A/N: Ok, now chapter two! I wanna thank every one that faved and reviewed my fic. It means a lot. Also, I wanna apologise for not updating sooner, home life got in the way and I had some drama to deal with, so I'm very sorry and just warning you that it might happen often.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Naruto.
"Wait! You're the demon!" Inuyasha shouted as he stood up.
Naruto's stance didn't change. He didn't become defensive. He turned slowly.
"No, I'm not." He said clearly and calmly. "You are." He smiled.
"No, I'm a half demon, there's a difference." Inuyasha said.
"I have no demon blood that flow through my veins, but you and that fox rat obviously do." Naruto said confidently. After all, it was true.
Inuyasha was just a little peeved with the smart-Alec kid.
"RAT???" Shippou practically screamed.
"What do you mean he's the demon?" Kagome asked Inuyasha.
"I know he is, I sense it." Inuyasha exclaimed.
"Naruto…" Hinata squeaked, worried that something may happen to him. She looked to him, there in his eyes, the pain and anger was so evident, something she saw almost every day in Konoha.
He closed his eyes and tilted his head downward just a fraction. Once again, he was called a demon. Once again, he felt anger well deep within him, too strong to control, something he would have to let out before it consumed him.
When he opened his eyes, they were blood red, his pupils slit, like a fox. His nails grew into claws, and his teeth became sharp and pointed.
"I am not a demon." He said as he looked straight into Inuyasha's eyes.
Inuyasha felt it once again. The blood lust in the air. The pure strength and power behind the rage. Only, being this close gave him shivers.
"And you said your not a demon!" Inuyasha said sarcastically.
Naruto growled. "I am not a fucking demon." He snarled. He grabbed Hinata by the hand. "Lets go, Hinata."
"Wait, maybe we can work this out?" Kagome half suggested, half asked.
"I agree with Kagome." Sango said, full of confidence.
"If your not a demon, then what are you?" Inuyasha accused.
"That's none of your damned business!" Naruto answered.
"Inuyasha, your not helping…" Kagome said, but something stopped her from yelling it. She had a bad feeling something was coming. Something dangerous.
Naruto, stopped listening. This 'Kagome' person drowned out slowly. He sensed someone coming. Someone familiar to him.
He smiled and laughed a little. He turned to his left and waited. He noticed from the corner of his eye that the girls had a bow and arrow out, the other girl held her boomerang.
"I wouldn't do that… it's kinda futile." He said in a sing-song voice. Hinata gripped his hand a little harder.
Naruto's head suddenly tilted up, the smile grew larger. Someone then landed in front of him.
"Hi Gaara." He said, politely. "What's the matter? Not sleeping right?" Naruto then laughed at his own joke.
"I heard, what happened between you and your village." Gaara told him.
'Always straight to the point.' Naruto thought. "Yea, well… what'cha gonna do about bad luck?" Naruto questioned, loosing interest rapidly.
"You will always be welcomed in Suna." Gaara continued.
"Awesome." Naruto said, his attention back to the topic. "But I don't think I could live in a desert. I promise to visit though."
Gaara nodded. "Where will you go?" he asked, generally concerned, but not showing it.
"Hello, we're standing right here!" Inuyasha yelled.
"I haven't really thought about it…" Naruto said, trailing off as he thought about it, pretending not to hear Inuyasha.
"New friends?" Gaara asked.
"No!" Naruto answered quickly. "They're accusing me of being a demon." He almost yelled in his Naruto way.
Gaara's eyes widened, knowing how that felt.
"I would offer my sympathy… but I don't do sympathy." Gaara said, smirking.
Naruto's face soured. "Come on, I would sympathise with you."
Gaara let out a small chuckle. "Very well, I sympathise."
"That's better." Naruto said as his face became vibrant once again.
"Two… together? This may make it harder, but far more interesting…" Kisame said, standing in the same clearing with Itachi near by.
Neither Gaara, Naruto or Inuyasha sensed them coming.
Sorry to leave it there, but I don't have much time. I'll update as soon as possible. Also, I'm sorry for leaving you with such a short chapter. I'll try to make the next one longer.