Hey do you guys want awesome original ideas that would make you filled with excitement and passion, including other positives feelings towards something posted by me, D Hurricane or updates on my current fic's?! Well too bad that's not what this post is about!
This is D Hurricane's Random funny attempts cliche's! One shots!
BB's and Cy's Transformers review!
"Dude that movie was some awesome!" shouted Beast Boy. Jumping up from his seat on the common room couch, pumping his fist into the air.
"Naw man. It wasn't all that good." Cyborg stated, crossing his arms and looked rather disappointed as he stared at the ending credits of the screen, then turned his head towards the green boy. "All the robots were from outer space, ya' don't even get to see what their planets was like. And knowing those Hollywood dorks, they're gonna' make a 'Transformers begining' and what was up with that robot talking like he was from the ghetto!" Cyborg announced, this little rant had Beast Boy glaring at the metal titan.
"Dude. This movie had everything and I know they won't do a 'Beginings' because that'd be stupid, if they did that, that would show how dumb they'd be because beginnings shouldn't even made, cause if you're gonna' make something it's better to start with beginnings than just the regular stuff." through Beast Boy's little speech Cyborg had been shaking his head to the sides with his eyes closed.
"Look B." he said, opening his eye and... robot eye. "It wasn't all that great, even if it made tons in the box office..." he said staring off to the side, while a smirk formed on his face, as his own transformation came into mind.
"Dude. You're just jealous because those Transformers dude's can transform and you can't...," putting some more thought into it. "except maybe your cannon thingy... but that doesn't count!" Cyborg smirked and stood up, placing his hands on his hips while he stood above the green boy eying him for a moment.
"Ya'll don't think I have a little something?" he asked. Beast Boy smirked in return and stood up as well. Returning the look with equal passion. Both were eye to eye.
"I so know you don't Cy!" whispered Beast Boy. His tone obviously dripping with confidence.
"Well prepare to eat your words, green bean!" Shouted Cyborg, jumping back a few feet Cyborg threw out his arms to his side. Suddenly as if it were a cheap rip off of the power rangers morphing scenes, Cyborg changed and compressed his body down, his arms and legs folding into place. Beast Boy could only watch in amazement wondering what amazing thing he would become. Cyborg began to glow brightly, so much that Beast Boy had to cover his eyes while his head looked away, when the glowing light Had dimmed Beast Boy lowered his hand and walked over to Cyborg.
Out popped fresh toast from Cyborg. Yes, Cyborg had become a small toaster. "Dude, he's right! His transformation is way better!" exclaimed Boy Boy munching on the fresh toast from Cyborgs awesome transformation. Because we all know that the transformers could never make toast as well as Cyborg could.
When walking through walls!
"Look Beast Boy. I'm not gonna' play your stupid monkey related game, I have much better things to do." Raven replied. Obviously Beast Boy had been trying to get her to play.
"Raven don't lie... you so don't have anything better to do!" exclaimed Beast Boy, with his arms crossed, Raven blushed in embrassment and knew that was true. Glaring she turned her back to him.
"Be that as it may be. I would rather do things that meant nothing, than hang with an annoying child like you!" Raven said, harshly turning and pointing a finger at him. Which caused the green boy to jump back a bit in fright from such a sudden action, glaring Beast Boy stumped his foot like a upset two year old while he held his arms firmly to his sides.
"Y-yeah!" he studdered looking from side to side. "Well you're creepy!" he shouted. Raven took a step back at being called creepy and looked to the side, remembering what that word had done to her and how it had made her felt, Beast Boy noticed the look on her face and stuck out his hand and placed it on Raven's shoulder. "R-rae, I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean it I swear... it-it just sorta happened, I take it back!" he exclaimed, Raven shrugged his hand off her shoulder and turned to leave the common room. But Beast Boy shot his arm out and stuck it to the wall, stopping her from leaving. "Please Rae! I'm sorry!" he exclaimed, looking at her with concerned eyes. Raven turned her head away from him, just standing there.
