Hello! I have not finished my other Sailor Moon story, but I can't help it! I have to write this story!! Teehee. I've always liked the romance that generated from that one manga picture of the scouts and the generals! This one takes place in the 1st season, before Usagi learns about her past as the Moon Princess. Enjoy! And please, PLEASE review! I live on reviews! Thanx!

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, not me!! Sorry!

Usagi skipped happily along, humming to herself as she anticipated seeing Motoki. He was so cute! She again pondered the slight possibility that Motoki could be the dashing Tuxedo Kamen. That would be awesome! He would definitely be-

Wham! Usagi suddenly rammed into someone. And not just anyone. Chibi Mamoru. She fell backward with him on top.

"Mamoru!!!! Why do you always run into me!?" Usagi screamed.

Mamoru groaned as he got up and offered a hand to the fourteen-year- old girl. "You run into me, Odango Atama!"

"Don't call me that!!!" Usagi shrieked.

"Sure, Odango Atama," Mamoru replied.

"ARGH! You're impossible!" Usagi marched right past the arcade in her fury. She marched home and sat down on the bed. "I hate him!"

"I take it you ran into Mamoru?" Luna asked, looking up from her catnap.

"Literally!" Usagi turned over onto her stomach. "I just can't believe the nerve of-" She suddenly realized that there was no pressure where her brooch was supposed to be. She checked her school uniform. "Uh, Luna, you didn't happen to take my brooch, did you?" Usagi asked timidly.

"Take your brooch? Your Sailor Moon brooch? Of course not!" Luna said sleepily. Then she realized what Usagi had said. "YOU LOST YOUR BROOCH!!!!"

"Shh. . ." Usagi whispered. She was glad that nobody was home yet. "It's okay, I probably left it on my dresser!"

"You better find it!" Luna hissed.

"I will, I will!"

Usagi got off her bed and started to search.

An hour later. . .

"It's not anywhere!!!!" Usagi shrieked. She started crying hysterically. Then she had a thought. "Wait! I bet that it got knocked off when I bumped into Mamoru! I'll go look!" Usagi raced off, with Luna at her heels.


"Bye! See you later, Motoki!" Mamoru called over his shoulder as he walked through the doors of the arcade. He walked along the familiar sidewalk, looking down at the ground. He saw something flash out of the corner of his eye. It was a brooch.

"Hey! This looks like Usagi's brooch!" Mamoru said as he reached down to pick it up. "I better return this to her." The moment Mamoru touched the brooch, his whole body tingled. His hair stood on end, and he felt like he was on fire. "Woah!" he exclaimed as he passed out.


"Hurry, Luna!" Usagi yelled as she raced toward the door. "We have to find-" Usagi stopped as her body started to tingle. "Uh, Luna?" Usagi asked timidly. The room started to spin. She felt as if she had been dropped into outer space. Stars and planets rushed past her. She dropped down somewhere, but she was so dizzy that she couldn't see anything. Someone grabbed her arm to steady her. She heard him ask her if she was all right. Just as her vision began to clear up, the room started to spin again. After rushing through the universe, she landed back in her living room. She stood there for a second, then realized that there was still someone gripping her arm.

Luna gaped at the scout. "Usagi! Are you okay?"

Usagi shook her head once more to clear up her eyesight. "Yes, I'm okay," she replied.

Usagi glanced over at the man who was holding her arm. He had silver hair down to his shoulders. He had a blue and gold uniform on, and he looked somehow familiar, though Usagi knew that she had never seen him before. There was a look of confusion and concern in his eyes. Usagi looked around the room again and saw three men that she hadn't noticed before. Two had gold hair, though one's was short and the other's was in a long ponytail. The third had long brown hair, slightly wavy. All were tall, strong, and muscular. And they looked familiar.

Usagi gasped. "Jedite! Neplyte! Zoicite! Luna, what am I going to do?" She thought for a moment. "Wait! Jedite, Neplyte, you're dead!!!!!" Then she looked more closely at Zoicite. "And you're a girl!!!"

They all looked at her like she was crazy. The silver-haired man cleared his throat. "Um, Princess, none of us are dead. And Zoicite here is very much a male."

Usagi backed away slowly. "Luna! Call the Scouts on the communicator!" she hissed.

Luna nodded slowly, then remembered something. "The communicator broke, Ami's fixing it!" she hissed back.

Usagi groaned mentally. Here she was, one Scout who couldn't transform against four evil generals, two of which were already dead, the third who had had a sex change.

"What do we do?" she whispered.

"I don't know! We could always run!" Luna whispered back quietly.

"Good plan!" Usagi scooped Luna into her arms and turned to run out the front door.

"Princess, wait!" Jedite called.

"Go, legs, go!" Usagi screamed as she raced down the block towards Ami's house. She could get the communicator there.

"Princess!" Neplyte yelled. The four generals were chasing after her, all moving very quickly. Usagi wished that she had her brooch.

"Why do they keep calling me Princess?" Usagi asked Luna breathlessly.

"I don't know. Save your breath for running!"

"Yes ma'am!"


Mamoru sat up slowly. "What happened?" he thought. He looked down. The brooch had fallen from his hands when he passed out and was now sitting on the sidewalk.

