Chapter 30

Meredith woke up to bright sunshine filling her room. Which was unusual since she lived in Seattle. Meredith also heard nothing. She didn't hear any arguing from her kids or clanging of pots and pans from the kitchen. The silence was peaceful, but deafening. Meredith climbed out of bed as fast as she could with her eight and a half months pregnant belly, she was just thankful that this time it wasn't twins. She made her way slowly down the stairs. It was then she started to hear the clanging and the kids.

"No! Daddy said I would get to do it!" She heard her daughter shout.

"Yeah well I got here first." Myles yelled back.

She heard Mark sigh, "You two be quiet. Myles, let your sister frost some of the cupcakes. And Mya, no more screaming this is for your mom." He told them.

Meredith smiled, at this moment she was glad she married a random guy in Vegas. She silently opened the door to see what they were working on in the kitchen. She saw her two kids sitting at the table, covered with green frosting almost head to toe. She looked around and found Mark bent over the oven checking something while wearing a pink ruffle apron. After grabbing her camera off the small table in the hall, she got a couple pictures. She especially like the ones of Mark with the girly apron. She walked through the door and made her presence known.

"Mom!" Mya said being the first to notice Meredith.

"What are you two doing?" She asked looking at their appearance which was covered in green frosting.

"Daddy says we needed to make some cupcakes and muffins for the baby." Myles answered.

"He said we can't have pink or blues cuz you are being mean and won't let him know if it's a boy or girl so he says we have to frost them green." Mya said to clarify the color.

"He says I am being mean?" Meredith said jokingly.

Mark walked up behind Mer and wrapped his arms around her and rubbed his hand over her bulging stomach. "You were. But we thought you would need something to energize the little one." He said before kissing her neck.

Meredith felt a slight pain in her abdomen. She then felt a warm wetness going down her leg. She looked down and saw a pool of liquid at her feet.

"Mer!" Mark said shocked. He looked down at his shoes which were now standing in liquid.

"Uh oh! Mommy had an accident." Myles pointed out.

"No sweetie this just means the baby is coming." Meredith clarified.

Mark felt his heart start to race. "The baby is coming. We need to go to the hospital but we first need to get your bag but what about the twins they just can't stay here alone I guess we can take them to the hospital someone will be there to watch them I'm sure maybe Christina will she has taken a liking to them but"

"Mark! Grab the bag by the door and put it in the car. I will be out with the kids in a couple minutes." Meredith said stopping Mark's rambling.

Mark did what his wife said and was in the car within a minute. Meredith sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Come on you two. It's time to meet your new little brother or sister." Meredith told the twins while helping them with her coat. She had to pause slightly while enduring her first real contraction.

"Mommy, Daddy is honking the horn." Mya said while trying to peer out the window.

"I can hear it. Mommy just needs a breather." Meredith said as she tried to control her breathing to help with the pain.

She eventually made it outside and into the car with Mark and the kids. One the way to the hospital, Mark was a wreck. He was nervous and worried for both his wife and child.

Eventually they got to the Emergency doors of Seattle Grace. Mark was out of the car and in the hospital before Meredith could even unbuckle her seatbelt. He returned with a wheel chair and Addison along with Izzie.

"I can walk Mark." Meredith said getting out of the car. She was still ushered into the wheel chair by Mark.

"Stevens can you get the twins and make sure they don't go wandering around the hospital?" Mark asked ignoring his wife's protests about the wheel chair.

Izzie nodded, "Of course! They love to spend time with their Aunt Izzie."

Mark nodded and turned around with Addison back into the hospital. Addison got Meredith into an exam room and began to check everything.

"Mer, we are going to have to do this via C-section. Since the twins were born from C-section, if we were to do this naturally there is a chance it could tear your previous opening from the last time. And then we would have un-needed complications."

Meredith looked at Addison in the eyes, "I trust you Addie." Mer said before getting hit with another contraction.

"Let's get her prepped for surgery." Addison said to one of the eager interns.

Mark smiled, in a few short hours he would have another child, and he couldn't wait.


