A/N: Hey guys! I know it's been so long! But I really made up my mind to finish this story, starting with overhauling the chapters. Here's the new prologue! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Gakuen Alice.


Natsume wasn't the type of guy who would mull over something for so long. However, the thoughts which occupied his mind as of the moment is not just some trivial matter.

It was last night when he discovered that the throbbing of his head and aches in his abdomen wasn't caused by fatigue or any along those lines. In fact, it's far from it.

He had cancer.

He didn't bother trying to find out more about it. All he knew was that he was way past its early stages. It had been a month when he felt the beginnings of his abdominal aches. It had also been one long agonizing month since he had been putting off seeking medical assistance and dismissing those as mere fatigue and stress from his work.

If only he had known better.

It was late last night while he was lying alone in his room when he felt it. He just came home from a tedious day at work and went straight to bed without bothering to change his clothes. The pain in his abdomen hit him twice as hard. Minutes passed as he remained coiled in pain on his bed waiting for it to subside. However, the pain only worsened. He had no intentions of going to the doctor in the middle of the night, but he was left with no other choice. This was the first time it happened to him. He experienced slight recurring aches but that was it. It went out in a minute at most.

He barely made his way to the hospital.

After the doctor examined him, they gave him doses of pain killers first before the consultation.

"Hyuuga-san," The tired looking doctor began. "What you're experiencing now are symptoms of abdominal cancer, I suggest you start your treatment as soon as possible." The doctor looked at him expectantly as if waiting for a reply.

Natsume was still distracted by the gnawing pain which was slowly ebbing when he heard it. He couldn't make his mind register it at first and thought that he heard wrong.

"What?" He turned his head to face the doctor hoping he really heard it wrong.

"These are symptoms of cancer and I suggest you seek treatment as soon as possible."

His running thoughts abruptly halted. He couldn't feel the pain in his abdomen now. His palms grew cold as the only sounds he could hear were the ringing in his ears and his erratic heartbeats. He slowly stood up. The florescent light above him instantly felt too consuming and blinding making him squint and lower his head. He handed the receptionist more than enough cash for the painkillers and chose to ignore the doctor calling his name as he slowly made his way out.

He slept that night (or dawn) with a very heavy heart.

If this was something like banishment from his company or being disowned by the Hyuugas, he can very well handle that. But the thing is, it's not. To face a life and death dilemma at such a young age needs you to be prepared, mentally sound and collected – which he really isn't as of the moment.

He is the Natsume Hyuuga, the alpha male during high school and college, the heir to the Hyuuga Empire, Tokyo's top three – okay, the most – eligible bachelor, the crème de la crème so to speak. At the age of twenty-three, he is at his primest state. He holds the position of Vice President as he is currently being prepared by the Hyuugas for his next one way promotion in 2 years time. The title "alpha male" is still attached to him even after graduating and entering the fields of business. And as far as thoughts on how the ending of his life would go, his mind did not pay a single attention to it even once…not until now.

Okay. Setting aside all his glory and pride, he still doesn't want to die of course. He still has to fix a lot of things. Seriously, if he did not know about his condition, these thoughts would never be entering his mind. His dear friend, Ruka who is beyond insanity in love with this girl Hotaru—no matter how much he denies it—is still in desperate need of his guidance and wisdom when it comes to women. He wasn't alpha male for nothing. Aside from Ruka, he still has his freakishly child of a sister stuck in a teenager's body who also desperately needs his guidance and wisdom to survive this cruel world. If ever he dies, the company will be on his sister's hands. And he couldn't possibly place the burden on her. And another thing that was immensely bothering him is how stuck up his sister is with a guy he doesn't even know the name.

He isn't actually scared of the prospect of dying. What he's scared shitless is the bonds he'll be leaving behind.

The sky was bright and morning rays of sunlight streamed through the slits of the window blinds reaching Natsume's sleeping form. That was enough to wake him up. He chose to lie on his bed for a little bit longer, pondering over whether last night really happened. His body feels normal, except for a developing migraine. Unfortunately, upon looking at his right side where his nightstand was situated, his gut plummeted downwards as he saw the bottle of painkillers from last night. Smacked beside him is that painful reminder that what happened last night was real and that from now on, he'll be living a life of caution. He heaved a sigh and raked his unruly dark hair with his fingers. Not that he has decided on what to do with this huge dilemma he's faced with, but as of now, what he really needs is to keep living long enough to figure things out. Will he be telling his family or Ruka? What will happen to the Hyuuga Empire? Will the burden be placed on his sister's hands if he chose to give up on life?