"It's okay... you're right, I am creepy..." she said, using her right hand to gripe her left shoulder.
"Rae... you're not alone, when I said that, I wasn't thinking..."
"You don't usually do..." she stated, though Beast Boy ignored that for the moment.
"I mean look at me... I'm green and really short, and have an obsession with video games, we're both different and I like that you're different if you weren't.... then we wouldn't be friends..." he replied, blushing while he scratched the back of his head. Raven turned her head to him with her eyes wide.
"Um... thanks, I'm glad you think so..." she replied, looking to the side, now blushing herself. "I might possibly want to play a game with you... It might not be too bad..." Raven stated, causing Beast Boy to turn his head and grin at her.
"Really!?" he asked, leaning up to her and holding his hands together in the same manner as Starfire would.
"I said might." she reminded him.
"Good enough for me!" announced Beast Boy. "Hey. Does that mean you might laugh at one of my jokes?" he asked, leaning up to her and wiggling his eye brows.
"Sure." she replied.
"Alright!" Beast Boy cheered.
"If you actually say something funny." she said.
"Aw..." Raven rolled her eyes. Almost as if it were meant to ruin this scene both Raven's and Beast Boy's communicators beeped, quickly both pulled them out and flipped them open to see Robin's face in some street corner, with Starfire and Cyborg fighting in the back ground.
"Titans trobule! Get down here now!" Robin shouted, both Beast Boy and Raven nodded their heads, then turned their heads to each other and nodded in agrement to join the others.
"Let's go." Said Raven.
"Yeah!" Replied Beast Boy, Raven turned and phased through the wall.
"Ow!" unfortunately Beast Boy turned to do the same. As his butt hit the ground he proceeded by rubbing his sore face. Raven poked her head out through the wall and chuckled lightly at the scene of Beast Boy's funny act. Beast Boy held his nose.
"I knew I could make you laugh!" It was painful but it actually made her laugh, so, to him it was worth the pain.
"What the ****!?"
"What did you call me here for Beast Boy?" asked Raven, while Beast Boy had his back turned and stared at at the sun set as they were on the titans roof. Turning his head slowly Beast Boy walked over to Raven and grabbed her by the collar of her cloak. With an enraged look.
"Raven I think I'm pregnant and you're the father!" He exclaimed, which shocked Raven and made her eyes almost bug out from her head.
"W-what!?" she shouted, moving away from his gripe. "That's not possible!" She said shaking her head from side to side. Beast Boy took a step forward and grabbed her hand right wrist to stop her, Raven stared into his eyes.
"Search your feelings. You know it to be true!" he exclaimed, then Raven raised a brow and slapped herself for buying into this.
"No. It can't happen because you're a man, and can't get pregnant, I can't believe I fell for something this stupid!" she said turning away from him and making him release her from his gripe, Beast Boy chuckled and placed his hand on her shoulder.
"Aw come on Rae. That was so awesome, you even did that had shaky thing!" he continued. Raven turned around and glared at him, towering over him she beared her fangs. The green titans leaned back and held out his hands in defense. "C-come on, that just means I'm a good actor!"
"Making me fall for stupid tricks.... isn't a good idea!" Raven said. Beast Boy averted his eyes away from her and knew he had to do something to make her calm down. Smirking he looked at her and leaned in forward which surprised Raven, because it seemed as if he was gonna' kiss her.
"You know Rae. You'd make a great dad...," he said taking her hand and holding it in both of his. "I wouldn't mind having your baby...." he said whispering in her ear, in a somewhat seductive tone.
"I-I" she said at a loss for words. " Um....," she blushed, feeling her powers attack the roof and whatever else was on it. "y-you're not a women and I'm not a man!" she exclaimed, finally getting herself composed, Beast Boy knew she was probably gonna' kill him for this, but it would still count as a first.
"I love you Rae..." he said, leaning in and placing his lips on her, shocking Raven so much that she didn't even move an inch.
That does it for my terribly cliche one shots! See ya' all when I actually get the nerve to update some of my other fics, until then enjoy these to make you laugh a bit!