Carolyn walked through Seattle-Tacoma Airport. She grabbed her luggage and went outside to catch a cab. She knew her boys would hate that she was getting a cab. They would send her a car to pick her up. But they forgot that she was a strong woman and got by before they were hot shot surgeons.

She had the taxi take her to Seattle Grace. She walked through the front door with her purse on her shoulder and her wheelie suitcase trailing behind. She got in the elevator and found her way to Derek's office. She found it unlocked, but didn't see her son anywhere near. She left her things in his office and went to find someone who could either page him or tell her where he was.

Carolyn saw a young nurse at the nurses' station. She walked up to the young woman and greeted her with a smile, "Hello, I was wondering if you could page Dr. Shepherd for me?"

The nurse looked up at the older woman. "He is in busy helping with Dr. Sloan, the waiting room near OR 3." She said before looking back at her work.

Nodding, Carolyn walked away from the nurses' station and made her way to the waiting room. She stopped at the door. Derek was sitting in a chair with his back to the door watching Mark pace back and forth. There was a tall blonde in the corner keeping the twins busy. The one person Carolyn didn't see was Meredith.

Mark stopped pacing when he saw someone at the door from the corner of his eye. He turned to find his mother figure standing there.

Derek noticed Mark stop his ridiculous pacing. Derek turned to see what Mark was looking at.

"Mom? You didn't tell me you were coming. I would have been more prepared." Derek said shocked.

"That's exactly why I didn't tell you. I wanted it to be a surprise. Now why are we congregated in the waiting room?" Carolyn asked.

"Meredith is in surgery." Mark answered. When he saw Carolyn's face he thought he should clarify. "I am going to be a dad again."

"Oh Mark, this is so exciting!" Carolyn said as she walked up to hug him. "I must go call the girls." She said before taking out her phone and sharing the good news.


Meredith woke up to a soft beeping. She opened her eyes and immediately saw Mark sitting in a chair in the corner of her room. He was holding a small bundle. She could feel herself start to tear up.

Mark looked up for a moment from his new child and saw Meredith was awake. He got out of the rocking chair and walked over to her bed. He passed off the small bundle.

"It's a boy." Mark said looking into Meredith's eyes, "And he is perfect. Just as perfect as his brother and sister."

Meredith smiled and looked down at the baby in her arms. "He is perfect."

"But he still needs a name." Mark reminded her.

Meredith looked back down at her son. "Mytchell. And for the middle name, Derek, just because he has helped so much with the twins and helping us get our marriage back to normal. Mytchell Derek Sloan. It's a perfect name for a perfect baby."

Mark nodded, "I like it. I think it's a keeper as is he."

"Welcome to the world Mytchell Derek." Meredith said.

The couple heard a knock on the door and looked over to see who is entering. They spotted Addison.

"Hello, I thought I would stop in and say hi and let you know that the new addition has checked out fine and should be able to go home in about a day or two."

Meredith looked up at Addison, "We did name him. We decided on-"

Before Meredith could spread the news of the brand new baby's name, the door opened again. But this time Derek walked in with the twins, Carolyn, Christina, George, Alex, Izzie.

"I guess it's a party now." Addison said watching all the people file in.

"We just wanted to see little no name." Izzie said looking down at the small bundle.

"Actually, Mer and Mark were just going to tell me his name." Addie informed everyone.

Mark smiled, "We want you all to meet, Mytchell Derek Sloan." He said and looked up at Derek's face.

"We wanted his middle name to mean something and since you help a lot with the twins when Mark and I needed to work on our relationship we couldn't think of anything but Derek." Meredith said to Derek as she handed Mytchell to him.

Derek smiled, "I am honored." He told her while looking down at Mytchell.

Everybody smiled and took their turn getting a picture with the new little one.

Meredith watched as everyone cooed over her new little boy. She saw her oldest ones stare at Mytchell in awe. After surveying everyone, her eyes landed on Mark. She decided that going to Vegas with Sadie was one of the best decisions of her life.