Hi! Sorry I haven't written in a really long time ( I really wanted to! My Muse went on vacation (twice!) and she didn't even bring me back a t- shirt! I really want to thank everyone for the reviews! And, yes, this was inspired by Princess Destiny's Spin the Bottle! I couldn't help it, it was too good! And I LOVE THAT STORY! I really hope she's not mad, since there is no way I could ever match her writing style! She needs to update soon! Also, I know Zoicite isn't really a girl (stupid dubbers! Why do they do that?!?!), I just thought that it would be fun to say "You're a girl!" about five thousand times! Okay, I'm just gonna write now! LOL! Enjoy and please review!

"Because you used to be one!" Ami shrieked, unsure of what had just happened.

Zoicite took a deep breath. He had just gotten slapped by the love of his life, who was claiming that he used to be a female. His cheek still stung with her rejection. He needed to stay calm. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?" he yelled as loud as he could. Sure, that was going to work.

"Steady, man," Jedite said, looking warily at the raging general. Then he realized something. Mars had slapped him. "WHY DID YOU SLAP ME!?"

Mars cringed, then yelled back, "WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME?!"

Venus, not to be left out, screamed, "WHY IS EVERYONE YELLING?!"

Jupiter looked at the brown-haired man. "I DON'T KNOW, WHY DID HE KISS ME?!"

Mamoru looked at everyone warily. All the senshi and the generals looked totally confused, and some looked on the verge of hysteria. "EVERYONE, JUST SHUT UP!" he roared, determined to stop the yelling before he got a migraine. He looked at Usagi, who surprisingly was not screaming. She looked shell-shocked. "Princess?" she was whispering so quietly he could barely hear her. She looked up when everyone stopped yelling at Mamoru's order.

"Does anyone know what's going on?" she asked timidly.

"No," the Senshi chorused.

"Not even you, Mercury?" Usagi looked pleadingly to her wise friend.

"Not a clue. All I know is, he USED to be a girl!" Mercury still seemed pretty mad that a girl/boy she hated had kissed her.

Venus looked at everyone. "Who is he?" she asked, pointing to Kunzite.

"Kunzite, supposedly," Mamoru answered tiredly, remembering the introductions.

Kunzite, though, was staring at Venus. He looked surprised and deeply hurt. "You don't know me?" he asked quietly.

"Should I?" she questioned. She looked around at her friends. "Do any of you know him?"

"No. . ." Usagi said slowly and calmly.

Mamoru looked at her in surprise. "Why aren't you on the ground, crying? How do you know the Senshi? And where's Sailor Moon?" he added as an afterthought, this question directed at the sailors.

"Sailor Moon?" Jedite asked curiously.

"Sailor Moon, your worst enemy? The girl with the tiara? Remember?" Mars was talking very slowly, as if to a child.

"Um. . ."

Mars sighed. "Never mind."

"So where is she?" Mamoru questioned again. He hadn't felt her transform.

"Haven't you guessed yet?" Usagi looked at him, amazed. She thought that it would be obvious.

"No, I haven't, Odango Atama."

Usagi ignored his comment. "Then I might as well show you. I need to help my friends." She shot one hand in the air and shouted, "MOON PRISM POWER, MAKE UP!" The familiar power surrounded her, filling her with happiness and joy. The red ribbons formed her fuku, then finished her gloves, boots, and skirt. She reached her head up for her familiar tiara, feeling its comforting pressure on her forehead. She did her pose, then turned to Mamoru. "I'm Sailor Moon, Champion of Love and Justice!"

Mamoru looked at her, shocked. "You do know that you're naked when you transform, right?" Then he looked at her again. "Your SAILOR MOON?!?"

"Yes, I am," Sailor Moon said irritably. "Don't you dare make fun of me!"

Mamoru just continued to stare at her.

"Is it THAT hard to believe?"

"Yes, it is," Mamoru said slowly. He picked a rose out of the air, transforming instantly into the well-known hero. The protector of Sailor Moon. "I'm Tuxedo Kamen."

Sailor Moon stared as her worst enemy transformed into her greatest crush. This isn't happening," she groaned, staring at the masked man.

"Prince, we didn't know you could do that! Did you know?" Kunzite asked, turning to the other generals. "And why does the Princess look like a Senshi?" he added as an afterthought.

"PRINCESS??!" Mercury and Mars shouted together. Usagi, the Moon Princess? No way.

Zoicite looked questioningly at the two Senshi. "Princess Serenity? The four Senshi are the protectors of her!"

"FOUR Senshi?!" Mars exclaimed, looking accusingly at Luna.

Mercury then got an idea. "Um, Kunzite, what era is this?" she asked, dreading the answer.

Now the generals were sure that she had gone crazy. "The Silver Millennium," Kunzite replied, as slowly as he could. Mercury was supposed to be the smart one!

"Oh, god," Mercury whispered. "Sailor Moon, when did the generals appear?"

"Well, I went through this vortex, and when I came back, they were with me!" Sailor Moon replied. "It wasn't my fault!" she added quickly.

Venus caught slowly on to what Mercury was saying. "You don't mean. . .?"

