Love and Hate

The Bunnies Will Kill Us All

A/N: I did it. A cannon pairing. At last.

Disclaimer: Don't own. Won't own. Can't own.

Summary: Raquel has a midnight visitor. He's both her lover and her stalker. His desires... are her fears. RaquelErich.

Raquel both loved and hated Erich. It was sort of hard not to be so conflicted. Psycho killer or not, he was the only one who actually saw her.

She sighed, as she had been doing a lot lately, and continued packing her bag for the trip home. She was conflicted as to how she felt about the impending break. On one side, her chances of dying dramatically decreased the further away she got from Evernight.

On the other... she'd been dating this guy recently. She figured it might help keep her adamant stalker away from her. His name was Jason Strove, and he was a perfect gentleman. She rather liked Jason.

There was a single distinct bang on her window. Erich.

Her roommate moved out weeks ago, and so the only comfort she had from Erich's torment was her own growing (and dangerous) fascination with him.

She ignored his attempts to frighten her.

There was another bang, this one louder. She flinched, and whimpered quietly.


Glass tinkled as it hit the floor. The window looked like it had burst from the force of his hit. Yet he stood there, unruffled, unscathed. Raquel took a step back, only to fall back into her bed, eyes wide with fear. He stepped forward, looming over her.

"Hello, Raquel..." Erich purred, "you didn't think you were leaving without saying goodbye, did you?"

"Leave me alone..." Raquel murmured pitifully, sinking back against the wall.

"Hmm....No," he laughed, "I don't think I will."

He drew something out of his back pocket. A glimmer of gold. Raquel blanched as he moved closer still, gold pendant dangling from clenched fist.

"You see, Raquel-love, you belong to me."

In a frightening display of speed he went to lock her door and was back in front of her in seconds. He gripped her forearm and violently wrenched her upwards. Raquel cried out in pain.

"Oh hush," he smirked, "you deserve a little pain, don't you, my love? For betraying me."


"Strove!" Erich hissed the name like it was a curse, the tendons in his arm constricted as he quivered with sudden fury, "that nasty little human that you've seen fit to cross me for. I will not have it, dear. He will be dealt with."

Raquel looked desperately for a point of escape. No such route existed. Terror welled up in her.

"But I am forgiving, my sweet," Erich was suddenly dangerously serene again, "I do believe we can work through this little rough spot."

Erich's thumb caressed Raquel's cheek, and for a moment the monster before her looked almost peaceful. Then he gripped her by the hair and pulled her upwards, into a possessive kiss.

Frozen against him, Raquel could only wait for it to end. Erich broke away abruptly, looking angered by her lack of response.

"You are mine," he snarled, "I will tear that child limb from puny limb! I swear it, my love."

"No!" Raquel managed, desperate.

"No?" Erich repeated, incredulous, "how did you intend to stop me, exactly?"

Raquel was hopelessly silent.

"I suppose," his devilish expression was back, he let his touch slip from her cheek down her neck, lingering at the base of her throat, "if you really wanted me not to kill him..."

"You could..." he moved dangerously close, "convince me."

Raquel swallowed, and closed her eyes. Please, she begged, please god, no...

Slowly, and bracing herself, Raquel reached out and touched her demon. She slid her fingers fleetingly over his chest, and traced his face with a feathery touch. She found herself becoming fascinated with the shapes and angles there. His strong jaw... perfectly straight nose... she traced the dark circles under his eyes, finding them to be just like her own.

Of course. He's only been sleeping as much as I have.

Raquel took a deep breath and leaned towards her captor, breathing in his musky scent, "please... Erich," she lightly kissed the corner of his mouth, earning her a small sound of approval, "please don't kill him."

"Maybe I won't," Erich leered, "but then again, maybe I will. Especially if he's been receiving this special attention."

Taking the hint, Raquel continued. She kissed him fully this time, and he suddenly responded to all her touches. He kissed back heatedly, and locked her in place with powerful arms. She continued the kiss, in all the confusion, going with the warm fluttery feeling that had started to bloom in her chest.

He pushed her back flat against the wall, his fingers combed through her hair as she hung there helplessly, kissing him. Soon one hand trailed down to the base of her spine, and he pulled her even closer, her feet were lifted from the ground.

Their bodies started to move together to a sort of rhythm, Raquel felt her heart hammering in her ribcage, she knew she was in danger. But she was too swept up in wonderful lust. His kiss, his touch...

"Raquel..." he groaned, all of a sudden, "I need your blood... now..."

A small jolt of fear went through her, but she paid it no heed. She simply nodded.

Victorious, Erich brought the gold pendant to her wrist. One side was sharpened to perfection, and it sliced through her skin easily, stinging pain shot up her arm. Red droplets oozed from the cut.

Erich pinned her arm to the wall, and lazily licked the length of the cut. Eyes not leaving Raquel's now pale face.

"Mmmm..." his eyes fluttered with pleasure as he sucked on the wound, "you're even better than I imagined, Raquel. And I'm so pleased you've seen sense. I may not even kill the human, Jason, was it? Jason Strove."

"Yes," Raquel answered breathlessly, feeling a little lightheaded.

"He's luck you're so very good at this, Raquel-love," Erich said in between sips of blood, "I really did not expect you to be so very convincing."


"Whilst you're so complacent..." Erich smirked, abandoning the cut on Raquel's arm, "I'd like to inform you of something."

"Hmmm...?" Raquel was incoherent, dazed by blood loss.

"You're not to go near any guy but me," he said simply, caressing her cheek, watching with obsessive eyes, "I shall know if you do, Raquel. And I won't have anyone taking what is mine."


"Oh love," he smiled serenely, "you don't have a choice. You're property. My property. You do as you're told. Understand?"

Raquel nodded dizzily.

"Well..." he let her go, gently laying her on the bed, "you're tired, love. I'll go. But I'll call you sometime next week."

Raquel looked at Erich with wide eyes. He leant forward.

"I'll miss you, babe," he whispered, smirking against her skin, "I might even visit."

And then he was gone. Raquel shivered. His threat hung in the air, lingering.

And Raquel still didn't know, wether she loved or hated Erich. The man who was just as likely to kiss her as he was to kill her. Her demon... or her angel?