Disclaimer:Alas, I do not own any of the characters or Twilight itself. God damn it! S. Meyer is one lucky woman!
OK, so this is my first fanfiction so please be gentle. I would be happy for people to give constructive criticism and if by any chance you do actually like it then please let me know so that I can write more, but only if you want more.
OK, you don't really need to know anything before as it's all explained but keep in mind that Emmett and Jasper are brothers and Emmett is going out with Tanya. Rosalie and Alice are sisters and new to Forks. Don't think there is anything else.
So read and if you enjoy let me know please!!
Beep Beep!!
What is that? I flicker my eyes open to see darkness elope me. I take a second to get my bearings and find the annoying bleeping sound.
Argh! It's my bloody alarm. For a second in false security i still thought it was summer and a whole day in which to do nothing but hang out...
My eyes focus on my surroundings and i trudge my way through my bedroom that has been neglected over the summer, having too much fun to tidy up and clean. It's a bit chilly as I make my way across, it's evident that summer is definitely that I need the reminder. After I've made my way through the mess to my en-suite, I flick the shower on and wait for it to heat up. Suddenly can't wait for the hot water to wake me up so undress and get in.
God. that feels good,the water which is heating up hammers against my skin and relaxes the tense muscles from sleeping in the same position most of the night.
While the hot water wakes me up, I think of the day ahead. The first day of our senior year. God when did we grow up? I'm 17 for Christ's sake. it sounds so old, well not old but mature... for me. After this we will be going to college. I've been preparing for it researching and visiting them and stuff but I never really registered that that is where I will be in a years time. My first day in my first year at college. Jeez.
When I'm done and the hot water starts running out I step out of the shower, dry myself of and walk to my closet. I take a second to look into my sad excuse for a wardrobe and grab the first thing I see- a black vest and dark skinny jeans. What can I say I hang out with two lads, it was bound to affect me somehow. Better my wardrobe than my sexuality. Although I do have Tanya who tries to keep my wardrobe in check, doesn't really work though. Still like my Tees and jeans. Anyway why should I change what I'm comfortable because someone tells me it's not "in".Rant of the morning over with.
Pulling my hair into a ponytail after drying it, I grab my bag and head out the door. I stop to take in my beautiful blood red Mini Cooper, a present from my parents for the senior year. It would also have been nice if they had been here for my senior year but my dads always moving with his job, something to do with the law, I stopped paying attention about ten years ago. Whilst my mum is a travel editor and hence travelling the world writing about it or mainly just slagging off hotels or something like that. But since they are off around the world, they decided that I needed to settle down and hence they bought this place, with them coming and going as they pleased. At least I'm financially secure if anything. I've never really had a problem with anything concerning money which I'm thankful for I suppose. It would of been nice if my parents were around a bit more but theres nothing I can do about that.
As I made my way to my car I noticed out of the corner of my eye a tuft of messy bronze hair coming out of the door the next house along. I carried on walking keeping my eyes on my car in front of me. The last thing I needed today was Edward Cullen being his normal, arrogant playboy self. He was my next door neighbour and has been for the past 3 years, 4 months and a few weeks. I actually thought he was pretty cute when he first moved in with his mother all that time ago. How could I have got it so wrong? Alright I'll admit he is very hot but he is a playboy and uses women for one thing, I swear he has one for everyday of the week. It's pretty disgusting and degrading to women. I tut as I think about all the women I've seen come out of his house early on a Saturday morning. I feel sorry for his poor mother. Deciding that I'm not going to waste any of my time thinking about someone who doesn't know I exist, I get to my car and turn the radio on to distract myself. As much as I had to admit it, it took me two weeks to figure how to work it as I didn't dare touch anything in case I broke it, which would be typical me.
Disturbia by Rihanna comes on the radio so I turn it up and start singing along to drain out any inappropriate thoughts on my playboy neighbour. I make my way to Jasper and Emmett's to pick them up for school like a normal Monday morning. As I head down their street I turn the music down and pull up outside their house. I know they won't be ready yet, they never are and it will be a whole lot worse with it being the first day back after summer, so I turn of the engine and get out. I walk to the grand green door and let myself in. After 10 years of friendship you get to realise that all the customaries such as knocking or calling before you come round it starts to become annoying and time-consuming. The only rule is knock if a door is closed, believe me I learnt the hard way. I shiver as I think about that incident. And sure enough as I walk through the door, I enter the madhouse.