"Yes, I do."

"What?" Sailor Moon asked, irritated that there was something that she wasn't getting. By now, the other two Senshi had also caught on.

"These generals are from the PAST!" they chorused.


"Good going, bringing back reinforcements for Beryl!!!" Mars started screaming.

"I didn't mean to! It wasn't my fault! I really don't know what HAPPENED!!" The last word ended in a wail. She hadn't meant to!

"Beryl? Where?" Zoicite asked quickly. "We'll protect you!" The four men moved instantly to stand before Tuxedo Kamen.

"Um. . ." Tuxedo Kamen really didn't know what to make of all this. "Who do you work for?" he asked finally.

"You, of course! Prince Endymion!" Nephlyte was getting tired of this game. "Is this a joke?"

"No, it's not. We should go back to my apartment and talk about this. We're beginning to get stares. And pretty soon, we'll be mobbed," Tuxedo Kamen said, with a meaningful look at the Senshi.

"Oh, right!" Jupiter said, looking at the people staring at them. "We should go right now, in fact!"

"Apartment?" Jedite questioned.

"I wouldn't ask. Just come," Zoicite said as he started after Tuxedo Kamen.


The group all followed the masked hero down the street toward his apartment building. Usagi thinking hard, something she tried not to do often. She couldn't be the Princess. Princess Serenity, they had called her. Maybe she just looked like her. And Mamoru, her greatest enemy, her hero, was Prince Endymion? They had never heard of the prince. The Earth Prince. Something tingled at the edge of her memory, but didn't form. She couldn't remember anything from her past! But one thing was for sure. She would never be the Princess. She was the leader of the Senshi, for goodness's sake! She wasn't the Princess. She almost laughed aloud at the thought. It had to be one of the other Senshi! There was brilliant Mercury, powerful Jupiter, psychic Mars, and loyal Venus. Anyone could be a Princess. That was it. One of them was the Princess.

By the time that Usagi had concluded that, they had reached the apartment building. She looked up. . .and up and up and up. It was tall! And it looked expensive! She gasped as they entered the huge lobby. "Are your parents rich?" she asked Tuxedo Kamen, staring at a very expensive looking glass vase.

"My parents are dead. But they left me a lot of money," he replied, closing his eyes at the thought.

"Oh, Mamoru, I'm so sorry," Sailor Moon said, shocked.

"It's okay," he said shortly. He had never needed, nor would ever need, sympathy.

"Okay," Usagi replied, unsure of what she heard in his tone.

They arrived at his apartment number. Tuxedo Kamen took out a key and stuck it in the lock. They all entered the beautiful apartment, the Senshi looking around in amazement. The generals, however, looked less than impressed.

"Why aren't we going to the castle?" Nephlyte questioned.

"Never mind that. Let's just sit down so we can straighten this out."

They all arranged themselves around Mamoru's room. The five Senshi huddled together on once couch, Tuxedo Kamen sitting in a chair close to it. He would protect Sailor Moon at any cost. The four Generals sat down warily on a couple of chairs and another couch across from them.

"You start," Mars said coldly, staring at Jedite. She remembered all the terrible things that he had done. "What era are you from and who are you and who are we?"

Kunzite looked at her, slightly taken back by the glare she was giving Jedite. Jedite was trying his best to keep his emotions to himself, but the Generals were like brothers. Kunzite could see the hurt and confusion deep in the blonde's eyes. Kunzite sighed, then started to talk, determined to humor the prince, his love, and her Senshi. "Well, we live in the Silver Millennium. We're Prince Endymion's Generals. . ." he trailed off when he saw them look at him in confusion. "He's Prince Endymion," he added, pointing to Tuxedo Kamen. They nodded, but he could see that they didn't believe him. "Anyway, we're his Generals, and you, Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter, are Princess Serenity's, that's her-" he pointed to Sailor Moon, "loyal Senshi. I am the leader of the Generals and Venus is the leader of the Senshi."

They were still staring at him, then Mercury got up the courage to speak. "Why did you kiss me?" she asked, staring straight at Zoicite.

Zoicite stared back at her. "We're in love," he managed to get out. His throat was tight.

"And are we in love too?" Venus looked at Kunzite.

Kunzite swallowed, not sure what was going on. "Yes," he said shortly, unable to get anything else to come out.

"And us?" Mars looked at Jedite, hate still in her gaze.

He winced, but nodded slowly.

"I take it we're in love too," Jupiter whispered slowly, glancing at Nephlyte, then looking quickly away.

"We are," Nephlyte said quietly.

Kunzite looked at Venus again, who was still staring at him. There was no recognition in her gaze, just confusion and shock.

"WHY DO YOU NOT KNOW THIS?!?" he yelled suddenly, jumping up from the couch. Venus winced at the anger and hurt she could see in his eyes.

Then Mamoru spoke up. "Because you are in the future."

YAY! That was fun! I'm trying to portray everyone, but it's hard! Next chapter, I'm going to have a portion for each Scout and General's (including Mamoru and Usagi) thoughts. There will also be an attack most likely! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW!! Thanks!