A/N so… I took a challenge from Frostfoot-Dreamleaf and I have to write 100 stories, 1 for each theme, and hopefully finish before her, cause it's kinda a race. So I probably won't update most stories for a while cause of it. If you would like to see the list, and try to do it, just PM me or reply. Wish me luck.


The trees above my head were just sprouting buds, and as I padded along the path I felt that I was being watched. I didn't quicken or slow my pace, I just… walked. I shook my head slightly when I heard someone growl after breaking a stick.

"Come out Ash, I know you're there," I meowed loudly. When I turned around a white tom with black stripes and blue eyes was standing there with a lopsided grin on his face.

"I won't even ask how you knew it was me sis, I just wanted to see where you were going. You've been gone an awful lot, what are you doing in here?"

I shook my head and padded over to a rock lit up by beams of new-leaf sunlight to sit down, waving my tail for my brother to follow. When he sat down beside me I meowed, "You shouldn't follow me here; it's dangerous for you. If you knew what was out there, you wouldn't come back."

"Then why do you keep coming back? I thought we weren't going to keep secrets from each other, Shadow?" He looked up at me, his smile had faded and been replaced with a frown, "Why do you keep coming back if it's dangerous?"

"I have to come back Ash. I'm going to have kits and their father lives out here with a Clan of rouge cats. You won't understand if I tried to explain to you why I have to do this and you wouldn't make it if you came with me."

"I would too! You don't trust me enough Shadow," I looked at Ash; he was absolutely crestfallen.

"I do trust you Ash. I trust you with my life; I just don't want you to get hurt. If you must come though, you'll have to learn to fight and hunt, can you do that?" I asked, knowing there was more to what I said, but also knowing that I wouldn't be able to live without Ash. My brother nodded, and we stood up. I waved my tail and set off down the path, Ash in tow.

A yowl stopped us in our tracks and my fur stood on end.

"What are you two kitty-pets doing here? This is our forest and I… Shadow?" A brown tabby tom had padded out of the brush, followed by a grey she-cat who looked at Ash carefully.

I bowed my head, my fur lying flat again, before murmuring, "Void, I came with my brother as Pyro asked. Will you lead us to your camp?"

"Of course Shadow, how can I disobey my leader's orders?" With that he turned around and disappeared through the brush. I followed him with Ash padding quietly at my side and the she-cat trotting behind us.

We came to a dense wall of bramble with a small path leading through a tunnel of gorse and bramble. The camp, I thought grimly to myself, no turning back now. I padded through the tunnel behind Void and was met as I exited it by an orange tom with coal black paws and midnight blue eyes.

"Pyro," I nodded my head before I continued, "I have come as you asked and have brought my brother, Ash, along with me. He wants to learn your ways," I leaned forward to whisper in the muscular tom's ear, "and I can't live without him."

The tom dipped his head and turned to the group of gathering cats, "My Clan, you may think bad of me because I allow these cats to join us, but I assure you it will not be in vain. Shadow will have kits, allowing us more cats to protect the Clan and has brought along her brother, who, after he is trained, will fight and defend this Clan. We will no longer be a group of rouge cats, we will become a Clan; IceClan, I will become leader and Void will be my deputy. This will be a new beginning for us and we will survive!"

The camp was filled with yowls as the cats stood there and looked up to the sky, where a crescent moon floated high above their heads', smiling down upon their choices.

This really is a new beginning; for me and Ash as well as IceClan. I threw my head back and laughed like a maniac.