Natsume decided to skip work that day. He knew missing a day from work entailed double the papers and work the very next day. But he didn't mind. He needed time to think.

He dazedly placed a hand over his abdomen. It feels normal. It's like last night did not happen at all. He saw himself all the time in newspapers and magazines. He won't deny it. He's not someone you'd call unhealthy. Who can imagine that beneath these layers of skin is a life eating disease clawing its way towards devouring his existence?


A knock came from his bedroom door. Natsume has a very clear idea on who it would be. He grabbed a pillow lying beside him and buried his head underneath it.

It was when the loud knocking did not stop that Natsume gave up on the idea of sleeping in. He groaned and made his way towards his door, cracking it open a little so as not to invite any more unwanted sunlight to his room, revealing his wide eyed best friend.

"What the hell, man?" Ruka barged into the room in his suit. He already made himself comfortable on the couch at the far corner of the room. Ruka has another set of keys to Natsume's house, vice versa. And although he also has the key to the master's bedroom. Natsume had already explicitly made it clear to him that the bedroom is off limits to anyone, even him.


Ruka stared at him as if he'd gone crazy. He raised his phone as if raising it will give Natsume all the answers. "Well for one, it's not really all the time that I receive a text from you, not to mention in the middle of the night saying – and I quote –" He brings out his phone and reads, "'Take care of Aoi and don't let her go man crazy when she's 20. Take good care of yourself too, Buddy. Don't ever let your stupid girlfriend manipulate you. Ever. Oh, and Hyuuga Empire can burn to the ground for all I care. Don't bother replying. It's been nice knowing you.'"

Oh that.

Natsume sighed as memories of his solitary drinking last night came flooding back. Maybe he had a little too much and sent this shitty text. He cursed himself.

"Had a little too much to drink last night." Came Natsume's curt yet honest reply. He tried his best to seem as nonchalant as possible. He has yet to figure out his next step and he doesn't need Ruka until he has a clear plan. Ruka eyed him. And Natsume knows he'll be able to see through the façade. Ruka knew him too well. He then proceeded to the bathroom to shower. Fifteen minutes later, he went out toweling his hair, with a towel draped on his hips. Ruka was still seated where he last left him, eyeing him with that inquisitive glare of his. It's only a matter of time before he-

"Okay, something's eating you." –speaks up. "You send that sort of a text to me, and here you are on a work day this late. A work day! And don't get me wrong, I want you to relax since you've been working yourself to death every single day. But if you factor in that text you sent me last night… I know something's up, Natsume." Natsume chose to ignore Ruka's long tirade and proceeded to his closet to dress.

"You have to tell me or I won't leave, you know." Ruka stood firmly from his seat. Ruka has always been this kind of nosy and privy friend.

"Good. Then you better make yourself comfortable there." Natsume proceeds to the door without so much as casting a glance to his best friend.

"Hey, HEY!" Ruka advanced slightly. Not this one again… Natsume thought, seemingly already knowledgeable of what Ruka is about to say. So, knowing the next best thing to do, he paused and faced his best friend.

"This is unfair! Remember the time I got lady problems, who did I asked help for?! Or, or the time my dad fucking barricaded my room because he thinks I get myself into trouble too much, who busted me out!?" Ruka was already seething, frustrated that his best friend won't tell him anything. "It was all you! I could go on with my list the whole day if you want."

"I did those things all on my own. Not with the thought of you having to repay them."

"I know that Natsume! But let me-"

"Help?" Natsume couldn't help but smirk at the improbability of it. "I'm dying Ruka."

Ruka stared at him wide eyed. Natsume, too busy gauging the reaction of his best friend, did not seem to notice another presence at the door.

He sighed. Great, just great. "Imai." He greeted.

A/N: Please review your comments or suggestions. I'd really love to hear from you all. :) Note that Chapter 2 is yet to be edited. It will be replaced most probably by next week!

PS. I started a tumblr blog! Check it out guys! :) the URL is simply enilezah :)