

Chapter One!

Harry Potter walked down a cold, stone hallway, being as silent as he possibly could be, making triple sure that no one was out this late at night that could catch him, and the spells that were masking his magical signature so well it was like he did not even exist, so that no one {especially Dumbledoor} would be able to sense him, were still functioning properly.

That done, he made his way into an abandoned classroom that was warded so that no one would know what was going on and the wards were a special type that could not be sensed, and immediately locked the door behind him with about ten different extremely powerful locking spells, before he pulled a silver chalice from his robes.

With a muttered spell, blood filled the chalice from his wand tip, and he then placed it in the middle of a chalk drawn circle.

A few whispered words later, a ghostly apparition came out of the chalice, and hovered in front of Harry, a look of cold distain on his colourless face.

"Why have you called me here young one?

You are due to report in in a week, so why have you summoned me?" the demon, Frederick, said to Harry in a surprisingly gentle voice.

"Grandfather, it is the last day of my fourth year at Hogwarts, and on my birthday, I will come into my inheritance at fifteen, the age for us, instead of sixteen like other species.

And I do not know what to do.

I am not yet fifteen grandfather, and I am so confused as to what I am to do.

I have been told that I will be given my instructions on my fifteenth birthday, but the wards surrounding my Aunts home as too strong for any one to contact me without bringing the notice of both Dumbledoor and the Ministry of Magic down on both them and myself," Harry said to the image of his grandfather, a Incubus Demon High Lord from Hell.

"Harry, your instructions are as follows.

You are to form an alliance with the one who calls himself Lord Voldemort, and work on a way to take down Albus Dumbledoor.

You will have to wait until you are sixteen or older before you will find your mate, as you are not emotionally and physically mature enough to handle a mate at this point and time, but you must have sexual intercourse or touch until your sixteenth, as we are essentially sex demons and without feeding from the sex we have with others, we would grow extremely week, and eventually die, even though we are supposed to be immortal.

Lastly, these are orders from our king, Lucifer himself.

NO MORE HEROICS!" the demon said, and was just about to say something else, when he looked behind him for a moment before turning back to Harry.

"I have to go back to work, as I have twelve people to torture before dinner, but your grandmother would like a word," he said before disappearing, a woman of extreme beauty appearing a moment later.

She had Harry and his mother Lilly's Death Curse coloured eyes, flaming red curling hair that fell down to the small of her back, slim body, pale skin, fangs, a tail and a pair of black wings, the wings showing that between her and her mate, she was the submissive and the one who would bare their children.

"Theirs my only grandchild.

I'm sorry, but your mother is backlogged in paperwork at the moment, and could not spare a moment to come, but she wants you to know that she loves you with all her heart and she will send a letter the moment that she can, and that you are to join her in a few weeks time down here for lunch.

Anyway, Harry, I have to tell you a few things before I let you go back to your dorm room to sleep, and they are this;

Number One: You are to take harder classes next year of your OWN choosing, and you are to get nothing lower then Exceeds Expectations in every single class on your O.W.L exams.

Number Two: All of your summer homework is to be completed within the first week of holidays, and during next year at that idiotic school of yours, not a single piece of homework, essay or assignment is to be handed in late, and you are only allowed to get three C's this year, the rest having to be B's or A+'s.


No matter what ANYONE tells you, you are not responsible for this war, or Albus Dumbledoor.

Do not let that old goat fucker guilt you into a single things.

He is your school headmaster, nothing more, nothing less.

We are your family, and you know that we will always love you even if you fail at every single thing in your life, not that you will though.

No matter what the wizarding world says or thinks, you are not yet fifteen years old, and do not have any responsibility for taking down this Voldemort fellow just because they tell you to, or because of that prophesy that we told you about last year.

You are to just be a normal teenager, and if you find a mystery or some other thing, just ignore it and let someone else deal with it.

I WILL NOT LOSE MY ONLY GOOD GRANDCHILD TO SOME IDIOTIC MISSION, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" she roared at Harry suddenly, who nodded immediately in understanding, knowing that crossing his grandmother by disobeying her was the stupidest possible idea one could have, and against popular opinion, he was NOT stupid.

Also, mentioning that Dudley was also her grandson would be a stupid idea, as she refused to even acknowledge his existence until he smartened up and stopped being a muggle, as Dudley had had his demon side blocked when he discovered the truth on his eleventh birthday, his mother having done the same when she was a teenager, with the two of them, and her husband, hating anything and everything to do with magic or demons, as she had been raised a devout Christian by her muggle mother.

{She was Lilly's half sister with only half demon in her, her son only having a quarter, with Harry being a half demon as well until his inheritance, at which time he would become a full demon}

"Number Four: Go out and enjoy life.

Get drunk, get laid, party, make heaps of friends, and just have fun and be a typical rebellious teenager for once.

Suppressing your demon side is a bad thing Harry, and it will just make you feel like crap all the time, but do not go overboard all the time, all though a couple three day and night benders are not a bad thing to have once in a while.

So, remember to keep your grades up, and your mother tells me that if you don't take school seriously, then their will be hell to pay," she said to her grandson, who she knew could not and would not do anything to disappoint or worry his mother in any way.

