Okay, this is my first (and probably only) story for Winx. It is a 'future generation' story. Starts off like most of other stories like this, but I hope you will find the plot interesting =) Also, I'm trying not to turn the new character into a Mary Sue, but if she turns out to become a MS, I urge my potential reviewers to warn me, please. (Although, her first appereance might seem as so). Thank you =)


'Oh, no way!'

A girl, barely fifteen of age, with strawberry blond hair and a very slim body covered by a silver dress, rushes here and there, tossing her various clothes in one bag, and a few shoes to the other. While Princess Amandela of Solaria was not obsessed with shoes, she clearly was with dresses. She picks one shockingly pink dress from the floor, looks at it for a moment, then crumples her face.

'Okay, this is going for Naomie.'

'You know she doesn't like that stuff much.'

Amy turns to the door of her room to find a blond boy looking at her through his bright brown eyes. She sighs.

'Leon, I have no time for this. You know I have to...'

'Fit your whole wardrobe into those suits and stuff your face before leaving?' Prince Leon asks innocently, but the smirk on his face is more than a give away.

'I'm not packing all of my stuff!' Amandela protested. 'And I'm not hungry either.' She looks at the dress once again, not being sure.

'You should give it to one of your friends,'says Leon, tilting his head to a side.

'Nope, I think I'll just let it rot.'

With that, she throws the dress back into her closet unceremoniously. Leon rolls his eyes. 'Mom is so gonna love it.'

'Well, she should learn that pink is not my color.' says the Solarian princess, and with a huff, she throws herself on the suitcase containing her clothes, trying very hard to close it. With the help of her brother, she finally managed to do so. Smiling to each other, they made their way downstairs to the entrance hall.


'Eowyn, are you ready?'

'Yes, mom!' cries Princess Eowyn of Sparks from her room. She pulls a loose strand of her curly blond hair behind her ear, takes her suitcase, and makes her way down.

Her mother and father are waiting for her. They smile at the sight of her. Queen Bloom, however, is also a bit teary, sending her daughter for the first time to Magix for education. Eowyn hugs her tightly.

'C'mon, mom, you know I will be back for the Day of Roses. I can't leave if you continue to be like this.'

Bloom quickly wipes her eyes, trying to seem more cheerful for the sake of her daughter. 'No, dear, it's just... you have grown up so quickly.'

Eowyn giggles. She feels more elated now. 'So... when are we going?'


'You haven't told us you were going with Heather.'

Flora is a bit concerned about her daughter Eleanora's acts for a while, but she doesn't know what to come up with. Ellie was just acting... well, she was closer to Heather, Tecna's daughter, for over a year. Closer than any of the other girls, indeed.

'Mom, Oscar is gonna drop us off at Alphea, and I prefer going with a friend rather alone.'

This was, all in all, a satisfying answer. Flora closes her eyes and sighs, but doesn't say anything.


'So, you guys ready?'

A dark woman with flowing dark hair pops her head around the door to find a boy and a girl around the same age already packed all their stuff and chatting animatedly on the poufs on the floor. She smiles knowingly.

'Ryan, your father says you two will be late if you don't hurry up.'

The boy rises from his pouf and straightens his dark brown hair a bit. He holds a hand for the girl sitting across him.

'Come on, Vicky. Thanks, mom.'

They go down.


A spaceship stands in the hangar, seemingly ready for departure. It is not very big, it is clear that it was designed for speed.

Suddenly, a commotion breaks out outside the hangar. 'Come back!' shouts a voice, furious. 'You have no authority...'

'I have every authority!' shouts a young male voice, equally as furious as the other one. 'Now you stand back!'

Clearly the man did what he was told, because a moment later, the doors of the hangar burst open and a couple of people come in, a boy around the age eighteen, and a younger girl.

'Myra, to the ship!' the boy calls to the girl, who seems very frightened. Myra gulps and nods, hurrying toward the craft. Suddenly, a lazer beam shoots very close to her, missing her only by inches. She freezes, not daring to move a step. 'You are not going anywhere... princess.' sneers a voice behind her.

'Not if I do anything about it!' shouts the boy who came in with her, and he fires the small gun he holds. The bullet hits the man right on the forehead, shattering on contact, not leaving any trace of scar or blood behind. The man freezes with his eyes wide for a moment, than falls back with a loud thump.