"Maybe I'll just wait until Usagi comes by, and then let her pick it up," Mamoru mused. He stood up, knowing that Usagi would come by sooner or later to play Sailor V. 'I wonder why I passed out. Could it have something to do with me being Tuxedo Kamen? No, what would that have to do with a brooch?'

Mamoru sighed and leaned against the wall, waiting for Usagi to come barreling around the corner. Sure enough, here she came, though she was really running fast! She was practically flying. She turned to look behind her and ran straight into Mamoru.

"Well, hello Odango Atama. Are you running from your own shadow?" Mamoru asked as he caught her from falling.

"Mamoru! I don't have time for this! I have to go!" Usagi screamed at him breathlessly. She struggled to get free, but Mamoru held her wrist.

"Wait! You dropped your brooch earlier. It's right there." Mamoru pointed to the ground where the pink brooch lay.

"My brooch! You found my brooch! Oh, thank you, thank you!" Usagi exclaimed. She hurriedly reached down and picked it up, pinning it to her collar.

"Geez, it's just a brooch!" Mamoru said, amazed. Even her cat seemed to be jumping for joy.

Mamoru heard some men's voices calling. Four well-dressed, official looking men raced around the corner.

"Princess! Wait!"

They stopped in their tracks. "Prince Endymion! There you are! We've been looking for you! We thought that the Princess could tell us where you are, but she ran from us!"

Mamoru looked at the silver-haired guy, then at Usagi, then back at the man. Sure enough, both were looking at him, though the man's was a look of relief, and Usagi's was a look of confusion.

"Um. . .excuse me?" Mamoru asked politely. He had no idea who this man was, or what he was talking about. "I'm not a prince, and as far as I know, Usagi isn't a princess."

The blonde man with the short hair came forward. "What are you talking about? And what are those strange clothes that you are wearing?" The man looked at his t-shirt and jeans. "Those aren't like anything I've ever seen!"

Usagi stared at him. "Prince? Princess? Is there something that I don't know about you?" Then she looked at the generals. "What do I do?"


"Luna! What do I do, what do I do, what do I do?" Usagi suddenly screamed.

Luna was looking at the generals closely. "Princess, princess. What do they mean by. . .nooooooooooooooo. They couldn't! Could it be?" Luna stared at Usagi. "No! It can't be! It couldn't!"

"Couldn't what!?!" Usagi asked, panicked.

"They couldn't mean. . .Moon Princess?"

"Moon Princess!" Usagi shrieked. Her? No way!

"Your cat talks!" Mamoru exclaimed, at the same time Zoicite said, "That's what you are! The Moon Princess! The Earth Prince! What is the matter?"

Usagi stood there, stunned. She couldn't be the Moon Princess. She was a ditz and clumsy and stupid and a coward. She couldn't be! And yet. . .what if she was?


Mamoru stared at Usagi. The Moon Princess? The princess who had haunted his dreams for years? No. It wasn't Usagi. It couldn't be! She was clumsy and short-tempered. Not the beautiful, lonely girl who called out to his soul at night. Then it hit him.

"Earth Prince!? Earth Prince!? What do you mean Earth Prince!"

"Why, Prince Endymion, what do you mean? You have been the prince always!" Kunzite exclaimed.

"Who are you?" Mamoru asked.

"Kunzite, Jedite, Zoicite, and Neplyte. Your loyal guardians, of course. Maybe you better lie down."

Mamoru suddenly recognized three of them. "You two are dead! And you're a, a, a GIRL!"

Zoicite shook his head. "I do think that they have both gone crazy. Do I look like a girl?" Zoicite whispered to Jedite. Jedite shook his head slowly, not quite sure what to make of his prince's strange behavior.

"You don't look like a girl to me," he replied.


Ami, Makoto, Minako, and Rei walked down the street to the arcade. Ami had wanted to find Usagi so that she could return the communicator.

They spotted Usagi standing next to Mamoru, and talking to four strange men.

Ami gasped. "That's Beryl's generals!" she exclaimed.

Makoto looked. "You're right! Let's get them!"

The four girls transformed and raced down the street.

"Usagi! Are you okay? What happened?" the four Senshi asked hurriedly, standing by her side.

Usagi nodded her head slowly, looking dazed.

Ami looked up and noticed that the generals were staring at them.

"Mercury!" Zoicite said warmly.




The four generals started towards them.

"Stand back!" Jupiter yelled. The men ignored her, and instead each swooped a Senshi into their arms. But not meanly. Almost. . .lovingly.

"What are you doing!" Rei shrieked in Jedite's ear.

"What are you talking about, darling?" Jedite asked as he moved to kiss her.

Rei lips were captured by his. Emotions that she had never felt swept through her, encasing her in warmth. Each Senshi was feeling the same, as they were kissed by the generals.

Ami seemed to gain her senses first. "You jerk!" she screamed as she slapped Zoicite across the cheek.

"What did you do that for?" Zoicite asked, as he rubbed his cheek.

Each Scout realized what they were doing and slapped the generals across their cheeks.

Ami stared at Zoicite. "You're a girl!"

"Why does everyone keep saying that!" Zoicite yelled.

There! That was fun! I'm going to have a lot of fun with this story, I can tell already. But now I have to study for finals (Spanish and Geometry tomorrow!). Please review!!! I LOVE REVIEWS!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!