Ooops... Been a while yes? Oops! You'll get a little AN at the bottom! Haha!

Chapter 4: Friends?

13 Days to Graduation

"So what did you do to make Sam angry?"

To Freddie's surprise, it wasn't Carly who had asked but rather, Wendy. She put her tray firmly on the table before seating herself opposite Freddie on the cold and uncomfy bench, making her wiggle around slightly before she was content with the position she was sat in.

Freddie looked up from his cupcake to meet Wendy's eyes. He looked back down though after a few seconds and waved his fork in a limp attempt to wave off the question.

"Don't wave your fork at me Freddie. You've made Sam angry, ergo you've made Carly angry because if Sam won't sit with you, Sam won't sit with Carly because Sam is sitting with Mark."

At this point, Freddie had chosen to look for where Sam was sitting and when he finally found her, he scowled. There she was, true to Wendy's word, with Mark. He quickly looked back to his tray and stabbed the food with his fork.

Wendy watched closely at this act and then suddenly gasped but couldn't help smile too. She remained like this until Freddie's eyes slowly and cautiously looked up from his tray to her.


"You like Sam..."

Freddie scoffed, "I don't."

With a slow nod, Wendy smirked out, "You do. You like Sam. You're jealous."

"Wendy, shut up," He replied, waving his fork at her, shaking his head.

Before she could reply, Carly had come to join them at the table. She glared at Freddie before taking a bite from her cupcake and huffing. Freddie just sighed and continued to poke and prod at his now deformed burger, or what the cafeteria called a burger. Students had their doubts.

"I was just talking to Fredward here about our dear Samantha. I think there is something you should kno-"

Freddie gave a kick under the table to Wendy who promptly looked back to him with a scowl while he shook his head.

"What should I know?"

The both of them looked back to Carly and exchanged quick glances obviously looking for help in their attempts to cover up the problem.

"Freddie said he was acting like an immature jerk and should apologise to Sam right now, didn't you Freddie?"

"Y-yes," He nodded his head and bit his bottom lip as he waited for a confirmation that Carly, to a certain extent, had been tricked because in actually fact, what Wendy had said was true. He just hadn't told Wendy that.

Carly picked up her fork and pointed it mere millimetres from Freddie's face, "Yes, go apologise. NOW."

Wendy looked at the fork Carly was holding and then to Freddie's fork, "You two sure like to use forks in threatening manners."

Wednesday. Perfect. Sam always skips Biology on a Wednesday and I'm sure she goes to the park. I am missing my Physics class but-


Time to go.

Freddie picked up his rucksack from beside his locker before placing it over his back and holding one strap firmly in one hand. He headed for the main exit, attempting to look as natural as possible although he was failing, considering he was creeping around the corners of the halls while people quirked their eyebrows at him.

Once he reached the exit, he couldn't help but giggle to himself as he felt the thrill of skipping. He quickly covered his mouth and looked around hoping no one had heard his girly giggle, and although there was no one insight, he gave a manly cough just for safe measures.

Once he had recovered from his slightly embarrassment, he look around and chose the quickest route to the park and took it. Once he could see the park entrance in sight, he took a deep breath and started to go through what he would say to Sam once he found her.

Hey Sam. I'm sorry about how I acted it's just... I like you. No, no. I can't just say it outright like that. Uhm... Hey Sam, fancy meeting you here? Oh yeah, smooth Freddie. Sam... He proceeded to say her name in several different voices, one being of confidence, the other being natural and one even attempting to sound manly. Sam...

"Sam... Sam. Samantha? No, no... Uhm, hey Sam... Hi Sam... Hi? Hello? Afternoon?"

"Is there a reason you keep saying my name?"

Freddie spun on his heels and proceeded to look up as he saw Sam above him in a tree, pulling out earphones that had previously been playing music through Sam's ears.


"Another one."

Freddie gulped before glancing around the tree, "Mind if I come up?"

Sam shrugged, "Sure. But if you're planning on acting like a jerk, warn me before hand so I can ignore you."

He quickly climbed up the tree, shaking his head as he did so. He was nearly up to the level when he began to apologise.

"Look Sam, I'm so sorry about the other day. I'm sorry I was acting like that. I don't know why I was even acting like that!"

He was now at the same level and was making his way cautiously along the thick branch so he was beside Sam.

"Seriously. I'm sorry."

Sam turned to him. Her features were scrunched as she looked at his genuine face. "Why did you wait 5 days to apologise?"

"I don't know..."

"You probably didn't even want to apologise. I bet Carly told you to."

Freddie looked at her in mock seriousness, "I've just skipped Physics to come apologise. This is a genuine apology Puckett."

She laughed and then looked down at her hands, looking deep into the bottom of the can of cola she was holding. Her features relaxed, but it was obvious she was thinking.

"You know what? I hate this. Getting older," at this she looked back to Freddie with a smile but not a small of happiness but of bewilderness. "I mean. It's like everything just suddenly changed," she looked back to her hands. "I remember when it was just me, you and Carly. Us three laughing and joking and having a good time. Do you remember that?"

Freddie nodded his head despite the fact Sam couldn't see this. He stayed looking at her and was flooded with emotions and thoughts and memories.

"I miss it. I miss how simple it was. I miss the life when the only boys in my life were you and Spencer," She laughed, but kept her eyes to the cola can, even rotating it in her hand for some minor excitement.

Finally, she looked up from the can and looked to Freddie. Her eyes stayed locked to his but flickered about them, searching for something but for what, neither were sure. Suddenly, they felt it. You know that feeling? The feeling that something is going happen, something has to happen.

Leaning towards him, she stopped to look between his lips and his eyes, while he did the same but kept his eyes on hers.

She breathed out, ready to saying something. "I-"

But that was all she could get out before his lips were on hers. There was no burst on her part from this contact, but she felt something. Something she hadn't previously. He, on the other hand, felt utterly happy and content in doing so. The kiss continued, beyond that of their previous kiss, their first kiss. It wasn't so childish, so short and careless. Freddie was thankful they had grown up for this simple reason, he had to admit.

Suddenly, Sam felt that burst as she thought about something.

He's my best friend. He was my first kiss. Of course he's going to make me happy.

She was yet to feel the same reasoning's as Freddie.

I love her. She makes me happy, ergo I love her.

Both of them thought that the other was thinking the same as them and so the kiss continued for the both of them.

Sam finally did pull back and smiled to Freddie, "Friends again?"

"Yeah. Friends..."

So. Not only was that not an interesting chapter, it was also majorly laaaaaaaaaaate.

I have no excuse.

At first (like a couple weeks late) I did but just ater that I got lazyyy!

Terrible me, right?

Well I'm getting back on to this. You'll see!

And let me just say, next chapter? Definetly a lot better :) so R&R because it makes me happy! (Oh and I'm starting a search for a beta and hope they will beta my previous chapters along with my upcoming ones to make this story ultimately better).

Notice any mistakes? Think anything it out of place? Something should be rephrased? A character is OC? TELL ME! It will make it better for everyone (especially me! haha) and I'll thank you if you do help me :) Thanks! (Hey, I guess everyone is like a little