I do not own Twilight and Pearl Harbor but I like bending the characters
Chapter 1
1921 - Tennessee
In a small run down barn, stood two boys in a make-shift fighter jet, playing a game of being heroes in a war.
"German Bandits at 2 o'clock!" Edward yelled, imitating plane noises.
"Increase throttle. Power Dive!" responded his best friend, making machine gun sounds.
"Crack shootin' Jake," Edward said to his friend, who was shooting on the make-shift machine gun.
"Land of the Free!"
"Home of the Brave!"
Edward Masen was born in a son of a veteran, his whole life he was raised loving the idea of joining The United States Army and earning his wings, with his best friend Jacob Black.
The two reckless boys idolized their fathers, who fought side by side in WWI. Both were awarded The Distinguished Service Cross, for extreme heroism, in the face of grave danger.
They dreamed of flying in their very own flying fortress, and saving 'The Land of the Free'.
Across town from them lived Major Charlie Swan of The United States Army Air Force, and his daughters Rosalie, Isabella, and Alice.
All five children grew up together in the quiet little town in Tennessee, dreaming of where life would take them. They wanted to see the world and all the wonders in it.
Never knowing what life had in store for them, they grew up and let destiny, lead them on their journey. The girls lives led them away from the two best friends, but Edward and Jacob would be together until the end.
January 1941 – Long Island – Mitchell Air Field
"Where's Masen and Black?" the Training Captain yelled when the boys returned.
"Still training sir," their good friend Jasper Hale said getting out of his plane, hoping he was buying them some time.
High in the sky stood only two planes, with two very reckless pilots behind the wheels.
"Alright Jake, let's show 'em how to fly," Edward called over his headset. "We gonna play chicken, you ready?"
Edward could actually visualize Jake's stunned face, "This ain't the farm and these ain't no crop dusters, I'm not playin' chicken with you."
"Ah, don't be a baby."
"I'm not doing it Ed."
Back on the ground Jasper already figured out what they were going to do.
"What the hell do they think they're doing?" the Captain asked.
As the planes flew over head all you could hear was Jasper say, "Oh Boy."
Up in the sky, a light bulb went off on how to get Jake to play, "Well I'm coming right at you, now you can turn or you can hit me. Its up to you."
"Why you always gotta be messing with me?" Jake sighed. "Which way you going?"
"Uh right. No left, I'll go left."
"Okay, we're going left right?"
"Right, right?" Edward asked getting a little confused.
"Right, like we're going right, or right like we're going left?"
"Great now you got me all mixed up," Edward spoke through his mic. "I don't know make up your mind!"
Jacob saw their planes getting closer, "God Ed! We're going right! Righty-Tighty!"
The pilots cheered when at the last instant, both planes snap a quarter turn so that their wings are vertical, and they shoot past each other belly to belly.
"Those are some smooth aces!" a fellow pilot yelled.
"Did you say something?!" the Captain yelled. "Let me tell you something, those boys are grounded! Get them in Swan's office now!"
"After two years of training and six weeks with me, do you believe a 45,000 dollar airplane is there for your amusement?" Major Swan asked his pilots.
"No sir, We were just trying to keep our edge," Edward said standing tall next to Jacob.
"You two are probably two of the best pilots I have ever seen," Swan said taking his seat. "Your father's would be proud."
"Yes sir. Thank you sir," they both said in unison.
"Black you're dismissed. Masen take a seat."
"Yes sir."
After Jacob was safety out the room, Major Swan began to speak. "You've been accepted into the Eagle Squadron. Only a few British pilots are all that stand between Hitler and total victory in Europe. If you still want to go, you leave tomorrow."
"Yes sir. I want to help."
Charlie sighed, "Just for the record, I'm supposed to ask you to stay. Soon we'll be in this war and I need all my pilots."
"What would you do Charlie?" Edward asked his second father.
"As your Major, its my duty to ask you to stay. But as the son I half raised, I would tell you to go. And make me and your father proud."
Edward gave his answer and said good-bye to his Major. And left to meet his fellow pilots who were getting ready to meet the band of navy nurses in New York City.
"Come'on we have nurses waiting!" Anthony yelled.
"Why are you going?" Jake asked his friend.
"Swan assigned me, h-he said he wanted me to get some real combat training," Edward answered, not liking the idea of lying to him.
"Well guess what? It isn't training over there, it's war. Where losers die and there aren't any winners. Now if trouble wants me, I'm ready. But why go looking for it?"
"I understand that. But I feel like I have a duty to go over there."
"Don't preach to me about duty. I wear the same damn uniform you do."
"I'm going to be 25, they might as well have me being a flight instructor. I don't want to teach loops, I want to be a combat fighter. Let's go or we're going to be late."
Its just a story I'm playing around with.
Review :)