Title: Collecting the Stars
Genre: Romance/Drama
Rating: M
Disclaimer: I no own
Note: This fic is AU, has slight OOC, and contains Yaoi. You have been warned.
Summary: [AU. Yaoi] – It was hard, moving to Twilight Town with my father so soon after mom died. Life just became a whirlwind then, of sex, drugs, wild parties, and a red head that snuck in through my window every night.
WARNING: Unbeta'd Beware Errors!!!!
"Blah" means talking
"Blah" means phone conversations
Blah means thoughts
It's been five years since mom died and fuck I've gotten old, although to most tweny-one isn't old at all. I felt old though, down to my bones and deep in my soul. I had just graduated from Hollow Bastion University the week before with a Bachelors in sociology, and had managed to get a job in Traverse Town, not too far from dear old Dad and Leon, but far enough to gain some independence and space to grow.
"Jesus man, how much more shit do you have?" Hayner asked as he and Pence lifted my mattress, turning it sideways and going out of the bedroom door with it. He was gone before I answered and I merely rolled my eyes at him.
I had spent the entire last week of school packing everything up, and it was a lot for just me. Five years was plenty of time to accumulate lots of crap.
Olette was helping me disassemble my bed frame while Xion came back in for another box labeled clothes.
"It's exciting isn't it?" Olette asked me with a kind smile on her face, "Moving out of Twilight Town, it'll be good for you."
I nodded in agreement but didn't say anything. What was there to say exactly? I did feel a twinge of sadness because I was leaving this place. Not for good, but I wouldn't be living here any more. Not that it mattered; everyone was either settling down or getting the hell out.
"Holy crapola! Watch out Pence!" Sora's voice was loud from the living room as were Riku's chuckles, "its not funny Riku!" A second later they appeared in the bedroom, each grabed a box and went back out to the moving truck. Sora grumbling about something or other while Riku tried to wipe the grin off of his face.
"It's kind of surreal, you know?" I asked Olette once we were done.
She shrugged, "I guess this is growing up Roxas, it happens to the best of us."
The loading of the truck didn't take all that long, but I knew that it was going to be the unloading that was going to be a bitch.
"Hey, give me your new place's key, that way we can meet you over there since I know it's going to take you forever," Riku smirked at me, he looked like a man hiding a secret.
"I still have to pack the bed frame dude," I stated, eyeing him wearily, "and Naminé's paintings."
"I've got the paintings," Pence grinned, grabbing the three frames that had been recently taken down from my walls. "Just give him the key's Roxas; we'll be there before you."
"What about the bed frame? It's not light!" I glared at the both of them, they were up to something, years of being friends taught me to know better than to just trust them off the bat.
Sora then meandered into the room, "What's taking so long?"
"He won't give us the key to his new place," Riku stated, as if it were my fault that I was suspicious of him.
My twin walked up to me, reached into my pocket with no shame, and pulled out the key, "ta-da! Let's mosey." The three left my room while laughing about something or other. They were such mature twenty-something year olds, sometimes I think that they're older than ten.
"What about the bed frame!?" I called out as they left but received no answer and sighed. God damn it.
Huffing, I glared down at the disassembled bed frame; this was going to be a pain to put into the van.
"Need help?"
I jumped and turned around, "What're you doing here?"
Axel arched an eyebrow, green eyes twinkling with laughter, "Seriously, that's the first thing you say to your boyfriend after not seeing him for four months?"
"Maybe it's because you're supposed to be on tour right now," I stated, bending down to pick up some of the frame.
Axel immediately rushed to help me, "It's called a surprise Roxy, besides, we wrapped up our tour last night."
"And you hurried home to help me pack?" I asked, looking him in the eyes, he had gotten black upside-down tear drop tattoos on them a few years back. I had hated them, but they grew on me now.
He nodded enthusiastically, "pack and unpack," he grinned, showing off his pearly whites.
"Pfft," I snorted, "right. Whatever floats your boat."
"You float my boat," he said slyly.
"You're retarded," I told him while trying not to laugh, if I started laughing then I knew I'd most definitely drop what I was holding.
"You know, this is where we first met," Axel stated, not bothering to move despite the fact that what we were holding onto a very heavy frame.
I rearranged my grip, "You're getting sentimental in your old age." I stated with a straight face.
"I'm only twenty-six!" Axel pouted at me and began to walk backwards towards the door, "This is going to be a bitch to get out of here," he mumbled.
"Move it side ways," I shimmied to the right.
Axel laughed, "That's what she said!"
I let out a small laugh, "Shut up Axel."
"I love it when you say my name," he was looking behind him to watch out for walls.
"Anything else you want to say?" I asked, enjoying his company despite the fact that we were having some difficulties with the bed frame.
"I think I'm stuck," Axel whined.
"That's what he said," I cackled evilly, shimmying even more to the right as he went to the left.
"Roxas," Axel grinned at me, "don't gain a sense of humor now of all times, if you make me laugh I'll drop this thing."
We managed to get the frame unstuck and were making our way out of the room.
I looked behind me one last time. The window was still there, facing the neighbors' house perfectly. I had replaced the screen and fixed the latch to it years ago, but it was still the same window. So many things happened because of that window.
"I hope they're not, like, having an orgy or anything in your new place without inviting us," my boyfriend laughed.
I looked over at Axel; he was all long legs, pale body, long crimson hair, bright green eyes and Cheshire cat grins.
"I love you," I stated, noticing how he almost tripped over the couch in the living room as he looked back over at me.
"Love you too Roxy. Can't wait to get this baby on board so we can go to your new place and desecrate every single surface of it," he grinned cheekily at the thought.
After we put the frame in I walked up to the front door and locked it, Axel was already in the drivers seat to the moving van.
I stared at the door for a moment, I never did find out why mom left Cloud, I had never asked. Maybe one day, when I'm ready to hear the story, and when he's ready to tell it, I will.
"Come on Rox! Let's get going while there's still daylight!" Axel yelled out of the front window.
With smile I headed towards the van and hopped in.
"Forward Jeeves, towards adult life!" I pointed towards the road.
My lover grabbed my face and gave me a hard kiss which I melted into.
"Towards Grown Up Land eh?" He asked against my mouth as he pulled away. I nodded, trying to regain my breath. We were still close, so he kissed me again, this time softer and not as needy before pulling away completely to start the van.
"To Grown Up Land," I said in a low voice, and watched the house disappear from sight as we drove off.
ECK: I had debated putting up the Epilogue because there was no Prologue, but the ending wasn't how I had wanted it so I decided to put this up anyways. Also, I've been debating writing a collection of one-shots about the lives of our Collecting the Stars characters before their lives crashed together. It's all up in the air though at the moment. Please review, flames are always welcome.