It's almost funny, because this is how it was supposed to be in the beginning. In a perfect world, it would have happened then, with shy and innocent glances - but not so much awkwardness, because there's not much she can hide from him.

That how's this whole business got so tangled - she tried for so long, but it's hard to beat your own mind into submission, and he walked into the room too quickly for her to hide. She held his gaze - a valiant effort - until he left, no words passing between them.

Neither tries to avoid the natural progression after that one encounter - it's inevitable. Emmett goes on hunts, Bella visits the reservation, and the dance resumes, a graceful slide around each other, toward each other. Touches are ventured. Kisses are stolen. Marble skin is explored.

It's not easy, and both are torn apart inside by the thought of timing - they just had to wait until others were in the equations, until it's not only their hearts that are being gambled with. Neither is cold enough to let this fact go. If only they had seized the chance when it was given to them... but if only isn't good enough, and it never will be.

So the deception and dance continue, until a day they can step into the light together. Their greatest regret is that they have forced themselves to live in the shadows, but after all, what else can you expect from life as a vampire?