Here is my new story. Yeah, i know that all of them are new, but this is the Bella that I like to write about.

Summary: BLITZ Academy. Home of the smart, athletic, basketball captain...Bella? Yup! What happens when Edward and the Cullens move in to BLITZ boarding school? OOC Bella and Angela

Disclaimer: Ok, I am not gonna say the disclaimer alone, sooooo............BELLA! GET IN HERE!

Bella: What? i was jut givin Embry a piece of my mind

Me: Say the disclaimer

Bella: No

Me: Say it or Edward gets it!

Bella: Who's that?

Me: Oh yeah, you haven't met him yet. Uhh, say it or.......OH! Say it or get Embry to

Bella: *evil cackle* with pleasure

Embry: UGH! Ok. Kd does not own Twilight. She does however own the character named Vanessa, and the plot, and bla bla bla...CAN I GO NOW?!

Me: Of course, besides, it's time for basketball pratice with Bella

Embry: *whimpers*

Me: Now, on with the new and amazing story!

Song: Start The Party (Jordan Francis)


At last, the long waited for day. My brother, Emmett, my sister, Alice, and I, Edward, were going to start attending Bark Landing Intense Training Zone Academy, or BLITZ Academy for short. Bark Landing is the founder of this amazing athletic boarding school. Any sport you could imagine, they have. My family and I were even lucky to get in!

Alice, although she may be a pixie-shopping-hyper nut, was the best girl around when it came to soccer. You couldn't get anything past that goalie. Emmett is the most amazing baseball player. There is never a player in sight that can actually catch his home runs. Me? Well, I play basketball. I didn't think I was good, but then BLITZ school scouts found me and told me that I would be amazing for their team.

"Edward? Edward!" Alice called, pulling me out of my trance. I noticed we were pulling up onto a huge campus with the biggest buildings for miles. Who knew, a small town named Forks held such an amazing Academy. I could practically feel the excitement coming off of Alice, and I could see it in Emmett's eyes.

"Alright you guys," Esme, my adoptive mom called. I may miss my parents every day, but I could never be happier with Esme as my mom and Carlisle as my dad. "Grab your stuff and head to the main office. I am going to miss you all very much." Esme said with a tear in hr eye.

Emmett climbed out of the car to grab the luggage while said goodbye to Esme. Soon, we were off, with Esme getting in her car, the last time we would see her in a while. Murmurs and whispers were heard all over the campus. Of course, we're the new kids, so we became the center of attention. In a hurry to get out of the crowds, Alice dashed to open the Main Office door.

"Why thank you, Pixie," Emmett said. We all have nicknames for each other. Emmett came up with them when we were five and wanted to spy on his best friend. Alice became Pixie, Emmett became Teddy Bear, and I became Blaze, for my obsession of fire at the time.

As soon as we reached the inside of the main office, I started to wonder how big the school really was. The main office alone was the size of our living room!

"Hello. You must be the Cullen's," a lady, who's nametag read Mrs. Cope, said, "I have all your papers ready for you here. Your dorms are waiting for you, and you will start practice and classes tomorrow. Goodbye," she said in a rush. I looked down to see her reading a book. The title read Twilight (couldn't help myself!). Huh, that sounds like a boring book.

Alice somewhat trotted out the door and headed towards the West Wing, where the girls dorms were. I sighed, knowing that Emmett and I would have to share a room, while Alice got her freedom with a new person to call her friend.

Our dorm was in the North Wing. I looked down onto the paper I was holding. It said we were in room 19. As soon as we arrived at our door, I heard music coming from the inside. Curious, I took my key and opened the door to see a blonde playing the guitar. Hearing the door open, he looked up to see us and smiled.

"Ah," he said, "I was expecting you. My name is Jasper. I am a hockey player, and I like to play guitar."

Emmett responded in his booming voice, "Hey Jasper. My name's Emmett, and I am a baseball player and I like to play pranks on people." I chuckled at Emmett. This was a first. He usually never revealed his secrete of being a prankster to anybody. Of course, I had only now realized that Jasper was waiting for me to respond.

"My name's Edward, and I play basketball and I like to play the piano." Just then, I heard a shrill and looked over to Jasper's nightstand to see his phone buzzing.

"Uh oh," Jasper mumbled, "this is the third time this week! Uh, excuse me," Jasper said before bolting from the room. Well that was…akward.