'This won't hold him long,' exclaims the boy, coming over to Myra and holding her arm. 'C'mon, let's go.'

The stunned man, however, is not their only concern. A moment later, at least two dozens of other men come into the hangar. After recovering from the shock of seeing two of their comrades down, paralyzed; they hastily began to prepare three new crafts for taking off.

When Myra got seated safely in the spaceship with the boy who helped her, she cries. 'Go!!!'

A few seconds after they took off, three more aircrafts left the hangar.


In front of the gates of the magical fairy school, Alphea, five girls get into a group hug, squealing happily.

'Oh, it's so good to see all of you again.'

Three boys, however, are watching them with weary eyes. 'It's not like you haven't seen each other for a long time.' says a boy with blue hair in a small ponytail.

'And if you don't hurry, you will miss the check in time.' added Leon with a smirk.

Realizing that he is right, the girls say farewell to the boys, and enter the school grounds.

There already is a long line before the check in lady. She controls each of the girls' name on the list on her clipboard. She looks up as the five approaches her, carrying, and in some cases actually dragging, their suitcases. 'Okay, who do we have here?' she asks in an authoritative voice.

'Princess Eowyn of Sparks,' pipes up the little, blond haired fairy, taking up the lead.

'Heather, from Binary galaxy,' says a very short and spiky black haired girl, looking carelessly at her nails.

'Eleanora from Linphea,' mumbles a shy looking little girl to the right of Heather, playing with her long, silky black hair.

'Princess Amandela of Solaria,' huffs Amy, having had difficulty carrying her two luggage, even when she only had to do it from the gates to here.

'And Princess Victoria of Harmony,' ends a Chinese looking girl, her black - blue hair in a sideway ponytail.

The woman, namely, Griselda, sighs with closed eyes and shakes her head. She ticks the girls' names absent mindedly. So the next generation Winx girls have arrived at last. She wonders silently what they would make out of this year.

She looks around the students, and then controls her list. Everyone was here. Except for one person. She feels, more than sees, an elder woman with a kind and wisened face comes over to her side. When they were level, she whispers, so only that woman will hear her.

'They are late.'

'I know,' says the elder woman, her gaze up in the sky, a crease forming between her eyebrows. 'But I do believe Prince Meriad is able to bring her here before the protection wears off. He is quite strong.'

'We are unplottable...'

'We are,' admits the woman, looking at the younger one. 'But if the protection is lifted, I...'

She stops suddenly, gaping, open mouthed, at the sky once again. Griselda gasps and the clipboard flies from her hand. Most of the students notice what is wrong at once, too.

A small aircraft had appeared in the air, and as it seems, was trying to approach the school. But three larger spaceships behind it wouldn't let it go. The assaultants fire to the ship in front of them. The small ship was able to dodge the first two of them, thanks to its agility. But it was not lucky to escape from the third one. It got a direct hit and begins to fall, smoke drifting from the tail.

Several of the girls scream. Terrorised, Eowyn and her friends put their hands to their mouths. 'They are not gonna make it!' she hears Heather cry from her side.

At that time, the old headmistress of the school, Ms Faragonda, puts her hands to the air and closes her eyes, and says clearly 'Defendo immerens!'. From her side, Griselda turns her attention to the assaulting ships and her eyes shine white for a moment as she says 'Illusion dellusion!'.

The falling ship was caught by what seems thin air and slowed down, landing safely to the school grounds. After a clear ten minutes drifting above, the other ships fly off, disappearing from sight. Everyone starts running to the craft which had just landed. A door to the side opens, and two people get out of it, looking a bit shaky, but otherwise okay.

They are Myra and the other boy. The boy strides confidently to Faragonda and Griselda, while Myra stands where she was, looking extremely reluctant and highly embarassed to find herself in front of a huge crowd, all of whom looking at either her or the boy.

Coming up right in front of the headmistress, the boy speaks in a still somewhat strong voice. 'I could not thank enough to you.'

Looking at his young, but weary face seriously for a moment or two, Ms Faragonda breaks into a smile. 'Welcome to the Alphea grounds, Meriad and Myra.'