sequel to Initiation is Over.
Just when they thought their troubles had moved away, another circle finds them.
A circle much stronger, with a dangerous eye on one of their own.

rated T
some rough language. probably some violence. I mean, come on- VAMPIRES.

I obviously don't own anything that directly relates to the Lost Boys.
I wish I could take credit for that, but sadly, I was still but a fetus as the movie was released.
I could try to claim that I was a very smart and talented fetus and I managed to write and direct this film from the womb,
but that's an obvious lie.

I won't have a specific updating schedule.
Chapters may come out one right after another or it may be a day or a week.
It really depends on how much I have to work.
But reviews help. Positive reviews, that is.
Criticize me if you will, but please be constructive.

Hope you enjoy.


hotel california

"Paul, I swear to god that if I look in here and all my underwear is missing again, I'm going to stake you myself. And trust me- it's no fun!"

She heard his laughing echoing through the cave and she knew he had done something. However, when she opened the drawer, everything was in place. Now she had no idea what that mischievous bastard had done. She sighed heavily, shaking her head. She slammed the drawer shut before bounding down the cavern she saw him enter moments ago.

"Paul, what have you done? My underwear is all there- at least I think so. But that means that you've done something else! Probably worse. Paulie!"

She laughed as she called for him. She strained her ears, trying to hear some hint as to where he was hiding but she couldn't tell. What little she did hear bounced off the cave walls and tricked her.
She ran her fingers over the rough cavern walls. There was virtually no light and she hadn't though to bring her own. Not that it mattered much; she could see well enough. It was one of the perks of her new life.

She had been wandering further and further into the earth for the past ten minutes and still no sign of Paul. She didn't realize it went so far. By now, there was no light from the main cave leaking into the opening where she was. If she was still human, she would have been scared. Actually, she would have turned around a long time ago. But she was different now. She didn't scare as easily. However, that didn't mean she wanted to spend the whole night trying to find Paul, or her way out of the never ending cave.

"All right, Paul. Come out! Are you even still down here?"

She heard nothing but her own voice echoing back. Deciding that a cave-in right now would be most awful, she stopped yelling. She was going to keep going as long as it didn't start branching off in different directions. Two things that carried over when her blood changed, that she wished had not, were her ability to get lost easily and her clumsiness. The boys were constantly giving her a hard time about it. Apparently those were two traits that only belonged to humans. She was special. But she had to keep going. Now it was curiousity that pulled her further down.

A few minutes more and she would forget about her initial reason for being there.


Dwayne was enjoying a moment of calm relaxation while he had the chance. It happened so seldomly, but a bit more often now that Kaiya was around to entertain Paul. They were so alike. He loved to watch them interact, watch their personalities feed and bounce off of each other. But this was one of those nights where he could use a few minutes to himself, so he welcomed the silence. Although usually the silence meant they were getting into more trouble than when they could be heard...

Dwayne lay on his back on the edge of the fountain staring up towards the cave ceiling. He closed his eyes and smiled to himself. It was the smile that could be seen on the happy face of a parent watching his children play. That's what Paul and Kaiya were when they were together- big kids. It was kind of adorable.

Speak of the devil...

"Hey," Paul jumped loudly beside the relaxing vampire. "Have you seen Kaiya anywhere? She was chasing me because she thinks I stole something of hers."

"And did you?"

Dwayne opened his eyes to see what mischief the blonde got himself into. Paul just smiled and pulled his hands from behind his back. On each arm hung a couple bras of assorted colors and designs. Dwayne closed his eyes again and shook his head before resting it back against his arm.

"Trying out something new, Paul? I think the striped orange and yellow one is most like you." Marko joked as he walked over and leaned on the fountain by Dwayne's knees.

"Har har. Have you seen Kaiya, Marko? I haven't seen her in over half an hour and she hasn't left the cave."

"She's probably hiding from you. Are you telling me that you haven't heard or sensed her at all?" Marko smiled at Paul, not really taking him seriously.

"No, she was chasing me. I'm serious, Marko," he shrugged Kaiya's bras off his bare arms and dumped them on the cave floor. "I can't hear, sense or even smell her. I'm actually kind of worried."

"She's not a child. Where could she have gone?" Dwayne spoke without opening his eyes. She may be curious, playful and easily amused like a child, but she didn't have to be treated like one.

"I heard her go down one of the tunnels. I just don't know which one."

"Well, there are four of us. Let's split up and look." David had joined in on the conversation as he exited from one of the smaller side all nodded and headed towards a tunnel opening. David spoke again before they began their little search party. "Are you sure that this isn't a game? That she hasn't left the cave?"