"Now, I have to go as I have to present some new ideas of torture to Lucifer, and after watching that muggle movie Little Nicky, Hitler's going to find himself with a pine cone up his arse in a maid's outfit, a scene that I absolutely loved.

But, one more thing before I go.

After you come into your inheritance, a trunk will be sent to you filled with textbooks, equipment and any other things that you need for your demonic schooling, and every week, a sheet of paper will appear in the trunk with that weeks homework, essays and assignments that you are to complete, and then put them into a transport box provided for you so that they can be marked and given back to you, and also, your mother wants you to watch over your father Severus, and do not give him any cheek unless you cannot help yourself.

Ta ta sweetheart," Elaina said before disappearing, once again leaving Harry all alone.

With a sigh, Harry began to pack up everything that he had used in the summoning and clean the chalk off of the floor.

Discovering the truth a week or two before he had started his first year at Hogwarts had been a shock for him.

After talking to his mother, and finding out that Severus Snape, not James Potter, was his father, Severus being his mothers mate but James the one who Dumbledoor made her marry, Harry lost all trust for the old man before he had even met the light wizard.

He talked to his mother via the summoning chalice at least three or four times a month, but they exchanged letters via Hedwig at least once a week.

{Hedwig was a special type of owl that could travel to hell with messages, and was one of Harry's familiars, making sure that he got her by planting subliminal messages in Hagrids head when he went to find a present for Harry's eleventh birthday.

Harry had always known his owl was on the human level of smartness, and she had a tendency to mother him in her owl way, not that Harry minded.

Harry knew that Snape had no clue about Harry being his son, so he did nothing to change that, as it would bring up way too many questions that he would want answered that Harry was not yet ready to give him.

Pushing these thoughts out of his head, Harry left the room and made his way up to his dorm room, where he fell asleep almost immediately after putting the summoning equipment away in his trunk.

The train ride back to London was uneventful, spent with him and Ron playing chess and exploading snap, Ginny fawning all over him and Hermione reading a book.

At Kings Cross station, Harry said goodbye to his friends after being almost squeezed to death by Mrs Weesley, and then got into his uncle's car.

It was silent for about five minutes before Harry spoke up.

"Uncle Vernon, I've gotten my own flat in London, so after going to your home, I will pack all my things and leave within an hour of getting their.

I will be back every summer until my seventeenth so that the wards around your home will not fall, but other then that, you will never have to see me again," Harry said to the man, the entire family looking like Christmas had come early, and his aunt looked like she was going to say something, most likely against his parents if the viciously happy look on her face was anything to go by, when Harry said something that wiped all glee from her face.

"Grandfathers say's hi by the way Aunt Petunia."

Harry had known that that would shut her up, and the rest of the drive was spent in silence, the Dursleys tense, but Harry completely calm.

He had decided to move out and get his own place about a month ago, and had contacted the goblin Hooklock that had watched over the Potter family vaults for almost a hundred years, and had gotten the goblin to get him an apartment close to the Leaky Cauldron with wards all around it so that it was almost more fortified then Hogwarts herself.

It was just a simple two bedroom apartment with a living room, moderately sized bathroom and kitchen with a small balcony just big enough for a comfortable chair.

The apartment was only a five minute walk to the Leaky Cauldron and was only a ten minute walk from the nearest mall, which was about five storeys high with about six hundred different stores, and a bar and nightclub strip.

The moment that they arrived at 4 Private Drive, Harry went into the house and up to his bedroom where he packed up all of his meagre belongings, which only took about twenty minutes, ten of which was spent checking every nook and cranny in the room to make sure that he had not missed anything.

Once downstairs, his Uncle Vernon offered to drive him, obviously wanting to make sure that Harry was actually leaving and would not be hanging around the corner, watching every move that they made, which Harry took him up on.

Forty minutes later, Harry was dropped off in front of the Leaky Cauldron, and his Uncle drove off without a single look back, which was exactly how Harry preferred.

Then, Harry hailed a cab down and got dropped off in front of his apartment building, which was slightly old looking, covered with graffiti, it had about two hundred apartments inside, and it had a landlord that did not care about your age as long as the rent was never more then two day's late, with an extra fifteen pounds a week so that he would not inform the authority's about anyone underage staying in an apartment.

Harry already had his key as Hooklock had sent it to him via owl a few days before the school year had ended, so he did not need to go and see the landlord about the key, and just made his way straight up to his apartment via the elevator which was really the only thing in the building maintenance regularly.

Letting himself into apartment 167D, he closed and locked the door behind him, feeling the wards snap back into place, having only opened for his magical signature, and anyone trying to apparate in at that exact moment would have been flung away.

The apartment was bare except for a couch, coffee table, mattress in one of the rooms, a couple of empty bookcases, a refrigerator and a unopened box of extra light bulbs.

Unshrinking his trunk and the box full of his belongings that he had shrunk in his pocket back at the Leaky Cauldron as his magic would not have been able to be detected their with all the other magic already in his air, the wards around his apartment shielding the ministry and anyone else from sensing any magic that was being used in the apartment.

Harry did not have much, and decided to go shopping tomorrow, as by now, it was dark outside and he was feeling tired.

Lying down on his couch, Harry was asleep within moments.