This filk is Quill-worthy –

Waltzing With Viktor

To the tune of Waltzing Matilda
A R/Hr filk by Squin

Once a ruddy Bulgarian showed his slimy face at Hogwarts

He came from the bowels of that Drumstrang ship

And I scowled as I watched him stand there with Hermione

Why was she waltzing with Viktor, not me???

Waltzing with Viktor, waltzing with Viktor
That ugly git's with Her-MY-oh-NEE
And I scowled as I watched and wanted to make his head explode
Why was she waltzing with Viktor, not me?

Over came Hermione, face flushed pink from dah-han-cing

Since when did she get to be so pretty?

What am I talking about, she's just Hermione

But why was she waltzing with Viktor, not me???

Waltzing with Viktor, waltzing with Viktor
That ugly git's with Her-MY-oh-NEE
And I scowled as I watched and wanted to make his head explode
Why was she waltzing with Viktor, not me?

Although her hair's really quite nice when it's all bu-u-shee

Oh, will you SHUT – UP and get on with it?

Can't you see that you're frat-er-ni-zing with the enemy?

You shouldn't be waltzing with Viktor, but me

Waltzing with Viktor, waltzing with Viktor
That ugly git's with Her-MY-oh-NEE
And I scowled as I watched and wanted to make his head explode
Why was she waltzing with Viktor, not me?

Hermione looked really mad as we stormed into the common room

Ask me first, not as a last resort! yelled she

And I gaped and I stared at her running to her dormitory

Was that why she was waltzing with Viktor, not me?

Waltzing with Viktor, waltzing with Viktor
That ugly git's with Her-MY-oh-NEE
And I scowled as I watched and wanted to make his head explode
Why was she waltzing with Viktor, not me?

Oh damn.


Everything you recognise from Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling (aka The Goddess)
Waltzing Matilda was written by AB Banjo' Patterson, although apparently he filched the tune off some Scottish town *shrug*
I own nothing :o)

Author's Note:
Yeah, I know. This is weird, this is warped, this is a waste of 36kb. Just humour me, and say it's at least slightly amusing, kay?
Dedicated to my Scary Twin LoPotter, who retained oh-so-much about Australian culture' after learning about it in 2nd grade she brought up Waltzing Matilda on AIM one night/afternoon, so if anything other than my insanity inspired me to write this, it was Lo Kook-a-burra sits in the old gum tree-ee *Squin walks away humming the rest of it* ;o)