I am barley even noticed as the big, muscular teddy bear that is Emmett is running around like a bull in a china shop looking for something or other while the tall handsome blond also known as my best friend Japser screams at him to get a move on whilst he's packing his school bag and stuffing some toast in his mouth. Honestly, for brothers they are completely the opposite. Emmett runs around like a headless chicken and works himself up whereas Jasper is completely calm and tries to keep everything relaxed while getting things done. It's a gift of his and he obviously gets things done more effectively than Emmett.
"Hey guys! Hows it going?" I ask making my presence known. Jasper just throws me a smile and rolls his eyes as Emmett comes into view and screams "Bells!" at the top of his voice whilst pulling me into a bone-crunching hug. Before I can protest about the inability to breath he lets me go.
"Hey Em, you guys ready to go?"
"Yeah, we're seniors now baby!" Emmett dooms, God Emmett can be such a kid sometimes, yet I can't help but smile at his statement.
"Calm down Em. Yeah come on lets go." Jasper takes control naturally. We start walking towards the car and get in. "So Bells, looking forward to getting back to school?"
I scoff at Jaspers' question. "Yeah, I simply can't wait to be subject to the hierarchy of high school all over again." I answer sarcastically.
"Well, it's only for one more year and who knows this year could be different." At that we all started laughing. After 4 years,we know the drill, stick to the status quo and all that jazz. Don't be different unless you want to be an outsider. Luckily there isn't much different about me, just your average person. I was pretty lucky to have found these guys when I did otherwise I would have been a loner seeing as I'm not into the whole cheer-leader, make-up, fashion thing that the majority of the girls are into. I always knew I was different and the fact that I don't even relate to my two best friends even after 1 years kind of proves it.
We carried on with light conversation the rest of the way to about the summer and the years it used to be so simple. As I park Emmett jumps out of the car and shouts across the car park, "Tanya, babe" whilst waving at his girlfriend.
Whilst me and Jasper get out the car Tanya comes over. She's the sort of girl everyone wants a piece of. She's definitely one of the hottest girls in the school and all the guys are jealous that Emmett snapped her up. You wouldn't put them together but they go together well.
"Hey guys. How are you all?" She asks before she gives Emmett her full, undivided attention.
"We're good thanks. You?" I reply hoping she isn't too distracted by Emmett to not hear me. After about two minutes I realise that there's no hope so I grab Jasper's hand and lead him toward the school.
"I can't believe those two, a nuclear bomb could go off and they wouldn't be any the wiser." I complain.
"At least they're happy. Don't you want something like that with someone. He paused, thinking hard about something. "I'd say they are pretty lucky."
"I guess. Right I'll see you at lunch. Have a good morning."
"Yeah, you you later." He said as he walks off to his class and waves over his shoulder.
I think there's something up with him. He's normally just as impatient about those two as I am. I can't think of what it could be. I'll ask him at lunch.
I wander off through the dark, depressing corridors to my first class English. I quite like English, I enjoy reading and have always got my nose stuck in a book at home so have read most of the classics we discuss in class which to be honest can get a bit boring but still.
I walk into the classroom and grab a seat in the middle of the class and get my stuff out. Only when I've settled down that I take a look at the people around looks tanned and tired after the early wake up call. As I actually take notice of the people around me I realise that I know a few of them. Eric, a dark-haired doorky guy who has been trying to ask me out since the first year is sitting at the front, turning checking out the class too. I hope he doesn't see me and try to talk to me. He's aright looking but he gives me the creeps, he looks like someone who would go trainspotting for fun and spend all night wrapped up in some sci-fi game. Not the thing to look for in a boyfriend. Besides he gets too close. There is such a thing as personal space, I couldn't deal with that especially not in a dark cinema, I shivered just thinking about it.
Sat behind him was the head cheer-leader and, to be blunt, the slut of the school Jessica Stanley. We actually used to be friends before she became friends with Lauren Malloroy, got hair extensions, put make-up on with a shovel and started opening her legs to whoever smiled at her. Now however she doesn't look twice at me and when she does it's only to glare at me and raise those drawn on eyebrows as if she dares me to even say one word to her. Like I'd want to anyway.
