Hopefully a short 3-4 chapter story that was inspired a long time ago by a pairing suggested by… of all people… KT. So… (Pointing at the now teen-aged girl)… Blame her! (I hope you know I'm kidding KT)

Standard disclaimer applies that says I do not own the characters… yada… yada…

Chapter 1

While Kim rode in the experimental craft, she still wished that she didn't have to leave Ron at home. It was less than a month before the two of them were to head out for separate colleges, and they wanted to spend as much time together as they could before the fateful day they were to split up.

But, the "Stoppable Fortress of Immunity" had met its match with the latest and greatest flu strain. He was getting better but he was still too weak to be of any help on this mission.

Looking around the cabin of the experimental craft, Kim still had misgivings about flying on this particular plane. The big one, was the fact that it was carrying live weapons. But, as things always seem to happen, it was the only available mode of transportation for her to get where she needed to go.

Captain Dawson noticed the nervousness of his passenger. "Don't worry Miss Possible. This is one of the safest airships you've ever been on. Just because it has live weapons doesn't make it a war machine."

"Be that as it may Captain Dawson, I hope you don't take it personally when I say that I'll be a lot more comfortable when I disembark."

"Believe me, I understand. The defensive systems are temporarily in-active because of a small glitch that will be fixed when I land. Just because we have only the offensive systems doesn't mean we are going to attack anything."

Gulf-Niner-Niner… Are you receiving? Over…" The captain radioed back to the request in an affirmative. "We need you to increase your ceiling by one thousand feet to let an empty civilian aircraft pass beneath you. Do you copy? Over…"

"I copy, and am complying with request. Out." The captain started to make the necessary corrections to let the other aircraft pass harmlessly underneath them, and almost immediately a frantic voice started to come from the radio.

"Gulf-Niner-Niner! What are you doing? I said pull up! Pull up now!"

"I have done as you requested Tower! Is there a problem?"

"Gulf-Niner-Niner… Disengage! I repeat, dis-en-gage! Unlock your weapons and stand down! Do you hear me… STAND DOWN!"

"Do you not hear me Tower?" Captain Dawson yelled into the mic. "I've done as you requested! We have not, I repeat, HAVE NOT been aggressive towards anyone!"

"What's happening?" Kim almost yelled at the Captain. "Do they think we've attacked someone?"

"All available fighters, red alert! We have a rogue bird in the air! I repeat, a rogue bird! Orders are to shoot on sight! Gulf-Niner-Niner has fired at and destroyed a civilian aircraft."

Apparently so…" Was the grim response from Captain Dawson. "Kimberly? Miss Possible? I think it would be wise for you to disembark a little early."

"Why? What is going on!" All of Kim's senses were now on high alert.

Captain Dawson turned and looked Kim right in the eye. "For some reason that I cannot explain, GJ believes that we have fired on and destroyed a civilian aircraft. When a plane such as this has been classified as "Rogue", it will be shot down. Do you understand?" Kim could only look at the captain with shock.

"I'm going to drop low enough so you can jump out. You should be OK. From what my GPS is telling me, we should be over a remote section of the Rockies. It's the only way you will survive. Do you understand me?"

Kim nodded with a dumb look, and grimly donned her chute. She then went back to the side door of the plane, opened it with a push of a button, and then heard the captain's voice over a squak-box next to the door.

"Miss Possible… You need to jump on my mark so you will land in a relatively flat area. 3… 2… 1… Dro…" (Blam!)

The first rocket of the attack squadron hit the rear of the plane, blowing the entire back end of the plane off. The force of the explosion caused Kim to slam her head into the side of the open door and then plummet out of the plane. If she didn't have her helmet on, she would surely have been dead, but instead she was just knocked a bit loopy.

The sound of an automated voice through the helmet brought her back from near unconsciousness. "Critical distance in 100 meters… 80 meters… 60 meters…"

With her head pounding, Kim reached to her chest, felt the chute handle, and yanked with all of her strength. She felt the pull of deceleration, looked up and saw a green and black craft streak across the sky underneath a large ball of flames. She then looked down, and the last thing she saw was a stand of large pine trees heading straight for her. After that everything went black.

