At the end of the chapters please read the authors notes that I have put in. Thank you and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own any piece of Axis Powers Hetalia. If I did it would just be about Italy and Germany making out and other fluffy stuff like this.


"Ve, ve Germany let's go already!" cried Italy. For once Italy had gotten up early and surprisingly enough he was ready to go before Germany was.

"I still don't understand why we have to do this, I could get so much wor-," but before Germany could finish the smaller figure interrupted, "Germany," Italy whined putting extra emphasis on the elongated 'y'. "You'll die if you're always working, working, working."

Germany sighed, it was no use arguing with this Italian man when it came to specific subjects such as why they must always have pasta for lunch and dinner, or why he always has to have a siesta every day, or why he can't ever do any work. Germany could go on for hours but his train of thought was interrupted when Italy started pulling Germany towards the door.

"Fine, fine," Germany said as a sign of defeat, "just let me put my shoes on."

"Hurry!" said Italy while walking in circles impatiently.

"Okay, I'm ready let's go."

"Finally," sighed Italy. He ran off then only to come back holding out his hand expectantly.

"What?" Germany questioned, "What is it now?" his German accent made the w's start to slightly sound like v's.

"The car keys, silly!" Italy giggled. "I can't drive unless I have them."

Germany cautiously backed up, hand on his back pocket that was containing the keys in question. "Oh, no. We almost got into an accident the last time you drove."

"But, Germanyyyy…"

"No," said Germany in a firm tone. "Fine," pouted Italy, "But then you can't drive either!"

"What?" Germany asked, surprised. "But how are we supposed to get any-"

Italy cut him off, "don't worry! Lots of people walk everywhere in Roma. Besides it's hard to find parking spaces anyway and we can enjoy the sculpture as we walk!"

Germany sighed, it wasn't that he hated walking in fact he enjoyed it very much. It was just that he knew that Italy would begin complaining that his feet hurt or something else after about half an hour.

They walked out on Italy's house and onto Via Nazionale.

Italy, began leading Germany with a spring in his step, "Okay, first on the list is breakfast!"

They walked up to the edge of the street and were able to cross easily since it was early in the morning and not many cars were out. As they walked into the café, Germany saw that the menu was in Italian. Well, that was a problem. So he turned to the glass counter that covered many different types of breakfast pastries. They had a large variety including some familiar pastries such as croissants to others that Germany had never seen before.

They sat down at a nearby table patiently waiting for the waiter or waitress. While waiting Germany turned to Italy and asked, "So what are we going to do today?"

Italy answered thoughtfully, "Weeelll, I thought I would show you around Roma, but other than that it's a secret." Italy smiled playfully ending his answer with a wink.

Germany sighed; he hated not knowing what others were planning for him.

The waitress came and started speaking in Italian. Germany told what Italy what he wanted and Italy ordered for him.

A few minutes later the waitress returned and set a coffee and croissant in front of Germany and an espresso and a chocolate croissant in front of Italy. As they ate Germany became amazed at the amount of chocolate that oozed out of Italy's croissant. But Germany did enjoy his meal even if he was constantly pestered by Italy to hurry.

When they left the café Germany was surprised at the amount of speeding cars and motorcycles on the road. Hadn't they ever heard of a speed limit?

Even crossing the road was a dangerous plight.

Germany was constantly pulling Italy out of the way of a speeding car or, more commonly, motorcycles until Italy whined, "Germany I'll be fine. This is my country after all."

Germany begrudgingly let Italy go. He hated seeing Italy in constant danger. Germany just wanted to grab Italy close to him and keep him safe. Germany blushed at that thought and shook his head to get rid of it. Sure, he wanted to keep Italy safe, he was Germany's ally after all, but hold him close?

"Germany this way!" Italy's voice rang out above the noise of the traffic, and his own dizzying thoughts, bringing Germany back to reality. He needed to pay attention to make sure he didn't get hit. After all Italy did have one of the highest rates of pedestrian accidents.

Italy led Germany through a small ally and into a small plaza with many carts of fruits and vegetables. Germany looked up at the side of the plaza to see a stone sign built into the wall that read Campo dei Fiori.

He pointed out the sign to Italy and Italy grinned and answered "Campo dei Fiori, the Marketplace of Flowers."

Germany looked around the market it certainly deserved the name. There were spring flowers blooming in every possible place, and a few that seemed impossible such as in between the stones that lined the road. But, it was a nice place bustling with life and enjoyment.

Italy was bursting with joy, "Ve, ve Germany let's get some fresh pasta and tomatoes!" Germany smirked with Italy the subject always turned to pasta. He nodded, "As long as I don't have to cook it."

Because even if Italy only cooked pasta, Germany had to admit that it was tasty.

"Uwaah!" Italy exclaimed, surprised. It was surprising that Germany even let him get pasta in the first place. He then gave Germany a hug and a peck on the cheek, "Grazie, Germany!"

Germany blushed and stuttered, "I–idiot what are you doing in public?"

Italy just smiled in return. Germany thought to himself, "idiot why does he always do that sort of thing, and especially in public?" But, more importantly why did those actions always make his heart beat so fast? He had never felt this way before, or had he. Germany felt that he had experienced such feelings before when he was younger but his memory failed him as usual when it involved something in his childhood.

"Ve, ve Germany," said Italy while waving a hand in front of Germany's distant expression. "Let's go."

Germany looked down upon the attention depraved Italian and gestured towards him saying, "Lead the way."


So you must be wondering why I asked you to read this section huh? Well, just read it and you'll understand.

So, this fanfic is based on the trip I had going to Italy for spring break in March. So to describe it accurately this fanfic takes place in Spring. Also, they will be visiting the places that I visited upon going there so my descriptions should be relatively accurate, and there will be some basic Italian words thrown in. For any complicated ones I'll put a translation at the bottom. Or message me I don't mind.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'll be diligently posting a new chapter up every friday or if you're lucky maybe I'll post sooner. But please Review. BTW one more thing, criticism is highly appreciated so long as it is constructive. ^-^

P.S. This is in fact my first time writing yaoi if you can tell.

P.S.S. This is the new beta-ed version.