I'VE FINALLY UPDATED!!!!!! (runs around in circles with her hands up in the air) I know, you've probably been getting a little annoyed at this point, but my plot bunny decided to run away, and I spent valuable time chasing it down. I finally get it back, and it's not the same plot bunny I knew and loved! :0 At first this story was going to be an angst/tragedy sort of thing, but now I decided to give it a happy ending! But that means a lot of other stuff has to go. I'm making some changes to the summary and the genre after this!


I'd like to thank all the people who acctually reviewed, favorited, or put my story on alert. If I miss you name, PM me so you can yell at me!:) They are Robinwing (), Azerath-Metrion-Zinthos, Brandy (),A Saphire Rose, Moonstar 11, Locket123, ahilty, Raptor Ookami (who's review was awesome, by the way), Sandfall, Gingerstar, AriusWinter, Demyx Is Mine So Ha, Linzerj, My Cheeze, Goldenheart11, and all you other nameless people who read my story but don't to anything. Thanks you guys1 I never expected more than two people to like it, so I really appriciate the support! sniffle sniffle :)

Also, just to let you know, the story is coming to a close soon. Basicly, I used the Warrior's world to get Beast Boy and Raven out of their usual everything so they could fall in love somewhere but Jump City. I used the Warriors because I love the bookseries so much! Hahahaha I'm so devious.

Don't own any of this. Like, how many times do I have to say it! Jeez.

Chapter Six

The training clearing was beautiful, even to Raven's eye. A large carpet of moss covered the ground, which felt nice and soft underfoot. A few branches waved overhead, making dappled shadows on the ground. Even the air was pleasant, a light breeze stirring her purple fur. But right now, Raven didn't have time to admire the scenery. Her attention was entirely occupied by the two leaders facing off in the center of the clearing. Firestar sat calmly on the mossy ground, his coat clearly owning his namesake as it blazed in the late morning sun. At his side was Brambleclaw, sitting there looking terrifying and impressive. His amber gaze scorched upon each and every cat, making it very clear that sign from Starclan or not they weren't to be trusted. He didn't intimidate Raven. After the monks of Azerath, it took a lot to intimidate Raven. Or scare her. Or affect her in any was. She wasn't called Ice Queen and Goth Goddess for nothing.

Across from the leader and deputy of Thunderclan sat Robin and the team. Robin sat with poise, looking calm and dignified, every bit Firestar's equal. He looked calm on the outside, but Raven could tell by the slight tension in his shoulders and the minute twist of his ear that Robin was anxious. A lot depended on what would pass between these two leaders. If Firestar decided to send them away, then they might end up never going home again. That can't happen, thought Raven. How are we going to live in these cat bodies before our souls start getting attached to them? If our souls have been put into cat bodies to serve some sort of purpose, then we can't stay in them forever. There is a definite time limit before a foreign body either accepts a soul and starts to meld around it, or more likely, reject the soul and have that person die. Sure, it doesn't happen right away, but we can't stay here forever. Raven took a deep breath, covertly steadying herself, and prepared to help Robin if he needed someone to back him up.

"If I may," asked Firestar, his green gaze locked with Robin's, "I would like to dispose of formalities and ask you some questions, Robin. Leader to leader. There are some things I need to know before I can decide what I must do next."

"I will answer if I can, Firestar," Robin replied, his eyes also burning into Firestar's. "There are some things I can't tell you, but what I am permitted to I'll say." Brambleclaw looked mistrustful, and appeared to be gauging the legitimacy of Robin's words.

Firestar nodded. "Very well," he said. "To start, where do you come from?"

Robin settled down on the mossy floor, ready for the interrogation. "We come from a city by the ocean." Raven snorted. I see, she thought. Robin's trying to keep this as honest as he can. That way, he won't technically be lying. Sneaky. Firestar looked confused.