The others I knew by face only after spending the last 4 stinking years in this hell hole. Just then this petite girl came dancing into the classroom, there is no other word for it, she was so graceful. She had jet black short hair and a small smile on her lips. She noticed me looking shot me a grin and came and sat next to me. I was a bit startled that she came to sit by me out of everyone and a little embarrassed that she caught me looking at her. I blushed a little as she turned and said, "Hi, my name is Alice Brandon. I'm new here. Just started today. So what's going on at this school anyway? Everyone seems pretty secluded and keep themselves to themselves." She looked at me expectantly and I have to admit she was a looker right up there with Tanya. I also noticed that she was constantly smiling and a little jumpy, I briefly considered if she had taken anything, which wouldn't be uncommon at this school. She was very well dressed and had a tight pair of black skinny jeans with a white vest, over the top was a waistcoat and a long pendant. I finally gathered my thoughts and realised that she was waiting for me to answer question.
"Hi I'm Bella. Erm not much really, we all have our own friends and interests. After the last few years, i guess we've all just settled and feel no need to get to know each other anymore. Plus there's the hierarchy to commit to, so all in all this is a great school," I finish sarcastically then change the subject before she thinks I'm a complete loon. "So have you just moved to Forks, I don't think that I've seen you around?" I asked.
"Yeah, moved the other week from Denali, Alaska. It's ok I suppose although you do have to drive at least half an hour to get to some decent clothes shops." I knew she was into fashion as soon as I saw her.
Before I could ask about the move the teacher Mr Wallace walked in to start todays lesson. Turns out we were looking at Dickens today, which was a bit of a let down. As much as I love classics I can't stand Dickens, he's so miserable and rabbles over nothing. Then again you would be if you were paid by the word.
English went by quickly enough and I told Alice that she should sit with us at lunch. I had a feeling that she would get along well with Jasper. She agreed and we said our goodbyes. Making my way to next period I couldn't help but like Alice. Her attitude and mood was infectious and I felt myself smile. I think she'd fit in well with everyone.
Next period went quick as well. Mike Newton came to sit by me and made small talk. He's a cute guy but baby cute not phwoar cute, if you know what i mean. A little enthusiastic for a Monday morning maybe and rambles while looking at me and clinging to every word. I hope I'm not getting another admirer like Eric, I just couldn't deal with the both of them in the same year.
It was lunch time and the morning had gone quickly enough. I went to sit at our lunch table which we had taken possession of by the end of the first year and waited for the others to join me. As I was waiting I noticed Edward bloody Cullen walking through the cafeteria doors and as much as I hate to admit it he looked good. He was tanned and was wearing a tight white t-shirt that subtly hinted at his toned abs. He ran his hands through his bronze messed up hair leaving it standing up on its end, no better than it was before. Then again it was all part of his 'look'. His angular jaw then strained as he smiled at something out of my vision. When I turned to look at where it was directed at I saw Jessica Stanley smile a supposedly sexy smile back although to me it looked more like a grimace but maybe thats just me. She returned to her group of friends, no doubt bragging that he singled her out. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he walked over to his friends and started high-five-ing them... which is then when I got disturbed from my perving. Yes, I did just admit it and just because he thinks with his cock doesn't mean that he's any the less good-looking. Thank you very much.
Jasper and Emmett then sat down across from me and started chatting. Hm, Jasper was acting normal enough now.
"Hey Bells, have you seen the new girl? The one with short black hair that looks like a pixie?" Emmett asks oblivious to the fact that calling someone a pixie could be deemed as an a bit offensive, then again Em isn't one to mince his thoughts, I hope she could handle that. i mean he doesn't mean it in a bad way but he says what he thinks, whether it be good or bad. i got used to it though so she must be able to aswell.
"Yeah, she's in my English. She said her name was Alice, she sat next to me so I said she should sit with us at dinner, if thats ok with you guys?" I don't see why it shouldn't be.
"Nah, why would it be a problem?" Emmett echoing my thoughts. "She's in my Maths but I didn't get chance to chat with her. Seems nice though."
