DS #9 A Life for a Life (10/10)

By Carol M.

Note: So it comes to an end. Thanks for all the kind words guys, I appreciate it. Up next, the disaster fic. It should be out in the next week or so and it guarantees to be a page turner, or well, more like a page scroller. After that, the D/B/C mission and maybe another story or two or three for Devil's Silver. Enjoy the last part, kids!

Darien sat in a chair in the waiting room, his hands gripping the sides of the chair tightly. He had gotten Claire to the hospital in one piece and they had whisked them both into a private room in the OB/GYN wing of the hospital. After several hours of screaming and a few choice curse words that Darien didn't even know were a part of Claire's vocabulary, the doctor came in and told them she was about to deliver. The doctor eyed Darien with excitement and handed him a pair of scrubs, but Darien had become paralyzed with fear. He pushed the scrubs away and mumbled something about going to the waiting room. That's where he had been ever since.

Alex was in the delivery room with Claire, offering words of encouragement and support, whatever it is that chicks do in the delivery room. Bobby was pacing the floor outside the delivery room, waiting for any news. The Official and Eberts were both sitting quietly in chairs next to Darien, nervous looks on both their faces.

Darien was terrified. He didn't know if he could handle a kid. He was so afraid of hurting her or hurting Claire again. So he had stayed away and tried to be as inconspicuous as possible.

After another couple of minutes, Alex burst out of the delivery room with a huge smile on her face. "She's here, she had the baby," she said with excitement.

Bobby jumped up and down and looked back at Darien with a look of joy on his face. "Come on, Fawkes, let's go meet your kid."

Darien shook his head in a panic. "I can't," he said.

Alex stepped towards him in anger. "What do you mean you can't? She's your kid for Christ sakes. Claire's waiting for you," she said incredulously.

Bobby gave Alex an irritated stare. "Can you give us a minute here?" he asked.

Alex saw the glint in his eye and backed off. "Yeah," she said softly. She eyed Eberts and the Official. "You want to see her?" she asked.

The Official and Eberts both looked at one another in surprise. "If that's okay?" asked the Official as he looked at Darien for permission.

Darien nodded. "Yeah, go in there, go ahead," he said.

The Official nodded, and then he and Eberts followed Alex into the delivery room.

In the meantime, Bobby had moved into the chair next to Darien. "What's the problem, Fawkes? You snap out of your little depression just like that and all of a sudden it's back. What's up?"

Darien looked at Bobby with scared eyes. "Bobby, what if I hurt her? What if I, god, what if I went QSM and hurt Katie? Or what if I hurt Claire, or hell, you again?" he said sadly,

"How many times do I have to slap some sense into that big-haired brain of yours?" asked Bobby.

"You're my partner, okay. You've saved my ass more times then I can count. A madman took your mind and your body hostage and made you do things that Darien Fawkes would never do. Let me ask you something, the last time you were in Stage Five before this whole mess, how many people did you kill?"

"None," said Darien.

"My point exactly. Even psycho Darien ain't that bad of a guy. You might push people around and you might do the occasional assault, but all in all, you're no killer," said Bobby.

"Yeah well, that not so bad guy also raped Claire. You forget that or what?" asked Darien

"We've been through this so many times, Fawkes. If Claire didn't love you and trust you with all of her heart she wouldn't be here. Do you think the Keep would have brought a baby into your lives if she thought it would be dangerous?" asked Bobby.

Darien shook his head. "I guess not," he said, eyeing Bobby with tears in his eyes. "Thanks, Hobbes. I love you, man. And I'm sorry I tried to kill you."

"Don't go getting all mushy on me now, D," said Bobby with a similar glint in his eyes as he pulled his partner into a hug. "I love you too, man," he said softly. He let Darien go after a few seconds and then eyed him expectantly. "So you gonna go in there or what?"

Darien wiped his face and nodded. "Yeah," he said, standing up.

Bobby gave his partner a little shove towards the door.

"What was that for?" asked Darien.

"Just in case you decided to wimp out and head for the exits," said Bobby as Darien opened the door.

Darien nearly passed out at the sight before him. The Official and Eberts were crowded on one side of a large hospital bed, while Alex was on the other, all eyeing a little person resting on Claire's middle. Darien looked at the little girl nestled on his wife's chest and nearly lost all of his breath. Claire looked up and saw Darien, a huge smile lighting up her face. Darien couldn't remember a time he had ever seen her look more beautiful.

She nudged the baby in her lap towards Darien. "Look Katie," she said.

Alex, Eberts and the Official all looked up at Darien and then back away from the bed, giving Darien some room. Darien slowly stepped to the bed and looked down at the little person staring back up at him. His heart melted right there and he knew he was in love. "Hey," he said as he reached his finger down at the baby's hand. Katie touched Darien's hand and then looked up at him curiously. "I'm your daddy," he said.

