Count On Me

A/N My first Pokemon fic. I wanted to do one about Lucario since he's my fave besides Mewtwo and Entei. This fic is about true friendship, learning to trust others and finding somebody like you. I hope people like.

Lucario growled in pain as he reached Pallet Town.

He was greatly injured but was sad.

Since Sir Arran left, he'd been feeling more lonely by the day and had been searching for somebody who shared this same feeling but everywhere he went, he couldn't find that one soul like him but loking out at the town, he could feel a soul like his, sad and lonely.

"I..... I knew it would happen." the pokemon said wearily willing the last few ounces of physical strength he had to walk to the town but felt it leaving him as everything went black......

But somebody had seen Lucario faint and ran towards it.

It was a girl with long violet hair, slender and had sea green eyes.

"I hope he's okay.

I'd better bring him into my house." she thought adjusting her goggles on her head.

She could feel Lucario's pain through her body as her eyes glowed with bright blue light. Her name was Jaia and she wasn't like ordinary human beings.

Most of the other people in Pallet Town were a little afraid of her except for Professor Oak. She felt Lucario's sadness too and was curious.....

But in his mind, Lucario was floating in a sea but all he could see was darkness.

"What's going on?" Lucario wondered as he heard somebody calling to him as he began to rise up into bright light and found himself on a sandy beach as somebody approached him that made him gasp.

It was Sir Arran.

"Arran....... but how?

I don't understand." Lucario said confused but the Aura Knight smiled.

"I'm here in your dream Lucario.

You've been asleep for a while now.

I may be gone but I am always in your heart where you can always find me but you will soon forge an new bond with somebody like you, somebody who knows how it hurts to be alone.

You must learn to have others in your life besides me Lucario.

I know you will make me proud as you always have.

Goodbye." he told his Pokemon friend as he vanished.

But then Lucario heard a voice calling to him and felt an new aura near him outside his dream.

He then began to wake up......

Jaia was relieved to see Lucario beginning to wake up as she heard soft growling as he began to wake up.

He was surprised to find himself in a house and a girl beside him but he felt her aura.

He gasped in shock realising she was the one he was looking for......