Yey! Here's the next chapter..

Actually, chapter 3 and four is supposed to be in only one chapter but the night before posting the previous chapter, I suddenly thought of making two different chapters and that's also the reason why chapter three is so short. Hehe..

Anyways, I don't own S.A…


"Hikari, what will I cook for dinner?" Kei asked as he walked towards Hikari who's lying on the bed. "Hey, are you alright? You've been lying there since this afternoon."

"I'm fine Takishima. I'm just dizzy."

"Are you sure?" hikari just nodded and Kei went to get some medicine. "Here, take this and get some sleep. I'll wake you up when dinner's ready." He said giving her the medicine.


While cooking

"I wonder what's wrong with Hikari. She doesn't look so good." He thought. His thoughts are still on Hikari even when he finished cooking and already prepared their dinner. "Okay, it's done. Time to wake her up." He said and walked towards her.

"Hikari, wake up. Dinner's ready." Kei said and tap Hikari's shoulder. He noticed that her body's fully covered by the blanket.

"Hmm? Takishima?" she said as she slowly opened her eyes "Takishima!" she shouted and tackled Kei that caused them to land on the floor with a loud thud with her above him.

"Hey, what's wrong Hikari? Suddenly doing that, come on, get up." He said, his voice was a bit loud because of shock.

"No. I want to be this close to Takishima." She said not removing the hands wrapped around Kei. She's sitting on his stomach making it a bit hard for Takishima to breath.

"Please Hikari, get up." He said suddenly sitting causing Hikari to fall on his lap.

"No, I don't want to." And she hugs him tighter. "I missed you Takishima." She said and nuzzled his cheek. Kei can feel his pants getting painfully tight with what she's doing. Especially when she's sitting on his lap touching 'something'.

"Oh God. Hey, stop that Hikari." He groaned and pushed her away from him with all his might. "And what do you mean you missed me? I was here with you all the time." He said and looked at her. He noticed that her cheeks are really red and her eyes were almost closed. "Could it be?" he thought and touched her forehead only to find out that she really have a fever. A high fever.

"Look Hikari, you already have a fever, come on, stand up." He said pulling her up and carried her to the bed. "Lie down. I'll make some porridge." And he went to the kitchen.

"Hai." She just said and closed her eyes. When he's finished cooking, he went back to feed her only to find her already sleeping.

"She looks so tired." He thought. "Hikari, wake up. You need to eat."


"Get up and eat. After that you can go back to sleep."

"Okay." And Kei feed her, giving her water every time he thinks she needs it.

"Now go back to sleep. I'll prepare something to lower your body temperature."

"You're going to take care of me Takishima?" she asked.

"Of course, who else will? Besides, It's just the two of us here and I'm just returning the favor 'coz you took care of me when I was sick before." He explained.

"Oh. I see." She just said feeling happy that he'll take care of her.

"Yes. So stop talking and go to sleep."

"But where will you sleep Takishima?"

"Don't worry about me. I'll just sleep on the sofa." He said pointing the sofa on the other side of the room.

"The sofa is too small for you Takishima, it will be so uncomfortable for you to sleep there. Why don't you just sleep here beside me? This bed is too big for me."'

"No. it's okay. I'll do something about that later. Now, lay down and get some rest. It will be uncomfortable for you to sleep beside someone in your condition."


"No buts Hikari. Go to sleep. Don't worry about me, you should worry about yourself more. You're the one who's sick."

"O-okay.." Kei noticed that she's chilling so he wrapped a blanket around her. He decided to get a basin with cold water and a towel.

"I thought I told you to sleep." He said when he noticed that she's still wide awake after preparing the cold water.

"I'm not sleepy yet, and I really like looking at you Takishima."

"I wonder if she can say that without her fever." He thought. He began to wipe her arms with cold towel to lower her temperature. "Go to sleep."

"What do you think is the reason for your fever Hikari?"

"Hmm.. excitement?" she mumbled sleep taking over her consciousness.


"Yes. I was really excited about the vacation." the last words came as a whisper as Hikari finally fell asleep. Kei noticed it and just put the newly soaked towel on her forehead.

He can now freely watch her sleep and he can't avert his eyes from her red cheeks. While looking at her, he can't help but compare the cheerful Hikari who's always asking her for challenge and the Hikari who's vulnerably sleeping right now. He suddenly remembered everything about Hikari and the time she went to London along with other S.A members just to convince him to come back to Japan. His thoughts were cut when he heard her say his name.

"T-takishima…" She said and raised her hand as if reaching for something in her dream. "Takishima."

"Shh… I'm here." He said and held her hand.

"Hmm.. Kei.." she sighed and held his hand tightly. He can't help but smile because Hikari is dreaming about him and she called him by his first name.

I wonder if she'll remember everything when she wakes up. He thought and looked at their clasped hands. He gently stroke her cheek with his free hand and place his head on the side of the bed and drifts fast asleep. Hikari opened her ayes and smiled when she noticed Takishima sleeping while holding her hand. But felt pity when she realized that Kei is sitting on the floor while his head rested on the side of the bed.

"Takishima.." she whispered and gently tap his head.

"What is it Hikari?"

"Ah.. Eto…"

"Do you need something?"

"Actually, I'm gonna wake you up to tell you that you don't need to sleep there. You can sleep here." She said tapping the vacant side of the bed. "T-this bed is too big for me." She silently cursed herself for stammering.

"No. I'm fine. You can sleep there. I want you to feel comfortable so you can use that bed."

"I insist. Besides, I feel fine already so it's okay to share the bed." Kei doesn't look like he believed her but she still climbed to the bed.

"Don't pretend you're okay."

"Huh?" Hikari looked confused.

"Nothing. Let's sleep. You still have a fever so you need to rest." Kei said and gently wrapped his arms around Hikari.

"O-okay.." she said and moved closer to Takishima. Kei's eyes widened when Hikari move closer to his embrace.

"Oh man. This is going to be a long night for me." He thought.

Chapter four is finished. Yey! *banana dance* hehe.. I know it's still short but at least it's longer than the previous chapter. =p

Plesase R&R.. =D