"I don't know, David. But she didn't leave. She would have had to pass me. And you know how she always gets lost. And you know that some of those tunnels leak in sunlight through cracks you don't see until it's too late." Paul was beginning to sound genuinely worried now. He couldn't stand still either and kept rocking from one foot to the other while David talked.

"All right. Well, she couldn't have gone too far. Let's find her. If she really is lost, hopefully it's nowhere near the surface. We have less than two hours before sunrise. Let's move."


A little over 45 minutes into the search, Dwayne thought he had found something. A sound carried into his ears and he just knew it was her. Who else would it be? However, he couldn't decipher what it was or where it was coming from. The deeper he went, the more disorienting. It was very unnerving. That was when he began to worry that Kaiya really may be lost. He picked up his pace.


After a while of walking, David stopped short. He looked long and hard at all of the rock formations around him. It was impossible. He couldn't have been here before, but he recognized this area. He had seen these shapes ten minutes ago. He was in disbelief. If there was one thing David was a magician at, it was tracking. There was no way that he was going in a circle or doubling back without being aware of it. Something was suspicious about the depths of this cave. Something was definitely wrong.


Marko didn't really think much of it until he had gotten quite deep in the tunnel. All of a sudden, he began to feel less and less of a connection to Kaiya. Once it began to fade, he immediately reversed his direction thinking that maybe he was moving away from her. But the pull didn't get any stronger. That was when he started to fill his head with concern. He turned again and continued down further, moving quicker and mentally reaching out for her. As he could feel her leaving their connection, he felt more distressed and alone. Seconds before she completely disappeared, he inhaled and got a whiff of her scent, sharp and strong. It was almost overwhelming. If he didn't know any better he would have thought that she was close enough to hug tightly. But before he had the chance to inhale again, it was gone. Marko began to panic. Something horrible must have happened to her. His mind began to race with the different possibilities- none of them pleasant.


"How the hell are you doing that?" Paul chuckled as he turned around for what seemed like the hundredth time to head in the opposite direction. The past 25 minutes were spent traveling back and forth through the same path. After a few minutes of going in one direction, he would feel someone tap him on the shoulder, pull a strand of his hair, brush quickly by him or grab his ankle. So naturally, he would turn around and head in the opposite direction in pursuit.

"Come on, Kaiya! Knock it off and come out already! It's almost sunrise!"

After another ten minutes of this game, Paul grew tired of it. Becoming less playful, he began to notice just how slim the chances were that this hooligan messing with him was Kaiya. Things got creepy real fast. He stopped turning around when he felt something and who- or whatever it was began to get angry that Paul wouldn't play along anymore. It began touching, pulling and pushing with more force. Paul swore as he continued deeper. Suddenly, the game stopped and Paul didn't feel anything anymore. The air got heavier and felt even more lifeless. Somehow it was more unnerving having nothing happen than having an invisible force messing with you.


David dropped down to one knee as he noticed his own boot prints in the sand in front of him, proof that he had indeed been there before. He cursed, though it sounded more like a growl.

"Why the anger, David?"

He turned his head over his shoulder to see Kaiya coming around the corner. He was already upset with himself for the circles he was unaware he walking in, he wasn't about to admit that he didn't sense her approach.

"And what are you doing down here, anyway?"

"We've been looking for you. Where have you been?"

"I've been following this tunnel forever. If it hadn't been a straight shot, I would have given up a long time ago for fear of getting lost. But now I just want to know if it ever ends. Am I going to pop up in Hawaii?" She kind of chuckled for a few seconds before stopping abruptly. She had a creepy epiphany. "Wait- if you were looking for me it means I had been gone for a while. It means you would have left a long time after me. So how did you get in front of me? Without either of us noticing?"

"There is something definitely wrong. Either this cave is not a single tunnel or..."

David didn't finish, but he suddenly looked more alert.

"Or what, David?"

She was more than uneasy. What had David so on edge? His eyes darted forward, down the tunnel and he sprang to his feet, stepping in front of her protectively. She was strong, but she was still young. She had only been a part of their world for a few months. She was basically a child, in vampire terms. If she was caught off guard, or by the wrong person- or thing- she wouldn't stand a chance.

David had moved so quickly that his jacket swooped up and blocked her view. When it fell it again, she gasped at the figure in front of them.

So, do you think that you'll keep up with this one?
Have I successfully pulled you in?
Well, what really matters is that I keep you the whole way through.
And that you like it. =]

So let me know.