"Wait…what is a city? I know what a town is but I've never heard of a city before. And what is an ocean?" asked Brambleclaw. Both cats looked like they'd never heard of the ocean. It must not be part of their vocabulary, Raven realized. They must have some words that are different from ours, like how they say "moon" for month. Raven decided to intercede.

"The ocean is a massive body of water, so wide that you can't see across it. And a city is like a town, only much bigger," Raven explained. The others gave her looks of mild surprise. She usually didn't talk unless she absolutely had to. Raven sent them back her patented evil glare, and they all quickly looked away and decided not to comment on it. Jeez. It wasn't like she was mute.

Understanding flashed across Firestar's face. "I see," he said, a look of awe crossing his face. "Ocean must be your word for the sun drown place." Brambleclaw, who had still looked a little confused, now seemed to get what they were talking about. Firestar went back to questioning them. "What did you mean when you said that you were protectors?"

Robin shrugged. "Back where we lived, we used to help other people…I mean, cats, all the time. We sort of earned the title."

"You are like our warriors, then," said Brambleclaw. He had stopped glaring at them. Finally. "We too protect those weaker then us." Starfire cocked her head, looking confused.

"I don't understand," Starfire said, looking down at her creamy orange paws. "What are these warriors that you speak of? Perhaps they are like the warriors of my people." Quickly, before Firestar could look into that further, Raven interjected.

"Starfire is from a tribe of wild cats who live on the other side of our city. She joined us because she didn't want to stay there," Raven explained, silencing Starfire with a quick look. Starfire needed to learn how to curb that mouth of hers. Sigh. If only. Turning to Starfire once more, Raven said, "Warriors are the cats trained to protect the clan, while apprentices are warriors in training."

"Oh," said Starfire, eyes wide, "I understand. That is indeed very much like the warriors of my people." She closed her mouth, finally, and looked Firestar in the eyes for the first time. After a few seconds, she nodded to herself, and then looked away. Raven reminded herself that Starfire was the future queen of Tamerain, and she had as much a claim on the position of as Robin did. Though, thought Raven, I think she doesn't want to lead because she knows that's what lies in her future. Perhaps, she's enjoying someone else being in charge while it lasts. Raven realized she had never made that connection before now. I've lived with these people for four years, yet how much do I actually know about them? I've been so wrapped up in my own little world that I've never really tried actively to get to know my own friends. As much as she tried, she couldn't squash a small trickle of sadness. What a horrible friend I've been, she thought sadly. Maybe, I could try to work on that without my emotions destroying something. It's worth a shot. Refocusing, Raven noticed Cyborg looking at her with concern. Leaning close, she whispered, "I'm fine." Cyborg didn't look entirely convinced, but he just nodded and turned back to where Firestar sat, once again speaking.

"What is it that brought you here? It's a very long journey from the sun-drown place, so you must have a good reason," Firestar asked.

The team exchanged a glance. "We came because we were needed here," said Robin, looking back at Firestar. "Don't ask us how we know, because we can't tell you, but we were sent here on a mission to protect you. It's in our nature to help others, so we came." Firestar nodded, accepting the fact that they couldn't tell him everything. Brambleclaw looked a little suspicious, but from what Raven could gather this guy was always suspicious. No changes there.

"One final question," said Firestar. His green eyes flashed warily. "Do you mean me and my clan harm in any way?" His gaze burned into theirs, judging for deceit.

"No," said Robin, confident and sure in his answer. Firestar held his gaze for a second, then nodded in acceptance.

"Very well," he said. "You may stay as long as you like. Tomorrow, we will take you on patrol and show you are territory. I will assign you temporary mentors who will instruct you on the ways of our clan. I will announce who later. Also, in five nights there is a gathering, a time when the four clans of the forest come together in peace. I would like you to attend so I can explain to the other leaders why you are here. I hope you will complete your mission." With that, Firestar and Brambleclaw rose to their feet, beckoning for them to follow.

