So A New Chapter..!!! Sorry So Short But I Work Now….. But I'll Try My Best.. Please Feel Free To Throw Some Ideas In…. Me Love Ideas.. And You Will Be Acknowledged. And Thanks To All My Reviews So Far:

Kouga Older Woman

Merlyn 1382



Princess Marrosa


Sara Jane Tennant

Angel A Page

Last Time…

The morning rays woke her up. She sat against the tree, remembering last night. Her entire body shook at the thought. A hand tightened over her stomach, she looked over and saw him. She tried to but she could not hold back the tears…..

"Kouga…. How could you..?"


Kouga's P.O.V

He sat up, and looked away from her.


What can I say? That I'm so sorry, that I wished it never happened…. He could see the hurt and pain in her eyes. He didn't want this too happen. He sighed... This went SO much better in his head.

"I don't know what to say…"

Kagome stood up… A slap echoed through the forest, anger slipping through every pore.

She was shaking, her powers clouding the entire forest. Damning any demon dumb enough, to come close her.

"What The FUCK do you mean you don't know what to say..?"

"I...Kagome…. Please…"

Bark began to peel off trees. Her eyes were blood shot red, her body shaking violently at the power she was taking in. Kouga knew he was in deep now….

"Where's that damn mutt when you need him..?"

Kagome's P.O.V

He didn't know what to say… please.? After what he's done to me he had the nerve, the audacity to say please. She raised her hand, she couldn't think anymore. Thought didn't even seem to register. Dead. Cold. She needed this. Power surged involuntarily, it rocked her body with a beautiful pleasure.

"I wish I could say Im sorry for what Im about to do…"

"Kagome please…. I don't know what came over me…"

"Well I can damn sure tell you what's gotten into me"

She loved it, this power. Watching Kouga shiver like that made her feel dangerous. Made her feel like a somebody. Hmmmm…. This is what Sesshoumaru must feel like. She looked down at Kouga, debating.



"What are you thinking about.?"

"I'm debating whether or not I should kill you…"

" Well if you ask me.."

A burst of energy flew out..

"I'm sorry," Kagome said with a sneer. " Did I ask for your opinion.?"

Kouga sat there stunned, unable to move in inch. She's really thinking about killing him. Looking around he could tell he was surrounded. Her miko powers covered the forest, moving would just shorten his life span. If he had any left.. Maybe he could talk her down….

Sesshoumaru's P.O.V

I sense the Miko..

She doesn't seem happy…

I also smell that wolf….

Shall we see what's going on.?


"Rin, Jaken stay here…"

Cliffy Haha…:) I know Im evil.. But I can't help it it's my nature…!!

Inuyasha: When The Hell Do I Show Up.?

Me: With That Attuide.. NEVER!! Plus It's Up To My Readers..

Kouga: Haha..!! You Mangy Mutt..!!

Inuyasha: Shut Up.. You'll Be Dead Soon..

Kouga: ………

All Together: PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!