I am so back MOFOS! HA!

alright so I won't go into complete details just know this:

Around, eh, I wanna say October-November ish, my mothers computer decided to first hate my guts, second get a stupid trojan horse virus on it THEN! it stopped working (With the internet) all together. So guess what I did ^_^

No I didn't kick it out the damned window like I sooooo had the urge to do. instead I decided to wait and get my own computer. cuz now I have my own computer ^_^

I didn't have to kick moms out the window and into the neighbors house :D !!!

lost a frisbey in that yard once... it would suck to knock on the door just to ask for the computer that went flying throw their second story window -.-;

The bad part about all of this...

Guess whats on the old computer that is currently NOT on this one!

thats right! all my fkn stories. time to start the remaining chapters over again... but not tonight (as its a HELL of a lot of typing and its 1 in the morning and i have to get up in 6 hours to do the dishs then head to work cuz i open, and put the truck away, and i'll be there till 2 in the afternoon... but whateve...) so i'll hopefully be updating soon again :) Wish me luck all and this is going on the following stories to let everyone know:

Fire and Ice

The Hunted ...

uh... actually that seems to be it. those are the ones i'm actually concentrating on lmao XD anyways so there you all have it. i'm not gonna even bother with going through this little AN and editing cuz it'll be gone, (Hopefully) soon.

Till then and to you all, we of the stories shall see you soon ^^

-love, peace and chicken grease! (J: thats just gross, T: Your face is gross, J: O.o oh.. real mature, T: XD)

-T :D