"Come," said Brambleclaw. "We will show you the way back to camp." Before any of them could take a step, however, loud crashing sounds came from the underbrush, along with the sound of voices. Loud voices coming closer, and one voice in particular that made Raven roll her eyes. Here we go…


"Bet you can't catch me!" yelled Beast Boy, racing down the path. He had grown bored of the sedate pace set by his companions and challenged them to a race. Envy thought they were all in top condition, Beast Boy still had the edge when it came to speed. He was lighter and there for faster. They did a good job of keeping on his tail, though, and were a couple tail lengths behind him. All three of them had a competitive gleam in their eye.

"I bet I can," said Hazeltail, putting on a burst of speed and pulling up right beside him. Both cats were flat out sprinting now, breath coming in gasps. The trees flashed by at an incredible rate, only registered to Beast Boy as a greenish blur. Skidding to a stop, he reached the clearing in a green tangle of limbs. Popping up, he looked around. Hazeltail, Honeyfern, and Mousewhisker were all looking ashamed of themselves for acting so foolishly. Beast Boy snorted. These guys need to lighten up, he thought, adding a mental eye roll. Great, now he sounded like Raven. Not that Raven's voice didn't sound lovely. Beast Boy just didn't want to start sounding like her, even if it was only in his head. Speaking of the purple goddess, she was standing by Cyborg looking faintly amused at his entry. Beast Boy shot her a cheeky grin, and was surprised when wasn't followed by some form of withering comment. His heart started beating a little faster. Maybe she was finally noticing him! Rejoice! Disregarding the other people in the clearing, he sauntered up to her.

"Hey, there," he said, standing beside her, "Did I miss the party or what?" Raven shot him a look of annoyance. Surprisingly, it was good-natured rather than irritable. Beast Boy smiled broadly.

"Would it kill you to be on time for once?" she asked, giving him a dead-eyed look that somehow came across to him as endearing. Raven had a different meaning for everything. Once you figured it out that when she said one thing she meant another you realized that she doesn't hate people. It just comes across like that. With Raven, I hate you means I love you. Beast Boy blinked. (cue epiphany) Was that his problem? Was he misinterpreting everything? Did Raven not hate him after all? Could she actually…

"Look out, y'all," said Cyborg, wheeling around and sniffing the air. "We have company." Beast Boy drew in the scent filled air and winced. That's a lot of cats, he thought, scanning the surrounding forest. But why are they here?

"Honeyfern, run back to camp and get re-enforcements," snapped Firestar, while Robin drew everyone into the center of the clearing. Honeyfern dashed off, leaving the Titans and the rest of them standing around, back to back, in the center of the clearing. The sound of yowling came from the distance. Here they come, thought Beast Boy, tensing as he prepared for battle. For once, I am the strongest one among us. I am not worthless and I can do this! A surge of confidence rushed through him. How could he have ever felt weak! He felt like the whole world was at his paw tips. Like anything was possible. Caught up in the heat of the moment, facing a battle they might not walk away from, Beast Boy did what he could have never done before. He turned to Raven, looking her in the eye. Calmly, surely, he held her gaze. Felt himself drown in wells of violet light. This was it. This was his moment. He caught a slight look of surprise on her face before he spoke the words that meant everything to him in life. After all, you never know when it's going to be too late to speak. "Raven," he said, no promptu, no preamble, "I love you more than my own life. Always have, always will." And then the world burst into a blur of action.

That is how love is confessed. Not in the rain while someone cries for you. Not in a scene of dazzle and romance. Not at the perfect moment, the right time to say it. It is spoken on the edge of a cliff, on a road before you journey forth to places unknown. It is spoken when you're running through the night, fleeing disaster and the fire licking you feet. In the moment of power, on the edge of a knife between disaster and triumph. That's when the words you say will always mean the most.

They finally say it!!! Yay!!! By the way, I seen so many people lately confess their love and get shot down so this was fun to write. The world may not be right, but fanfiction can be!!! (sigh if only)

Oh, yeah, there are these funny things called reviews I like to get. They also make me write faster than my snail slow pace, so if you want faster updated then review and yell at me!