Hearing Emmett tell me that he thought he loved me was completely unexpected! I didn't know if I loved him though. I want to but I still hurt from Edward leaving me and how would the rest of them take it? I had decided to tell him how I felt.

"Em I really like you but I don't know if I would say I loved you just yet. I still hurt because of Edward and being with you really helps but I just can't say that I love you. I'm sorry." I told him sadly

"That's completely fine. I can wait until you do feel the same way and until then we'll just be friends. And I know what he did to you Bella but I will never hurt you I promise." He replied sweetly.

The whole rest of the day was pretty fun. Emmett never acted any different than he did before he told me he loved me. We rode Splash Mountain which felt really good against the hot California heat. I got pretty tired and told Emmett I wanted to go back to the castle and go to bed and he agreed but said I needed to eat first.

The next morning I woke up because my cell phone was going off. I rolled over to answer it and answered it. I had to pull the phone away from my ear because I heard an all too familiar squeal form the other line. It was Alice. I told her to calm down and talk to me.

"Omg why didn't you tell me you were hanging out with my brother?! I could have come to see you and we could catch up and go shopping and do loads of stuff together!" Screamed a very mad Alice.

"Would you calm down and stop yelling at me? He only came night before last and we've only been in California a day chick! Damn!" I told her

"Well still you could have called me or something." She told me

"Yea well I would have except you jack ass of a brother blocked me from all of your phones!" I screamed

"That bastard! He shouldn't of done that! He knows damn good and well not to touch my credit cards, clothes, Jasper, or my phone!" She yelled.

"Yea I know!"I laughed.

"Well Bells I have to go Jazz is doing bad stuff and needs punished." She said evilly.

Authors Note: ok guys sorry it took me so long to keep writing is because I have had some really bad writers block. Well here you guys go and I didn't know how to end it sorry.