and were 'nicely' asked to leave.

And all (minus Wuya, Ashley and Dreyfus) lived happily ever after. Not that the expression still means something nowadays.


Sorry if it was short. Not every epilogue is meant to be long anyway, right?