"Hey guys, there's another new girl isn't there? I haven't seen Alice but there was a new girl in my History. A tall, blond, she was stunning and every guys tongue was hanging out of their mouths at her." I looked at Jasper questioningly, he saw it and said, "I didn't though, not really my type. And i have more respect for people than to gawp at them like that." I instantly saw that he was telling the truth, I know more than most how respectful he was about women. Never kissed and told, unfortunately, would have been nice to have some gossip on him although that is strictly a female thing apparently.
"Erm, no haven't seen her around. Have you Em?" I looked to Emmett and what I saw totally shocked me. He was staring over my shoulder with a look of shock and admiration with his mouth slightly open. Before i had chance to turn and see what he was staring at I heard Alice's voice behind me. "Hey Bella."
I turned to look at her and she was smiling at me. It was a second later that I realised that a blond girl who must be the other new girl was standing just behind Alice looking at Emmett with a look of admiration on her face.I looked back to Alice who didn't seem to notice anything. "oh, hey Alice. Come on and sit down with us." While she sat down I turned to the guys and noticed that Emmett had replaced his open month with a small smile and Jasper was looking at Alice with a little more dignity than Emmett had with the blond girl but I would recognize that look in Jaspers eyes anywhere. He liked Alice. i could just tell by the way he looked at her, he'd never looked at anyone the way he looked at her. I turned back to the girls and could see that Alice had the same look in her eyes as Jasper with a small smile playing on her lips. I suddenly felt a little like the third wheel until I realised that I was being melodramatic, they've never spoken to each other and as for Emmett, he has Tanya. With that I snapped out of it and realised that I had yet to introduce them.
"Guys, this is Alice and ...." I looked to the blond girl questioningly and she responded with "Rosalie or you can call me Rose, I'm Alice's sister."
"Oh well, hi Rose. I'm Bella, this is Jasper and Emmett. Emmett, Jasper, this is Alice and Rose." I said gesturing to the appropriate people. Suddenly Alice looked away from Jasper and I swear there was a little blush appearing on her cheeks. She then said "Well, it's nice to meet you all. Emmett, right?" Em nodded and she continued,"Weren't you in my Maths class?"
"Yeah, I think I was. So how you girls settling in?" He responded.
This time it was Rose who answered and looked directly into Emmett's eyes,"Well, you know, first day at new school,it's going well so far but only time can tell. As for the town, it seems a little small and has no decent clothes shops." As soon as she said this I knew she had to be Alice's sister.
"Well, maybe not but Port Angeles and Seattle aren't that far from here. Maybe we could all go together sometime?" Jasper's proposition was meant with quick agreement from the girls and Emmett agreed when he knew that Rose would come, i was soon the only person yet to agree. They all turned to me and I decided that I should go as I haven't been shopping in a long time and should get to know Rose and Alice. So I agreed despite my hate and impatience for clothes shopping. We scheduled for that also invited them to go to theirs after school with me, Jasper and himself. It's routine and I'm a little surprised that they let the girls in so but glad as I really think we could be great friends. When it suddenly occurred to me. "Emmett is Tanya coming round tonight?" While organising i had forgotten that Tanya normally hangs out with us outside of school and from the looks of it, so had Emmett.
"Oh yeah. It's fine she can join us too."
Since it didn't seem that he was going to explain who Tanya was I told them that Tanya was Emmett's girlfriend. Alice just said that she looked forward to meeting her but Rose suddenly stopped smiling and looked at Emmett who refused to meet her eyes and was playing with his food. The bell rang and we realised that we were going to be late if we didn't hurry up, surprised that lunch was over already. We dumped our trays and told the girls to meet up with after school so they could follow us to Jasper' house. Me and Jasper started walking together in the opposite direction from the others, as our classes were on the same floor.
I looked up at Jasper and noticed that he was off with the pixies with a weird expression on his face, almost like he was in complete awe of something. I decided not to disturb him and let him wallow in whatever he was thinking about. So we walked down the corridor and I said bye when we got to my classroom, all I got of him was a lazy smile and a quick wave of the hand. The next period after lunch was Biology. I went into class and noticed Angela, a quiet, smart girl that I have always got on with. Unfortunately she was already sat next to someone so I waved and smiled at her then went to find an old wooden lab table to myself.
I was getting everything out and settling down when I heard the chair scrapping next to me. I looked up to see who it was and my brown eyes met the most dazzling emerald eyes that sparkled with recognition.
A/N Please press that little green button and let me know what you think about it!