Title: What Have You Done Now?

Disclaimer: I own nothing, except Vivienne.

Rating: PG

A/N: Sorry this is skipping around so much. I've actually got a few complaints about the jumpiness of the chapters. This is right after he leaves with Magneto.

"What have you done?" Vivienne cried out, horrified. John climbed into the window, and crossed the room to look up at her in desperation. She needed to understand, her of all people.


"You're all over the news!" She stammered, "What the hell were you thinking?" John shook his head and reached for her arms. Vivienne pulled away, her eyes laden with tears. It almost killed him, the way she looked at him. Like he was the enemy.

"It doesn't matter now, Magneto-" Her Johnny spoke that name, the unforgivable name, and Vivienne gasped.

"What?" She said, her voice disbelieving.

"Shit Viv! It's not like he's Voldemort or something." He was trying to make her smile. His attempt, failed miserably.

"He's just as bad." She spat, crossing her arms over her chest. "John I can't believe you would do this." John took her face in his hands, forcing her to look into his dark grey eyes.

"Come with me." He pleaded. "I love you Vivienne." She nodded, and she hated herself for it. Hated herself for being so weak. For loving Johnny. She went with him. Slipped out her window, into the darkness. And he was grateful. As much as she hated herself, she could never hate him. Even so, she didn't talk to him for a month after that. John hated himself, for being to weak to let her go. Her voice haunted him in his sleep.

"What have you done?"