…x x x x…

Kim woke with her head and left arm throbbing. She looked around and took in her surroundings. The walls looked like logs that were stacked on each other and the furnishings also looked like they were made of the same rough wood. There was a simple dresser, and a chair next to the bed that had her clothes draped over the back.

Kim thought she heard a muffled voice on the other side of the closed door, but she couldn't tell who it was. The voice stopped talking, and then the door slowly opened up.

"Kimberly!" The woman said as she walked into the room. "I'm so glad you finally woke up. I was really starting to worry about you."

"Where… am I?" Was Kim's first question.

"You're in my own private little get-away in the mountains. I heard the entire communication between your plane and GJ. I'm sorry to say though, that Captain Dawson didn't make it. I actually know what happened up there Kimberly, but I'm afraid GJ doesn't know what really occurred.

"It's a good thing you jumped when you did, or you probably wouldn't be alive right now."

"I… remember falling, and pulling the chute, but everything else is… a blank." Kim said to the strange woman that she didn't recognize.

"I actually found you hanging upside down in a pine tree about 10 feet off the ground. You were pretty beat up. You're left arm is broken, you had a concussion, and a severe laceration on your left side." Kim's hand went to her left side, and indeed she felt a large bandage wrapped around her torso. "If I hadn't found you as quick as I did, I think you may have died from blood loss. If it hadn't been for that Life Sensor that Wade invented, I probably wouldn't have. Now all we need to do is keep that cut from getting infected and you should be fine to go home in a few days. Provided GJ doesn't charge you as an accessory to the destruction of that civilian aircraft. For some reason they still believe you had something to do with it. But I know better."

"OK… I understand most of what you said, but I still have two other questions." The woman with a patch on her left eye and short black hair nodded. "Just who are you, and what the heck is G… J?"

…x x x x…

Ron still couldn't believe it when he answered the door and he saw Will Du standing there with a stun gun drawn, and pointing it right at him. "What… is going on, Will?"

"Mr. Stoppable… You must come with me this instant." Ron's parents stepped up behind him with worried looks on their faces. They were unaccustomed to seeing someone from GJ pointing a weapon at their son. Ron himself was unaccustomed to this situation as well. It was usually villains that pointed weaponry at him.

"What is going on here?" Gene asked the GJ Agent.

"Why are you taking Ronald?" Jean, his mother followed with her own question.

"Mr. and Mrs. Stoppable, your son is under arrest as an accessory to destruction of a civilian aircraft, and the death of a GJ Agent, along with the death of the pilots of said civilian aircraft." Will said in his monotone voice.

"What!" Ron's dad exclaimed. "Ronald has been with us for the last week getting over the flu. How could he have anything to do with this? Besides, he wouldn't even think of doing anything like…"

"I'm sorry Mr. Stoppable…" Will interrupted, "but I have my orders. Now will you come with me peacefully?" His eyes narrowed a tick. "Or not."

"I'll go with you peacefully Will." Ron said as he stepped out of the doorway, still feeling a bit weak from the flu. "But only to clear up this apparent misunderstanding."

With practiced ease, Will holstered his weapon, spun Ron around and snapped a pair of handcuffs on his wrists before anyone could blink. Ron offered no resistance. In fact, he barely could if at all.

"Now see here…" Ron's dad said with growing irritation. "We will not stand for your rough treatment of our son."

Will moved in-between Ron and his father. He was a good head taller than the older man, and looked down at him. "Your son is charged with what I previously mentioned, and possible espionage. I will treat him in any manner that I deem necessary."

All Gene and Jean could do was watch as their son was then led from the house and pushed into the back seat of a black four-door vehicle. Mrs. Stoppable couldn't hold back any more, and tears began to fall down her cheeks. All Gene could do was hold his wife and say that he was sure that their son would be OK.

To be continued…

Hope y'all enjoy this little foray into a pairing that I hadn't even thought of before…

Oh, one more thing… Updates may be sporadic. Sorry 'bout that…