"You want to hold her?" asked Claire.

Darien stepped back, slightly frightened. "I don't know."

Alex rolled her eyed in irritation. "Don't be a wuss, Fawkes," she said as she stepped forward and carefully took the baby from Claire. She placed Katie gently in Darien's shaking arms.

Darien held onto Katie for dear life, so afraid he would somehow hurt her. But when he looked down in her tiny eyes, all he could see was innocence and love. He knew there was no way he could ever hurt something so perfect. He stepped over to Bobby with Katie securely in his arms. "Katie, this is your Uncle Bobby. He's your daddy's best friend," said Darien.

Bobby eyed him gratefully and then looked down at Katie, putting his hand on her arm. "Your gonna be a heartbreaker, kid. Just like your mom," he said, looking back at Claire with a smile.

Katie responded by yawning and closing her eyes.

Darien laughed. "Smart kid, already knows not to listen to anything you say," said Darien teasingly.

"Funny Fawkes, real funny. Let's just see whom this kid would rather hang out with on a Friday night, huh? Not you, that's for sure," he said.

Darien smiled and then carefully returned the baby to Claire's lap. "That's our kid," he exclaimed in disbelief.

The room filled with the soft sounds of laughter. At that moment, a nurse stepped in and eyed the bunch with a threatening glare. "We have to clear the room now. Mom and baby need the rest," she said.

They all nodded and started to shuffle out of the room. Darien kissed Claire on the lips and gave his new daughter a kiss on the forehead. "I'll see you guys in a little bit, okay?" he said.

Claire nodded and clutched Katie happily against her chest. "I love you, Darien," she said as the nurse started to wheel her out of the room.

"I love you too," he said with a smile. He walked out of the delivery room and sat back down in his chair, completely exhausted.

The Official sat next to him, eyeing him hesitantly. Bobby saw the look the Official was giving Darien and wrestled up Alex and Eberts. "Let's go get something to eat guys," he said. "You want anything, sir?" he asked.

The Official shook his head.

"What about you Fawkes?" he asked.

"Um, how about a steak, some potatoes and a glass of wine," he said.

"Cheeseburger, French fries and a coke, got it. You need to get some meat on your frail bones," he said with a teasing smile.

Darien nodded and watched Bobby, Alex and Eberts slowly walk down the hall towards the elevator. He could see the Official staring at him out of the corner of his eye. "Sir?" he said, turning his head to look at him.

The Official cleared his throat, giving Darien an intense stare. "I'm sorry, Darien," he said.

"What for? Now of this was your fault," he said.

"No, it was my fault. I should have protected you better, and when I found out you were missing I should have put all the bureaucratic b.s. aside and use all my power to get you back. I'm sorry you had to go through what you did," he said.

Darien shrugged. "So what's gonna happen now? Are we in trouble for busting up Royce's little operation or what?"

The Official smiled. "Actually, when I gave the president all the information about Royce selling his services to other terrorists, he was thrilled that we had taken him down. I also made it clear that you were with this Agency and this Agency only," said the Official.

"Wow, you managed to bully the president for me. I'm kind of touched here," said Darien.

The Official shook his head. "You know, when I look at you and Hobbes, I can see the real definition of a partnership. It's about caring for and protecting the other person, no matter what. It's not about stacking up favors and owing debts. I guess Royce and I, we just didn't understand that," he said softly. He looked up at Darien with concern. "Are you going to be okay, kid?"

Darien nodded and smiled. "I think so. It might take a few visits to Bobby's shrink, but I think in a few weeks, you'll see a whole new Darien Fawkes."

"Well I'd settle for the old one just fine. You're a good agent, Fawkes. Maybe one of the best. So, as much as it pains me to lose your services for awhile, I'm giving you the month off," said the Official.

"Paid?" asked Darien.

"Don't push it, Fawkes," said the Official gruffly.

"Gotcha," said Darien.

The Official stood up from his chair. "Well, I should be going. Tell Eberts to meet me back at the Agency, we have a ton of paperwork to go through."

"Lucky him," said Darien as he also stood up.

"Enjoy your kid and your wife, Fawkes. You deserve it," said the Official as he started to walk down the hall.

"Hey sir," said Darien.

The Official turned around curiously.

"Thanks," said Darien with a sincere look in his eye.

The Official nodded. "Yeah," he said with a slight smile. He turned back around and continued to walk down the hall, realizing that maybe he had paid his debt to Royce or God or whomever it was that you owed when your life was spared from death. He had done it by saving Darien's own life. And that had to be worth something.

That's All Folks